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  1. TOOs_Finest

    Rumour Player Revolt

    Woosha "stepped aside"? Rumour circulating...
  2. TOOs_Finest

    Changes for R5 v Richmond

    Yeah, cool story bro :rolleyes: Well played Eagles, not sure how many games you have in Melbourne, but I suspect each win you have here will be worth it's weight in gold. Glad we pushed you, but pissed off we didn't win a game I felt we should have - only have ourselves to blame though. To...
  3. TOOs_Finest

    The Official SC/DT thread: Ask your questions here

    Aaah here we go.... Naitanui a chance to face Cats :-)
  4. TOOs_Finest

    The Official SC/DT thread: Ask your questions here

    Hey guys, I still have Nick Natanui sitting on my SC team bench. Any news on when/if he may make a debut? Is he playing in the WAFL at the moment, or injured? If playing, any news on his development? Cheers.