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  1. conrad_437

    Vintage Bay Mofra's Bottom 50 for 2023

    Christmas has come early
  2. conrad_437

    Moved Thread For non vic fans who disdain the AFL competition

    Because people love to be disingenuous. Because people love nothing more than to have an easy scapegoat for why they, or a personal interest such as their football team, isn't successful. Despite the fact that the competition is incredibly equitable (relative to most leagues around the world)...
  3. conrad_437

    Goo Trent Cotchin retires, the equal most successful captain of the modern era.

    Yep, don't mind admitting that he's up there with the great captains of this generation and played a huge role in his team's success. Just hate how Richmond supporters run rampant on the main board and make everything a **** measuring contest
  4. conrad_437

    Goo Trent Cotchin retires, the equal most successful captain of the modern era.

    Didn't know Luke Hodge retired again?
  5. conrad_437

    Moved Thread Jamarra Ugle-Hagan will end up more valuable than Nick Daicos

    I don’t necessarily disagree with a lot of what he’s saying, but the manner of discussion is pretty awful and just creates a shit thread. The discussion of whether an elite key forward is more valuable than a goal kicking midfielder is an interesting one. Is this thread premature to suggest JUH...
  6. conrad_437

    Moved Thread Jamarra Ugle-Hagan will end up more valuable than Nick Daicos

    The lack of self awareness is... troubling. Oh well, jog on I guess. I like Jamarra as much has you but there's nothing productive about arguing immaturely with every person who disagrees. Grow up.
  7. conrad_437

    Moved Thread Jamarra Ugle-Hagan will end up more valuable than Nick Daicos

    This thread is hard to read. Hope opposition fans don't see Bulldogs supporters as they see this numpty...
  8. conrad_437

    Moved Thread Jamarra Ugle-Hagan will end up more valuable than Nick Daicos

    I hate threads like these
  9. conrad_437

    Moved Thread Jamarra Ugle-Hagan will end up more valuable than Nick Daicos

    Hard to argue considering how well Daicos is doing right now, but I'm genuinely as excited watching Jamarra as I was watching a young Bont. He just looks so dominant inside 50 at the moment. Obviously his goalkicking has been atrocious, but I'm sure that'll be ironed out. Again, hard to argue...
  10. conrad_437

    People and things Mark Robinson also thinks are the greatest

    Probably not Anthony Hudson circa 2012.
  11. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Pretty much the standard for professional athletes of that fame. As you get older you realise how prevalent it is.
  12. conrad_437

    Meltdown 2021 Meltdown of the Year - Voting now open

    Fell victim to the Bushranger :(
  13. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    FACT: Bailey Smith is the Western Bulldogs most talented young midfielder (and probably 2nd to Walsh in that respect) FACT: Western Bulldogs midfield isn't getting younger FACT: Aside from Naughton, Bailey Smith is the most important part of the Bulldog's future FACT: The kid has massive...
  14. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Exactly. So you can believe in things that are completely and undeniably wrong, no?
  15. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Ah, a flat-earther's manifesto.
  16. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    20 year old man wants to have fun. Sue him.
  17. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    "Lots" that were all on the same night. Keep going. It's funny.
  18. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Hahahaha Geez those Dees seem like a party crew don't they? Players are allowed to go out, especially when the season is over. He is partying no more than the rest of the team is.
  19. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Pretty naive of him to say that. Apparently the club told him to loosen up a bit and not obsess over footy like he was before he was drafted (the whole calculating calories, weighing his food and carefully regimenting his training). From that he was probably told it's fine to selectively get on...
  20. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    There's one video of him out during the season in Adelaide. I've been to several places in Melbourne where prominent AFL players were letting loose a bit. You'd be more worried if they didn't. Player goes out with the rest of the team when his season is done? = Party boy, according to you.
  21. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    I was thinking it couldn't get funnier. Then it did.
  22. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Maybe we should be checking Lavender's height instead!
  23. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    It's amazing how narcissistic some people can be that they genuinely reckon that they, even in the overwhelming minority, are correct.
  24. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    We don’t really need a key defender. Ruckman yes, but we rarely get dominated by key forwards and when we do, it’s due to a lack of midfield workrate allowing quick entries.
  25. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    What would trading away our best young midfielder achieve?
  26. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Fair enough. Suppose it's subjective, but I reckon we have to at least wait until halfway through next year to determine whether Dunkley is expendable.
  27. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    I agree to an extent. We have plenty of talent around the park - Keath, Dale, Daniel are all AA calibre in the back half, Williams had a poor game but has been impressive this season, and Duyrea is dependable. Midfield speaks for itself, and in the forward half we have Naughton, Weightman...
  28. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    Polar opposites realisitcally.
  29. conrad_437

    Would You Trade Bailey Smith?

    I think Kangaroos supporters suggesting Gavin Urqhart would be better than Scott Pendlebury takes the cake: