1. Agent93

    Media Survivor: 200 Games

    A93: If it’s your first time at Tribal, behind you is a torch. Grab one, dip it in, and get fire. This is part of the ritual at Tribal Council because in this game fire represents your life. When your fire is gone, so are you. Noobz0r (whispered): This is nuts. A93: Alright, so Forzaport...
  2. Agent93

    Media The Filth Wizard is a valued 200 game contributor to the Sweet FA Community

    200. For some it is two lots of one hundred. For others it is half of 400. For many it is a destination that they won’t reach, and for a few it is a marker on the way to something greater. This week The Filth Wizard reaches that marker. But like all journeys, there was a beginning: And there...