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  1. Braklet


    I'm sure you've seen Logan's Run
  2. Braklet


    Renewal on the Carrousel
  3. Braklet

    Official Team Thread 🐍Ophidian Old Boys S38 Official Team Thread: magnus serpens duo pocula nostra habet 🏆🏆

    Imagine being the first one on that trail, i.e. before the planks and handholds were in place... Same here (El Caminito, Espagna):
  4. Braklet

    Official Team Thread 🐍Ophidian Old Boys S38 Official Team Thread: magnus serpens duo pocula nostra habet 🏆🏆

    I used to backpack while in college, it was OK but too much work. Prefer car camping with a nice cooler full of beers, etc.. I'm not all that afraid of heights, but that rockclimbing camping stuff is a big old NOPE.
  5. Braklet

    Media Q Scores (Head to Head performances) S38 - signups open

    FINALLY, something that fits my motivation budget nicely! IN
  6. Braklet

    Sport All things OLYMPICS

    I set my DVR to record all the Olympic stuff... haven't watched any yet. 😸
  7. Braklet

    Media Qooty outside Sweet - The Alterqoot

    You're a man on a mission, Mobbs.
  8. Braklet

    Mod. Notice Vale Grand Uncle Horace

    Here it is:
  9. SEN-Craig-on-GUH-2.mp3


  10. Braklet

    Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

    I think you meant "retroactive."
  11. Braklet

    Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

    Is that legal, serial_thrilla?
  12. Braklet

    Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

    Been rewatching The Sopranos. This scene still bums me out...
  13. Braklet

    Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

    Tough, but fair.
  14. Braklet

    Resource Season 38 Rules and Tribunal Thread

    The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
  15. Braklet

    2024 Off-Topic Chat Thread - time for a title update 😁

    I just want a bus that will hit 300mph...
  16. Braklet

    Mod. Notice Vale Grand Uncle Horace

    GUH was a hell of a character, and one of the most steadfast (virtual) pals in my short time in the Sweet FA. I will miss him, greatly.
  17. Braklet

    State of Origin SERIES XIX - GRAND FINAL - Western Australia vs Allies @ Perth Stadium

    YES, it's clearly a lot of good work, all of us lazy slobs appreciate it!
  18. Braklet

    State of Origin Series XIX | The Allies Team Thread ... Defending Champions!

    'Twas great fun, team! Back to back tastes sweet!
  19. Braklet

    State of Origin SERIES XIX - GRAND FINAL - Western Australia vs Allies @ Perth Stadium

    Great game Allies, how good are back to back series cups? Commiserations WAilers, ya put up a fight but we were not to be DenieD. Many thanks to Wosh for her posts & time, and many thanks to all those who keep the SOO series up and running. The real prize is all the friends we made along the...
  20. Braklet

    State of Origin SERIES XIX - GRAND FINAL - Western Australia vs Allies @ Perth Stadium

    California does that, or did that anyway back when I lived there. Always surprised the visiting Easterners, getting off the plane in LAX or driving across the Colorado River, to get stopped by a state employee. "Got any fruit or vegetables? Yes? Hand 'em over..."