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  1. L

    EDFL Div 1 2021

    Was waving it good buy
  2. L

    EDFL Div 1 2021

    Season gone 👋
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    Once it starts getting in to October it’s time to call it.
  4. L

    EDFL Div 1 2021

    Watch all the metro comps keep pushing there seasons till October
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    What’s everyone’s thoughts?
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    Are all leagues doing this?
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    Anyone think we could be back on September 18?
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    come on guys leagues still think we will be back for finals lol
  9. L

    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    players and officials are included last time.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    . After lockdown 4 had finished we had the same rules and games went ahead. Don’t think there is gonna be someone there counting how many people there are. Plus most grounds are at local parks.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    herald sun running with community sport to return this weekend capped at 100
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    From all reports it will be back. With numbers capped at 100.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    . Could end up missing 4 games
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    whats everyones thoughts on how many more games we will miss?
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    It says spectators are not aloud?
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    all metro clubs met this morning and have said they will play with no crowds if the restrictions are not lifted.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    no crowd changerooms canteen?
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    EDFL Premier Div 2021

    U have the inside word?
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    EDFL Div 1 2021

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    EDFL Div 1 2021

    The southern league is a joke lol they have no idea. Remember last time they were the last league standing, still thinking they were gonna get a season underway.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    Turbo when are we expecting a decision on the EDFL?
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    EDFL Div 1 2020

    Surely local comps can not go ahead?
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    EDFL Div 1 2020

    Couldn’t agree more, well said. Can not see how any leagues can play
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    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    Would Mick McGuane still get paid this season?
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    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    How come only 50/50?
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    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    Do the players get a say in this? The leagues can say there is 0 cash but at the end of the day it’s not up to the leagues of local footy plays or not.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    It’s just a potential start date as they hVe to have one. No one is sure if it’s gonna go ahead or not.
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    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    Why’s that?
  29. L

    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    It’s not gonna be up to the EDFL
  30. L

    EDFL Premier Div 2020

    I don’t like the chances of the government letting 270000 people return to playing and volunteer at games after just coming out of lock down? Add to that the 1000s of people that will be going along to support. Hope I’m wrong tho.