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  1. Ants

    Help needed!

    Thanks. Its a comp where we're going to auction off players, so none of them have a "price" per se. Points are for goals & assists, and defenders get points for games played, and lose points for goals conceded while on the pitch. We're also limited to 2 players from each team. Pretty...
  2. Ants

    Help needed!

    Thanks. I'm in London, not sure if I'll go to a game or not. I've been to a Championship game before.
  3. Ants

    Help needed!

    Ok, I'm in the UK and my work has a fantasy league where we're all bidding at an auction for players from the EPL. Pretty much points are for goals, goal assists, or not conceding (defenders & goalies). Now, I quite like watching soccer. I'll watch a game, follow the world cup/european...