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  1. John Who

    Make the 8 and anything can happen

    Even without making the Finals, how we finish is very important for next season. Maintain this current form, and our confidence would be good going into the preseason, and everyone will be pumped knowing they all have a chance to be regulars next year, and the old heads can no longer be...
  2. John Who

    Review R19: The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Essendon

    Mate, too many points for me to get through! Lol All I can say from a general observation is this: our 9-goal run which later transferred to their 7-or-8-goal run was started from a couple of errant kicks by a couple of our youngsters. I recall specifically from a poor kick by Bond, or possibly...
  3. John Who

    Player Watch Zac Taylor

    I’ve been waiting for Taylor to play some consecutive games at AFL, and I’m so glad to see him do well. He seems more like a Soligo mould, with some nice skills and tenacity. I really love his tackling technique as well with that 1st-quarter tackle and goal being the highlight. He definitely has...
  4. John Who

    Review R19: The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Essendon

    I honestly don’t think we’re that far off on the thinking other than the fact you use the phrase “you starry-eyed Nicks-lovers shower on him”. A “starry-eyed-Nicks lover” to me is a supporter that doesn’t see the bad in the coach. I believe this kind of supporter doesn’t exist on here but a...
  5. John Who

    Review R19: The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Essendon

    I think in that last minute everyone was manned up and there were no real short options. Hence the long kicks.
  6. John Who

    Review R19: The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Essendon

    ...and then went on a 9-goal rampage is highly improbable! Also, even with great coaches, their teams would get poor starts in games throughout the season. Poor starts aren’t a marker of a poor coach, but the lack of a response from the players is. And thank *, we got a great response last night!
  7. John Who

    Review R19: The Good, Bad and Ugly vs. Essendon

    Good: - 2nd quarter run of 9 goals. - the tenacity of the new kids coming through, Taylor, Dowling, Nankervis looking very solid. - our perseverance through the Dons’ comeback, this is character building, more important than the typical 4 points. - the umps finally...
  8. John Who

    Ben Keays, I was way way way wrong about you

    I think it’s fair to say he’s taken his game to another level. His last month has been exceptional! His general kicking and goal kicking seemed to have improved like I’ve ever seen. Fair chance he might end up with the BnF this year!
  9. John Who

    Make the 8 and anything can happen

    Making the 8 isn’t the only sign we’re improving. We could still have roughly the same number of wins like last year, but with a huge stack of injuries this season, that should also indicate an improvement. More importantly though, it’s the momentum we carry through to next season. This is what...
  10. John Who

    Player Watch Josh Rachele - Re-Signed to End of 2029

    In the final quarter, every player should be made mandatory to tackle and not bump. Fatigue is likely to kick in and an error in judgment in the bump could be too costly. Rachele should have tackled, but I think it’s something he’ll learn from.
  11. John Who

    Player Watch Josh Rachele - Re-Signed to End of 2029

    I was a huge fan of Rachele in his first year simply because he was a very accurate goal kicker and I saw his scoring potential. Last year was a partial let down as his goal kicking dried up, while playing midfield time at the expense of his goal accuracy. Throughout his career though, I can...
  12. John Who

    Make the 8 and anything can happen

    What are they showing now?
  13. John Who

    Make the 8 and anything can happen

    Making the 8 would be an absolute best thing for this club (since 2017). It would mean we’d have one of the best momentum for a team coming into the Finals. Our hunger would peak over this next preseason, and we’d likely attract more quality interstate players with our trajectory. Results this...
  14. John Who

    Player Watch Brayden Cook - Contract Extension to End of 2026

    Here’s Cook’s AFL stats: Cook’s games in each of the AFL seasons looks similar to that of Fog, with the “up and down” amount of games. Interesting observations: 2021 + 2023, he only played 4 games in total with a respectable average of 15 disposals (for a young player); went goalless these...
  15. FC0558C7-945B-4695-B3D3-8992CC0B8EA6.jpeg


  16. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Yes. It’s linked with stress hormones which can lead to higher sugar levels.
  17. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    I’m not stopping you from having your opinion. Just trying to help reduce your blood pressure and unnecessary raised sugar levels.
  18. John Who

    Review Good/Bad vs West Coast

    I’ve played many types of sports, and I can share a simple summary across all forms of team sports: Regardless of the opposition, if you win by a big margin, it’s a good win. Teams play crap, often it’s because the opposition didn’t allow them to play well. Now this isn’t me being a “happy...
  19. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    We all can have opinions on the sub, but who gets managed and when they get called off is not going to be obvious to anyone bar the players and those relevant staff who manages the players. Basically, if we have a decent win, why the need to dissect on the sub call?
  20. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Can we at least agree the sub call is really up to the coach and fitness staff to decide, as well as players giving their own feedback on their bodies?
  21. John Who

    Review Good/Bad vs West Coast

    Good: - Murphy’s courage, pound for pound he’s got to be one of the bravest blokes out there. Played a fairly good game too. - Nankervis; that Chase on Ryan, composure and then smother was elite defending; really liked his marking too. Has to be a regular from now on. - Cook did some good...
  22. John Who

    Review Good/Bad vs West Coast

    “Did what they had to do” is more like winning by 30-40 points. When you win by 100, it’s a good win. Considering they won against the Dees just last week. You can dismiss it as “opposition was piss weak”, but could it be they were shit tonight cos we played really well? And dare I say it...
  23. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    You prefer old #CrowBloke or #OldCrowBloke? Or #old(1 + #CrowBloke)? Solve for CrowBloke.
  24. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    I think there is a general misconception that I’m just blindly defending Nicks as if he’s my dad (he’s not). My take is about the overall results being both a coaching issue as well as plenty of players being out of form in the early season compared with last year. I also think our depth is...
  25. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    If you’re interested in alternative viewpoints then why the **** are you mocking my alternative view point? I come on here for a discussion, doesn’t mean I have to absorb others’ opinions. You think what you want to think, and I do my own thinking.
  26. John Who

    Positive stats to lighten the mood 2024

    I think it was a combination of bad tactics but also necessary changed tactics due to player injuries and players being out of form. Tex and TT injured initially didn’t help our cause. Dawson, Rachele, Rankine playing some of their worst games in those first few rounds. Then there was Fog...
  27. John Who

    Positive stats to lighten the mood 2024

    I haven’t been following any footy shows this year. I’ve found other life hobbies/commitments and don’t even come on BF as much these days. I can admit our bottom half a dozen isn’t as strong as the top contending teams, but I can also see that our youngsters are still not good enough or fit...
  28. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    Brisbane have been getting their mojo back in a big way in the last few games, likewise with the Pies. Brisbane in particular, has been having a huge surge in scoring output. Pies back to their scraping close wins. The point being, we’re now not far off the mark, unlike the debacle mess we were...
  29. John Who

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 2) - Full Support of the Board

    You are putting words in my mouth, as I’ve never said I rated Nicks highly. I had voted “leaning yes”, not “firmly yes” in the poll. Winning shouldn’t be the only factor to judging a coach’s credentials. It’s also about how he can turn his troops around when form dips, and whether the team can...
  30. John Who

    Positive stats to lighten the mood 2024

    You got me smiling out of that post. Can you at least admit I got a smile out of you for reading my brilliant stats analysis?