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  1. M

    GDFL Season 2021

    I'm lost for words
  2. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2024

    Go and watch them then. I bet you’d fit right in. You’ll be able to critique them on their ability to compete against other suburban teams that they will never have to compete against. Be sure to let us all know how they’d go against Leopold or Strathmore or Heidelberg though because it’s really...
  3. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2024

    Yeah just responding to probably the dumbest post I’ve seen on BF - that’s saying something! But they say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit so fair cop
  4. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2024

    My point exactly
  5. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2024

    Blown off the park in the last quarter? So, what was the margin at the end? I went to Heads and Port, both would also get completely blown off the park by a lot of other suburban teams I've seen this year from other leagues. Like Collingwood and Geelong. Don't think I'll bother going again.
  6. M

    GDFL Season 2021

    Isn't Addie still captain at BPH? Be a bit of a shock if he left.
  7. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    AFL play under rules that are indecipherable to the average supporter, but I agree that we got the right result
  8. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Why should you get a free kick for a push in the back? Because it's in the rules that's why. Obviously not all leagues follow the official laws of the game
  9. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Looks like they made an inventive interpretation of the rules and didn’t seek a second opinion. Or maybe they thought if we do it in plain view nobody will notice.
  10. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Yeah poor choice of words. When I say generally unenforceable I mean there are ways around it with creative accounting. Cashed up generous supporters. Past players groups running functions at arms length from the clubs. Sponsors willing to put money in outside the books etc. Very very difficult...
  11. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    People want to see even competitions and not the same clubs winning premierships every year. You crap on about hard work as if struggling clubs avoid it. Cashed up clubs who can buy players are the ones winning flags and it has little to do with hard work. It's not the 80s. $200 a game no longer...
  12. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Players probably have to pass a dishonesty test before they get drafted I suppose? Brisbane and Carlton must be getting sick of throwing matches.
  13. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Encouraged to play lame? Get a grip mate. Do you check under the bed for monsters every night?
  14. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Great idea. There would be 4 team leagues all over the state. You must be the only person in the world who longs for 100 point plus drubbings every week in football, even at the highest level.
  15. M

    GDFL Season 2018

    Spending big bucks this year I'm reliably informed. Money well spent at 2 goals per week. Other teams would be treating the Port game as a practise match
  16. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Yeah seems excessive. Good player though
  17. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    6 points based on what?
  18. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Took 3 of the 4 previous clubs he's coached to flags. Yep, what a rip off. Not even Jesus Christ would be able to work miracles and drag the 4th one out of the sewer.
  19. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    I know you shouldn't take much notice of practise match form but Heads looked good yesterday. And poor poor Poortarlington? VicRoads want their witches hats back.
  20. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Of course it's real. And the trophy cabinets of clubs like Ammos are the outcome. Yeah sure occasionally a club somewhere wins a flag with minimum spend on a team full of their own home grown talent, but it is not the norm it's a rare exception. Clubs have always and will always spend what they...
  21. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    So back in December he was shocked that clubs cheat the salary cap now he's an expert and people are delusional if they can't see what goes on. No idea. Just a pus scab on the arse of poor old Portarlington, as if they didn't have enough problems
  22. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Your absolute best work yet. Is this an attempt to fool people that you actually play? Wouldn't know a football from a computer mouse.
  23. M

    GDFL Season 2018

    It would probably hurt knowing his club would be one of those making up div 4.
  24. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    The midfielders will get an armchair ride mate. He will be a class above other ruckmen in the league.
  25. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Moderators obviously don't read the crap on this and the GDFL thread. Great thing about the internet, any mentally ill half wit can have a platform.
  26. M

    GDFL Season 2018

    You'd think Port would welcome 3 divisions. Might give them an opportunity to beat someone other than Newcombe. They would be some chance against Corio.
  27. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    No you are not. Sooner or later this half wit's identity will be be exposed and he will disappear.
  28. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    Must be playing it in the caravan park toilets
  29. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    He is working his magic on the GDFL page as well. Definitely has a screw loose. Tragic.
  30. M

    BFL Bellarine Football League 2018

    What a brilliant job he's doing at ignoring. It's like catching carp.