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  1. Determinant

    Giant Bandwagoner Amnesty!

    Nice lips :P
  2. Determinant

    Predict how many GWS supporters will turn up Saturday

    OP clearly not up for anything actually challenging
  3. Determinant

    Giant Bandwagoner Amnesty!

    It would appear the w***ers are still circled but the SAOs ran out some time back, elite wrist action without a target
  4. Determinant

    So Gillon? If GWS are so great how come nobody cares...

    Not sure how you can state the crowds have gone down based on one game per venue. The spotless one was against the Suns, they don't turn up away anywhere, and weren't a high profile club to boost our numbers The Manuka one was against Port on the Easter weekend, our social media was flooded with...
  5. Determinant

    So Gillon? If GWS are so great how come nobody cares...

    We only struggle when playing sides with little or no market in Sydney, against decent teams we are well in the black, and growing.
  6. Determinant

    So Gillon? If GWS are so great how come nobody cares...

    Our membership data says that on the 22 April last year we had 12,042 members and today we have 18725, club is probably happy with over 50% growth
  7. Determinant

    So Gillon? If GWS are so great how come nobody cares...

    lol, giants stole your teddy bear and now it's officially a cry-athon
  8. Determinant

    Steve "Protected Species" Johnson being offered 1 week

    How'd that work out for you last time again?
  9. Determinant

    Which club is the laughing stock of the AFL?

    Last year we had issues, more issues than most other clubs have had in 20 years, yet we still made the finals. We have played in 3 of the last 4 gfs. Any other club done that? We still have the squad that made those finals, and we no longer have a coach with his head up his arse... Start...