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  1. Ghostwriter

    Tasmania - What is It Good For?

    The federal government need to deregulate something like as Smiling Bhudda said, the marijuana industry, they need to make some small changes that attract people from mainland, a good one would've been make it the only state with a casino license, maybe deregulate the brewing industry so ppl...
  2. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    voted labor, but live in a blue ribbon liberal seat.
  3. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Turnbull rooting Annabel Crabb?
  4. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Sophie Mirabella in strife too.
  5. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Dick Adams defeated, big loss to labor in Tas, think they said Lyons has only changed hands 3 times ever.
  6. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Palmer could get a seat, wtf?
  7. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Adam Bandt surrounded by lesbians.
  8. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    The 'artist' wins Braddon.
  9. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Looks like voters have put the slipper into Slipper.
  10. Ghostwriter

    Live Event 2013 Federal Election - Election Night Thread

    Swing back to Labour, game on.
  11. Ghostwriter

    Federal Election - 7 September 2013

    Thrashing on the cards tonight.
  12. Ghostwriter

    2013 Federal Election Predictions Thread

    What is that bird smoking behind Peter Beattie?
  13. Ghostwriter

    2013 Federal Election Predictions Thread

    Anthony Green has called it.
  14. Ghostwriter

    2013 Federal Election Predictions Thread

    Early signs are a thrashing is on the cards here.
  15. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    57 to 45 Rudds way
  16. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    They're all blewing now
  17. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Paul Murray and Richo blewing on national tv
  18. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Is Rudd making one of his long winded speeches to the party room?
  19. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Man just jogged down the corridor, not sure what that means.
  20. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Some hotties there too
  21. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    One thing these spills show is there are a lot of public servants in canberra who stand around in corridors.
  22. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Aussie dollar is spiking in the last 30 minutes
  23. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Shorten about to knife Gillard
  24. Ghostwriter

    Mega Thread ALP Leadership Spill - 26 June 2013

    Rudd in a landslide, only way it can be now.
  25. Ghostwriter

    Sattler/Gillard Interview

    First impression I got wasn't that Howard asking is Tim gay but using subtlety he was implying are you a lesbian Julia?
  26. Ghostwriter

    Julia Gillard, asset or liability?

    Julia dresses like a real Bolshie in that pic, no wonder she's getting the arse.
  27. Ghostwriter

    Crean calls for a leadership spill

    What's with the dude taking photos of the top of Rudds head?
  28. Ghostwriter

    Crean calls for a leadership spill

    Same old claptrap from Rudd.
  29. Ghostwriter

    Crean calls for a leadership spill

    Richo going off tap on sky news.
  30. Ghostwriter

    Crean calls for a leadership spill

    Gillard to be dragged kicking and screaming from the house.