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  1. raffrox

    Multiplat Persona 5 - Including Royal and Striker

    Thanks for the opinions :thumbsu: I ended up letting him play it. I've played P5 and that's what he's playing as well. We've had a chat about suicide and a bit about how some men treat women so hey let's chalk it up ans something educational. Turns out his mates at school have either played it...
  2. raffrox

    Multiplat Persona 5 - Including Royal and Striker

    Alright. My 12 year old son has asked to play Persona 5. I'm not so worried about the language bit there's a few dark themes here. He's the kind of kid who's very level headed and mature. Most his friends have been playing COD and GTA V for years and he's not gone near them. What do you think?
  3. raffrox

    What are you currently playing?

    I'm at the last boss of NNK now so I'll check out 2. Doesn't sound good though. The stuff you mention is a lot of the stuff I like.
  4. raffrox

    Top 3 games of the decade

    I remember playing the first two Ultimate Alliances back in the day with my oldest. Great memories. Yep, Witcher 3 is definitely worth it.
  5. raffrox

    What are you currently playing?

    It takes a while to get going but if you have the time and the patience then I think it's a deadset masterpiece. The detail is immense and the story got hold of me. And I don't really like the whole wild west theme either.
  6. raffrox

    What are you currently playing?

    Yeah, you summed it up I reckon. You're right the music is awesome. It's not revolutionary or anything but it's a really enjoyable game to play. I've got the second one and will give it a go after this.
  7. raffrox

    Finding names of your old games + RECOLLECTING MEMORIES

    Nah, I've not heard of it either. Mid 90's I spent more time in pubs and clubs then gaming though!
  8. raffrox

    What are you currently playing?

    Just made my way through the first three Uncharted games. I had a Xbox 360 back in the day and it's taken me a while. Was fun but Nathan Drake doesn't seem as memorable as some as far as main characters go. Speaking of old games, I'm about 15 hours into the PS3 version of Ni no Kuni.
  9. raffrox

    Finding names of your old games + RECOLLECTING MEMORIES

    Again, rings a bell but I can't work it out.
  10. raffrox

    Multiplat PlayStation Plus

    Interesting point. I think it's only been the last 18 months that I've really got into the PS4 back catalogue so I've gone in the other direction and I'm enjoying the PS4 exclusives. I'm also a bit of a sucker for physical copies of games as I do a bit of collecting across about 6-7 consoles so...
  11. raffrox

    Finding names of your old games + RECOLLECTING MEMORIES

    No worries. I had a vague recollection as well! Strange idea for a game :)
  12. raffrox

    Finding names of your old games + RECOLLECTING MEMORIES

    Wasn't this was it?
  13. raffrox

    Multiplat PlayStation Plus

    I will definitely give it a try thoguh. Seems to me to be a game that would lend itself to keyboard and mouse a lot more and so is a game that I'd usually avoid on console.
  14. raffrox

    Multiplat PlayStation Plus

    But you have to pay extra for Games Pass. Over the years if I've been anything I've been an Xbox fan boi but as someone who plays across platforms and so hasn't played every AAA title on every console the PS+ games have been awesome for me. Off the top of my head Nioh, Bloodborne, Dirt 2.0...
  15. raffrox

    Multiplat PlayStation Plus

    My pile of shame was getting too big anyway so lucky there's nothing really worth playing this month!
  16. raffrox

    Multiplat Red Dead Redemption 2 - Launch Thread

    I'm genuinely sorry mate. The original RDR is pretty old so I was more worried in my original post about possible spoilers for RDR2 than for RDR. Didn't occur to me :( Edit: too late for you I know but I've edited my original post now just in case.
  17. raffrox

    Multiplat Red Dead Redemption 2 - Launch Thread

    So I was late to the party on this one and just finished the single player last night. What a game. Really is a masterpiece. It had been almost 10 years since I played the first and I avoided walkthroughs and articles etc about RDR2 while I was playing it. So it was only towards the end that I...
  18. raffrox

    Multiplat PlayStation Plus

    As someone who has a Gold Live account and a PSN account it's night and day between the two. I've actually bothered to play some of the PSN games. Hard to remember a Games with Gold that was worth it.
  19. raffrox

    Multiplat PlayStation Plus

    I played the first Colin McCrae Rally on PS1 so I was keen to see what CodeMasters did with this. I thought I'd give it a quick 15 min try tonight and 3 hours later I was still going. Challenging but so far it looks a great game!
  20. raffrox

    Multiplat Persona 5 - Including Royal and Striker

    I'm at the last palace and 85 hours in. It looks like Royal it's got some interesting new stuff. I think I'll pick it up eventully. One thing I can't get over with this game is the soundtrack. So good. Not sure if people have seen this before. Check out the crowd :)
  21. raffrox

    14 days quarantine, but you can only take 3 games

    I'm about to start RDR2 so I'd take that and NBA 2K20 and FIFA 2020.
  22. raffrox

    Top 3 games of the decade

    Fair enough :(
  23. raffrox

    Top 3 games of the decade

    It's all just opinions of course but have you spent a genuine amount of time with BOTW? The richness of BOTW's world and what can be done is pretty amazing. The Witcher 3 is the only one I'd put clearly above it (although I haven't played God of War yet). I think some see Nintendo graphics and...
  24. raffrox

    PS4 Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I'm always sceptical about remakes etc but after playing the demo this looks to be a great game in it's own right let alone the nostalgia factor.
  25. raffrox

    What are you currently playing?

    I feel console gaming has broken my brain when it comes to PC strategy games now. Bit of a pity as I really used to get into them.
  26. raffrox

    What are you currently playing?

    Making good progress through my pile of shame in the last couple of months. I've gone through Nioh, Bloodborne, Dark Souls III, Witcher 3. I'd been sitting on some of these ones for years!! All great games. Now I'm back onto Persona 5. I was about 55 hours into Persona 5 so had to get back to...
  27. raffrox

    Top 3 games of the decade

    Looks a pretty good list. Zelda BOTW criminally underrated though. Maybe not as many have a Switch?
  28. raffrox

    Top 3 games of the decade

    I don't think I've been more wrong about a game. After saying that I didn't understand all the fuss I went back and played The Witcher III. Best game I've ever played. Amazing.
  29. raffrox

    PS5 PlayStation 5 - November 12

    Fair enough. I hope there are some great titles. History shows that's not usually the case. There's a certain rush of a new console so i know you'll have fun no matter what you play and I'll be hanging on your every word come launch day. For me though I'll be waiting 6 months or so.
  30. raffrox

    PS5 PlayStation 5 - November 12

    Nice one. I own every console from the last three generations except the Wii U and as well as a pretty decent pc gaming set up. I just don't see the reason to own a console on day one. You can't tell me the early games on any console end up being seen as very good?