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  1. glitch01

    Watching overseas

    Also got the codes today - I think this is the 4th year I've paid for an International Membership. Everything seems to work ok. Watched some of the Women's games today and the quality seems good again. More stuff available to watch which is a bonus. The only thing I noticed which is a nuisance...
  2. glitch01

    ANZAC Day - Lest We Forget

    Whilst I respect people can have their own opinions about ANZAC Day and what it represents I have little respect for those that sprout their agendas and belittle others beliefs. Lest we Forget
  3. glitch01

    Your favourite all time player from . . Port Adelaide

    A bit hard to name just one favorite. In no particular order: Darren Mead Brett Ebert Scott Hodges Brian Leys
  4. glitch01

    Where is the clash jumper?

    No real need right now - Carlton are the ones with the ball scoring goals.....
  5. glitch01

    Last post at every game this weekend??? Please not again!

    I respect your opinion and understand what you're saying however I disagree. In this day and age traditions seem to have become less important. How many people will make the effort to go to a Dawn Service or the ANZAC March? I know in SA it is school holidays so a lot of kids won't attend a...
  6. glitch01

    Dustin Fletcher Overrated!

    Just watched the Blues v Bombers game here in Dubai (one of the 2 games we get this week) and I thought Fletcher was pretty good. His last tackle didn't win Essendon the match but definitely stopped them losing!!
  7. glitch01

    Has travel/living OS changed your AFL experience/outlook?

    Been in Dubai for just on 3 years now and still miss going to see a live game. We get 2 matches live each week and a highlight package so I now watch other teams far more than I used to. Still have a season ticket/membership with Port Adelaide and hope to see 1 or 2 games in July. We get...
  8. glitch01

    Magpies deserve cash for top spot: McGuire

    Can we have Eddie as our President? Talk about misquoting him with the headline. As much as he can be biased (and what President shouldn't be?) at times I think a lot of what he says and does is good for football.
  9. glitch01

    Do Fremantle have an obligation to their members, sponsors etc?

    Yes they do for Cup Games etc but I think you'll find either last season or the one before someone fielded an understrength team against Man U in a League game and got done for it.
  10. glitch01

    Do Fremantle have an obligation to their members, sponsors etc?

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong (and no doubt they will!!) but in the English Premier League hasn't there been investigations and fines etc when teams have deliberately fielded weakened sides?
  11. glitch01

    Do Fremantle have an obligation to their members, sponsors etc?

    We get to see 2 games per week here in Dubai.......very disappointed we get this farce served up as one of them!!!!!