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  1. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Do you get the same satisfaction from the finished product though? I often wonder if these fresh wort kits are just an easy way to get some quality brew with little effort andat a cheaper cost than craft beer slabs?
  2. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    If I were to make option 2, how big would the grain order have to be to only require one malt extract can? i.e. one step closer to all grain.
  3. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Cheers, mate. I thought about what adding the extra dextrose would do to the ABV, but never thought it would add anything of significance. I’m half interest in measuring the the gravity again in a couple of weeks. In terms of the initial differences from a small sample - huge difference in...
  4. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Gave it 14 days and now all bottled up! Looks to be a 5.4%’er, but most importantly already tasting pretty good! Cheers for the recipe and the tips! Now I have a week or two to plan for the next brew!
  5. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Happy with the 5.5-5.8 odd. Let’s see how it goes. The lower ABV the quicker we drink it and brew another anyways 👌
  6. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Bubbling away nicely at ~20 degrees and here I was last time putting the heat on it 🤦‍♂️
  7. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    I know exactly what you’re talking about. The first reading was 1035, which had me scratching my head. I noticed there was still extract sticking to the spoon so I gave it a good stir and then it got up to 1054.
  8. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Top one and two tins. You thinking it’s a little low?
  9. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    So that’s all done! Ended up with a SG of 1054. Pitched the yeast at 21 degrees and now the fermenter should sit at about 18 without any heating or cooling.
  10. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Cheers, mate. Got delayed until tomorrow. Here’s hoping for all goes well!
  11. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Having a go at your recipe tomorrow. Just one question was with the grain bag, I read somewhere to keep it off the bottom of the pot. Is that something you’d be worried about? Also any benefit in throwing the grains and then the hops in bags to then not have to strain or could we expect some...
  12. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Sounds like a plan. Just putting the order in and it's a good time to be buying from Grape and Grain with 20% off! All of the below plus a thermometer ($11) came to $57.50
  13. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Haha. Mate, I can’t stand half of the posters! Just picked up a 15 litre pot. Is it worth doing a bigger longer boil for the above recipe?
  14. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    That is about as helpful as it gets! Links to all the ingredients and all! Very much appreciated. Thank you.
  15. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    So that monstrosity is bottled. Time to think about the next one to make up for it. Thinking of doing a extract pale ale where I steep some grains and play with hop additions to get a feel for it.
  16. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    This is within a fridge though isn’t it? If not what is the cooling element?
  17. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Oh... love it! Cheers!
  18. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    So I kinda let the fermenter get to 35 odd degrees again :s Here’s hoping it’s drinkable at least. Otherwise lessons learned?
  19. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Why’s it cheaper to buy 4 six packs than a slab?
  20. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    That’s positive news!
  21. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Hopefully drinkable. The question now is whether it’s a waste doing a dry hop?!?
  22. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    First night. Good start!
  23. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Not when you leave your fermenting heated overnight. Was sitting at 34 degrees when I woke up :( Here’s hoping the diacetyl tastes good...
  24. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Cheers lads, so thinking something as simple as this one for when it gets a bit chilly -
  25. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    It's been a while between drinks. Looking to do another brew, this time with a quick boil of an extract with some hop additions. My main concern is heating as the go to places in my house for fermentation are sitting at around ~15 degrees for the most part. I don't have room for another...
  26. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Anybody have some space at their house I can store this at lol
  27. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Is it normal for your last few bottles to tast 10 times better than the others or have I done something wrong?
  28. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Has some carbonation. Been sitting at ~20 degrees. Maybe a bit cool you’re thinking?
  29. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Would the fact that after 10 days sitting my bottled beer tastes stupid sweet, suggest that the yeast was no good in the kit and/or longer priming is required?
  30. ThePezDispenser

    Toast Beer / Homebrew Thread

    Yeah, could do. I’m just keen on a decent recipe.