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  1. Ants

    Politics So I guess when the shit hits the fan, everyone's a socialist

    And from my previous posts, I didn't say it wasn't still the right option to do. Or that I would change anything if we could redo it (who am I kidding, I'd have used it as an excuse to increase taxes on the rich!). What I am saying though is we need to recognise it had consequences and we...
  2. Ants

    Politics So I guess when the shit hits the fan, everyone's a socialist

    Yep, about the time the governments stopped giving out lots of money...
  3. Ants

    Politics So I guess when the shit hits the fan, everyone's a socialist

    As I mentioned above, profiteering because high inflation let's you is a normal facet of increased inflation. It wasn't the original driver.
  4. Ants

    Politics So I guess when the shit hits the fan, everyone's a socialist

    Heh, at least he's finally being honest. It was never about the facts, it was blaming stuff he didn't like on socialism regardless.
  5. Ants

    Politics So I guess when the shit hits the fan, everyone's a socialist

    The issue with your statement is twofold. Firstly, it doesn't actually touch on whether the government spending, even if it led to inflation, wasn't still the right and best thing to do. Secondly, you are blaming socialism for something that wasn't socialism. As has been pointed out above. If...
  6. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    Look, if the jump was due to the contract and Pelosi knew, then I absolutely agree its an issue. However, we're down from Microsoft jumping hugely in April (when if it was really a reaction to this news you'd expect the jump to be immediately after the announcement) to out-performing the NASDAQ...
  7. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    The NASDAQ has gone up 8% since 30 March.
  8. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    The share price has been going up all year. You're trying to claim that 2 weeks of improvement were down to a single announcement shows a significant lack of understanding of what happens. If the deal was a major event, the share price would have jumped.
  9. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    I went and looked into this, and it appears that this is misleading. Microsoft has been going up generally and lots of people have got on. The share price didn't jump in response to the government contract, which although a big number is less than 2% of annual revenue for Microsoft. So the...
  10. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    Except this is already illegal, and nobody has said it shouldn't be illegal. Outside of the Dems wanting to make it easier to vote, what "vehicle" are the Dems pushing with this? You do realise there would be a simple solution? Ensure polls are sufficiently staffed so that wait times are...
  11. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    It's not just racist. Its aimed at a number of groups who traditionally vote Democrat. Why is it? Because AA are more likely to be homeless, and not have that information/ID available. Because AA are more likely to come from broken homes where records of the SS number provided at birth...
  12. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    I would no more consider Reddit as a representative of "The Right" than I would any message board a representative of "The Left".
  13. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    I'm not sure how this would be different than with government, where for every stuff up there were 20 other departments that were running fine.
  14. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    So, you're challenged to back up your assertions against Oliver and your response is that it can't be done because they're comedy, and then switch the discussion to someone else. Which implies that you don't have evidence, you just don't like what he portrays. And yes, if Waleed's...
  15. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    That would be fair if it occurred. Can you show some regular examples of it occurring?
  16. Ants

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    It turns out giving advice is the equivalent of being told what to do in the bedroom. That a poster thinks whether to wear face masks is a political right/left wing thing says more about the poster and whether they want a legitimate debate than anything else.
  17. Ants

    Politics Alt right storm usa capital

    Always pesky when those biased posters happen to have facts, evidence and logic on their side. Damn them!
  18. Ants

    Politics Alt right storm usa capital

    1) Um, yes, can argue with that. Since its clearly wrong. The media is far more right-wing biased than left-wing. The right-wing just doesn't like when neutral media calls out their lies/idiocy/hypocrisy/racism. Those pesky things called facts. 2) Which would be fine if the debt had been...
  19. Ants

    Politics Alt right storm usa capital

    Yes, and now days there is a large consensus that trickle down economics doesn't work. It is also well known that taking on debt when the economy is going well is also backwards. You can't have it both ways, fix the corruption while letting the companies pay hardly any tax. Um, no. He...
  20. Ants

    Politics Alt right storm usa capital

    So they reacted to that in 2016 by voting in a guy who gutted regulation of companies, gave a tax cut to the rich, tried to gut the public provision of healthcare, the guy voted in with less than 50% of the population supporting him, for the party who restricts voting access, whose party stole...
  21. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    It depends on the context. If someone is making an Argument for A, responding "but that is hypocritical" is, I agree with you, not a relevant argument. Whether someone is being hypocritical, or simply their position has changed (or neither has occurred and they've been consistent), doesn't...
  22. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    It depends a little on what it is. I think the meme about the $2000 pointed out a valid hypocrisy. I've got no idea how the dating one is relevant to the thread. If we're showing individual people on the right (or left for the other thread) are hypocrites/liars, well the threads will fill up...
  23. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    So to be clear, you are happy with unmarked government agents taking people off the street without identifying themselves, without arresting the individuals, and without saying why they're being grabbed? Sure it was a bit of a rant. Unfortunately, that doesn't make any element of it...
  24. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    What is cancel culture? It is a combination of boycotting and protesting outside offices, except in the 21st century utilising social media. It's nothing new, it's been happening for decades by all sides of politics. All that is new is that the current platforms it can occur on have given...
  25. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    Not a politician, but a right wing (Fox) reporter. Not exactly hypocrisy, but very inaccurate and/or stupid.
  26. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    I really like how the "Karens" are also privileged white males being targeted....
  27. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    I think it has more to a narrowing of media sources people are consuming, and more group think. Plus, 30 years of limited wage growth and poorer and poorer government support. On T2B_ 's comments, I'm not sure what basis there is to say any material part of the left is embracing fascism...
  28. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    Well, if you applied that list to US Republicans they would all check it off. Maybe not the statues, but heh, we can replace those with supporting police murders, so heh.
  29. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    Um, the revolutions that had happened years earlier after/during WWI?
  30. Ants

    Politics Hypocrisy of The Right.

    Yes, but if WWII had never occurred, the likelihood of the USSR invading is considerably less, and the likelihood of a war against them much lower.