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  1. C

    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    Probably because Castro treated her (Amanda) better. Even though it wasn't Amanda's fault that she was treated better than Michelle. Unfortunately I reckon Michelle has developed some sort of mental disorder which makes her hate Amanda but in reality there should be no reason to hate her. I...
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    You can tell that she's not all there in the head though. Poor girl :( She's pretty brave, but the years of abuse and captivity has taken a toll on her. :(
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    Solved Corby to be paroled?

    First thing I thought of when I saw this picture: "I AM NOT AN ANIMAL.......I AM A HUMAN BEING"
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    Solved Corby to be paroled?

    You'd be surprised what some people do these days to get money.
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    Solved Corby to be paroled?

    I'm over this story. The media glamorize it way too much. What does this teach kids these days?? That you could smuggle drugs into another country then make millions off TV interviews about it?? I hate the media!
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    Hopefully the case doesn't go cold again!! There have been a few times where the case looks to be going somewhere but all of a sudden it goes cold!
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    yes but what I meant was that they finally had an arrest and info for a whole week and now we've had nothing since! :(
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    New Town Mass Killings

    There was a new report of this today along with photos of his room. My GOD!! Adam Lanza (shooter) has to be the creepiest person that I have ever seen. He stares right ****ing through you. I get shivers every time I see a picture of him. Here are some of the pics I'm talking about: I'll put...
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    Solved Man goes berserk & threatens to blow up South West Airlines plane

    My exact reaction when I first saw the video. If someone on the plane yelled that there was a bomb on the plane and that he'll blow us all up, I'll probably have a panic attack. It's like they're too ****ing busy to even react. ****ing wake up people. It's kind of stupid if they came to a...
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    BREAKING NEWS - LA International Airport Shooting

    It's on the news right now. Sky News,CNN,Fox News Massive news. How the **** did he get past security with a gun?? This would really put a question mark on Airport security not only in America but around the world. One of the biggest airports in the world and the security was breached. Just...
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    2 of the girls (Gina and Amanda) are going to write a book about their 10 years in captivity. I'll be lying if I say that I wouldn't be interested in picking up a copy. Very brave of them.
  12. C

    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    Ah yeah that's right. Forgot about that for a moment. The 'parents' must be ****ing stupid because even though they dyed Maria's hair, their hair is black. HAHA
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    What's a load of garbage??
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    The girl found in Ireland has blond hair and blue eyes like Maria. This could be a crazy statement, but could this indicate that Gypsies are targeting kids with blond hair or is this just a coincidence??
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    This is turning into a huge international case. Thousands of parents who have a missing child have contacted Greek police in hope that Maria is their daughter. I'm sure there will be a happy ending to this story, but It could take months even over a year for the parents to be identified.
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    Whilst that is true, it only takes 1 person to commit a crime. There's still 21 million people here. If someone really wanted to go on a shooting spree, then they would. FACT: There's more Gun shops in America than supermarkets. Also you can purchase a gun in America in 5 minutes. Here you...
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    :) I'm Greek-Australian. Was born here. My parents moved here from Greece (Mum in the 60s and dad in 70s). They really couldn't have moved to a better country. The weather, the people and the freedom to say and do whatever we please is what makes this country so great. :)
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    ha, so true. The country is a mess. Land of the free....HAHA. We should be grateful that we live in Australia. :)
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    Updated Cleveland triple kidnapper Ariel Castro found hung in cell

    Elias Acevedo, a man who lived on the same block as Ariel Castro, admit to the Kidnapping, rape and murder of 2 woman in the 90s. WTF is wrong with that neighborhood??
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    More info released today that Maria's hair color isn't blond and was dyed to make her look more like the 'parents'. It's crazy to think how many more kids are involved in child trafficking case like this one. The only positive thing out of this story is that she wasn't harmed in any way (or so...
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    They do in the US, but I'm not really sure about Europe.
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    Has the case gone cold?? Haven't heard about it since last week.
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    here's more info: This story could also bring new info to other cases which may involve child trafficking: Source: SKY News UK
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    Her skin tone make me think that she's Finnish/Swedish. Now that I think of it, is it possible that Madeline McCann could be apart of child trafficking??
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    Current Greek police launch International appeal to identify girl found in Gypsy camp

    I was watching the Greek News this morning and this was the main story. It's a huge story in Greece ATM. IMO she isn't Greek. Her features seem to suggest that she's Scandinavian.
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    British TV aired the Madeline TV appeal and after minutes of airing they got phone calls from people with new info! Have they shown actual photographs of the suspect/s or just sketches??
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    Wouldn't that actually make things worse for that person?? (As in the length of the prison sentence) Either way he/she/they are in serious shit when/if caught.
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    From the news we've heard over the last few day and if the guy they arrested is the right guy then unfortunately he kidnapped her for sick purposes.
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    Suspect currently being interview by detectives! Hopefully all goes well! About a year or so ago I thought they'd never find a suspect in this case. I guess you could never ride off how hard detectives work.
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    Unsolved Madeleine McCann * Current Trial of Main Suspect Christian Brueckner

    Definitely. Most parents would go crazy if they lost their kid for a day. These parents have been without their daughter for 6 years. I really wouldn't know how to cope in their position.