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  1. ausde13

    Carlton might win wooden spoon

    He has played 3 games... Not exaclty cemeted a spot in the current side as yet my man. Until he does he is not listed. Jurrah obviously changes things but I think our Fwd set up is still lacking. Also the way people are talking you would have thought Blues were beaten by 100 points.. It does...
  2. ausde13

    Carlton might win wooden spoon

    Brad Miller and Michael Newton would like to say hi.... :p
  3. ausde13

    What British Soccer Heads think of AFL

    hahahha thought it was pretty funny. The football AM show is shown on Sat morngings before the weekends fixtures and it is generally a quality watch. No need for us to take it so personal who cares what they think of our game.
  4. ausde13

    James Hird considering a comeback after a year off

    The bloke had his skull caved in, his feet were so bad he could not play for virtually two seasons... He has a year off and is refreshed.. I would love to see him out on the park again. One of the greats of this era and game with the likes of Scotty West (Devestated he got the @ rse), Neita...
  5. ausde13

    Well Done Shaun McManus

    Last member of the founding Freo side, 2nd on Freo games played, TWO knee reco's over 13 seasons. Well Done on the career S Mc! :thumbsu: You gave everything you had out there.
  6. ausde13

    What is the record for most games played between a set of brothers?

    The Febey twins played 401 games, 2nd most behind the Wakelin twins.
  7. ausde13

    Obscure players from the late 1990s and early 2000s

    Chris Lamb: Drafted at 13 in 98, played 21 battling games over a number of year Ross Funke Luke Molan: Drafted at 9 in 2001 Gary Dhurrkay was a fav Big illia grgic Clinton King John rombotis scott bamford
  8. ausde13

    Most overated Player?

    if you use the same formula most were using at the beginning of thread Kosi is No1. Neon Leon is hyped by bloody Brian Taylor but doesn't do the neon week in week out. B Green to slow to soft. Yze been playing on history for last few years. Wells gets rated very highly but not to sure he...
  9. ausde13

    Pickett joins retirement party

    .. I am a melb supporter and he is unfortunately not the player he once was. He is not really interested in doing it anymore and seems to show on the field. Against Collingwood the other Friday night he spent most of his time hunched over gasping for air. He almost should have finished it mid...
  10. ausde13

    AFL player investigated for drug dealing

    Does the AFL have the ability to suspend someone with out charges being laid? I believe it does. They can deregister a player if they see fit without criminal charges being laid. If a player brings the game into disrepute they can deregister if they see fit. I'm not condoning this sort of...
  11. ausde13

    AFL player investigated for drug dealing

    Good to see Jopey Johns one of the greatest to ever pull a rugby league jumper is getting amongst it in the UK. "AUSTRALIAN rugby league great Andrew Johns has confirmed he was issued with a caution for possession of an ecstasy tablet in London last Sunday. Johns said today he recalled an...
  12. ausde13

    Biggest Bumps/Hits Ever

    b dog I've been trying to find that bump for years. one of the best ever.. Also remember big Paul Salmon getting abo****elty cleaned out at the G one night by a much smaller bloke can't recall who damn it). The fish was horizontal and out before he hit the ground!