Search results for query: Nick Murray

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  1. JP Sauce

    Coach Nicks does not rate McAsey, Worrell or Murray

    Would prefer to play an undersized backline week after week after week, to the detriment of the team. Unless there’s some other reason we only select one key position defender? Discuss.
  2. Bay62

    Player Watch Nick Murray

    Crows have signed Nick Murray Why do they send out notifications before they’ve loaded the story on the website?
  3. acker

    Murray Darling audit..Nick Xenephon calls for it.

    I dont know but to me this seems like a very good idea. I would like another interested forumer like "moistie" to add their view. Since the death of Peter Cullen (RIP), we (as a nation) seemed to have stagnated a bit with the data and science on our rivers. Nick Xenophon's primary...