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    Should Usafl Recieve Financial Support From The Afl

    i tihnk the AFL is more interested i nthe talent out of South Africa, that is its only International market imo they are going for
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    Just a thought....

    develope it as a completely different sport to AFL and GAA
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    Aussie Rules Europe

    yeh but in hindsight it was good idea i reckon
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    Aussie Rules Europe

    sure was being sarcastic
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    Aussie Rules Europe

    so when can we expect Aussie Rules Americas, Aussie Rules Asia and Aussie Rules Africa ???
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    EU Cup - London 2005

    after Clarkey?
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    EU Cup - London 2005

    what? naming a medal after yourself? what an honour for the player awarded it **cough, cough**
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    EU Cup - London 2005

    yeh i want me jumper!
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    EU Cup - London 2005

    Thanks mate, yeh i desinged a few, so yeh....quad, you had some nice ones
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    More games for Aboriginal team?

    so if an Aboriginal is selected in the All Aus team, who does he play for? or would he play half for the All Aus and the other half for Aboriginal All Stars?
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    2005 Asian Championships

    how about the New Zealand badminton team name, the Black *****
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    EU Cup - London 2005

    nice to see you guy/s at the ARI like my Portugal design
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    IC 2005 GF Video

    keep an eye on for details
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    Aussie Rules International

    what was the email you sent to the AFL, clarkey? to be honest, if you didn't highlight it to them, they'd have never noticed there logo on it
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    International Cup media coverage

    seems to be alot of coverage in the news papers, and on fox footy and on the news bulletins over the past couple of days...
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    International Rules - Tickets

    IR is mad, it should be a different sport to AF and so there could be IR clubs around the place....
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    International Cup Day 1

    that is right, head to for the best (imo anyway) coverage of the International Cup 2005... should be a good competetive final imo
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    International Cup media coverage

    there is a little liftout thing in this weeks Footy Record, i didn't buy cos quite frankly 3 dollars whatever it is, is way to much for 50 pieces of flimsy paper n the teams are wrong anyway...there was thing in the record today
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    IC 2005 Tips

    Ireland or the US will win for me...
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    Aussie Rules International

    i would have thought an Internation Aussie Rules body would have been based out of Melbourne, the home of the sport, not on the other side of the world
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    EU Cup - London 2005

    what happened to Paris?
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    international cup

    i actually think i may get down to one or two games maybe... depending on Basketball, Footy and X-Country, I'll attend one or two
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    eu cup....

    clarkey, you going to change the tiebreak? using a sprint is stupid, you may as well not play the game and have a sprint instead
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    eu cup....

    it aint me site, i just write some things for ..... but hey who cares we aint going to have another war are we? but just change that rule
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    eu cup....

    yer a eu cup ran by the iafc.... it seems an ok idea but this rule: In the event of a tie, the two teams will each nominate their fastest runner to compete against each other in a 90 metre sprint. The winner of the sprint will secure the win for his team. is a...
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    centre of rules in US

    if they get an oval, it is definatley on my travel itinery......i cant live without footy!
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    centre of rules in US

    have to be so techinal lol, nah what i mean is the US Pro-League Cricket, usually play on baseball grounds.. .well after reading its site i think its the case
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    centre of rules in US

    maybe the AFL, US Footy, and the ICC and US Cricket could combine to build ovals over there...... atm the Cricket is palyed on baseball grounds and our footy is played on whatever grass area can be found...
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    international cup

    yeh atm the AFL is promoting the Family weekend....maybe after that, it will be the IC05
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    2006 AFL draw

    yeah there is an contract between AFL, SANFL and Footy Park..... I like Cairns as an idea for some reason.....but then i like AFL to be played everywhere lol