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  1. H

    Science/Environment Climate Change Solutions - Prt Deux

    I will stop breathing, protect the environment yo.
  2. H

    Assaulted Cop: Accused Not Guilty

    Vealesy and his other buddies are not smart enough to realise that justice is not always served in the courts. They do make mistakes, whether it is due to a technicality or loophole (or a QC who has a knack of getting people to believe what he says). As I said, retaliation is NOT SELF-defence. I...
  3. H

    3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

    Um.. You can't be serious... Wow.. You are basically excusing criminals and removing any self-blame from the perpetrators. Hey it's ok that guy just robbed and bashed that grandma, he needed money to fix his crack habit. Instead of putting him in jail lets send him to a psychologist and get to...
  4. H

    3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

    You are completely wrong in your assumptions, just because someone disagrees with you does not suddenly mean they don't have all this magic information you think you posses in your magic head. I don't want to turn this into a pissing contest about how many third world countries we have visited...
  5. H

    3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

    The fart I just let out is smarter than the shit you just wrote.
  6. H

    Reducing the hours or days you work over the economic crisis

    I have accepted a pay cut, they are also introducing an optional roster where you work for 5 weeks then 10 weeks off. I said no, mainly because I like my job and I need the experience. I did accept the 5% pay cut though, they put faith in me, so I repay that faith.
  7. H

    3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

    Australia is a golden palace compared to the shit hole they came from, although I'm sure they probably miss family members etc.
  8. H

    3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

    I don't go around kicking people in the head when they are on the ground, no.
  9. H

    3 scumbag thugs at Sunshine station

    I hate to break it to you, but not everyone is a deadshit. A lot of people are, but not everyone.
  10. H

    New ATM charge

    Criminals **** the banks new world order cha cha cha
  11. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Time will tell, if we are both still alive by 80 I will come back to this thread and see what's going on with global temperatures ;) BTW as you know there is a finite amount of fossil fuels, and as I'm sure you also know CO2 levels can be reversed (that said over a long period of time). I read...
  12. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Wow.. Two very simple questions.... You are extremely deluded. 1. Do you realise how hard it is to PROVE the link? It can not be proved for now, only suggested, because there are still so many unknown factors that come into play. So don't go around talking like it is gospel when it isn't. 2...
  13. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    I don't need to review anything, the results are there in your gay chart. They don't match up, there are variations greater than 0.6 degrees. Do you realise how significant a difference that is? What that tells me is that the scientific methods and results aren't valid, the global average...
  14. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Wow you are good at the charts, let me see if I can do it. Am I doing it right? I love how there are variations of 0.6 degrees and more, at least we know all the data is valid and agrees with each other.
  15. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Very true.
  16. H

    Here´s one film I am proud to have received a pirated version of

    Haha this is why I love the internet, some things go straight over peoples heads. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH
  17. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    My true agenda? the TRUTH. Not bullshit, not claims that aren't true, not allowing alarmists to spit out bullshit and try and scare everyone when what they are saying will happen to the human race and the planet in the future hasn't been proven. You need to go back and pace VCE with Mr. I post...
  18. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    When I pace my VCE. Hahaha dude, just stop, you are making it worse.
  19. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    The more you type the more I am sure you are a dumb ass who really has no real knowledge or valid opinions, stick to pirating movies and playing counter strike.
  20. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    AKA I actually don't know anything and go around copy pasting blogs all day that support my view; I also don't have any qualifications other than sitting behind my keyboard and complaining about the actors in slum dog millionaire; I also like to use the word pwn because I suck shit. Seems about...
  21. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Haha :thumbsu: So true. He thinks he knows all this shit, all he does is go to google and find the latest blog and copy + paste. He doesn't actually understand what's going on, yet pretends like he does. Tell me smart ass, what degree and scientific background do you have?
  22. H

    Here´s one film I am proud to have received a pirated version of

    Shamelessly exploited? As mentioned these kids made a KILLING for the time they spent and acted. Second, without this movie morons like you and the wider population wouldn't even know the level and extent to which places like that exist. Do you realise how many people will donate and actually...
  23. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Listen arseh*le, when you are speaking and representing the people you should speak the truth. Otherwise people will misinterpret what you may mean. Second, she is a politician, exactly. Not a ****ing expert on climate change, which pisses me off considering she is chucking millions of tax pay...
  24. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Source. "Eleven of the hottest years in history have been in the last 12, and we also note, particularly in the southern part of Australia, we're seeing less rainfall," she said. What a moron.... "11 of the hottest years in HISTORY"...
  25. H


    Hahaha I LOVE it :thumbsu: Funny thing is it's true.
  26. H


    Religious extremist !! We have no right to tell other people what they can and can't do with their body. I am also for euthanasia.
  27. H

    Science/Environment Climate Change Solutions - Prt Deux

    You have to laugh.. Turning corn into biofuel... Hopefully Obama realises that it requires coal and natural gas to run the corn based energy plants?? Not only that it only reduces emissions by 10-20%. "It takes 0.76 J of energy from fossil fuels to produce 1 J worth of ethanol from corn". The...
  28. H

    Global Warming........or Cooling?

    Question: Climate models use data that scientists believe show the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere from ice core data. Eg Vostok. The most recent evidence suggests that CO2 in these air bubbles lags the temeperature by 600 +-400 years. Why is it valid to compare CO2 data taken from Ice...
  29. H

    firing squad imminent for the Bali Bombers

    They are crapping themselves on the inside.