Drugs II

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Anyone had any of the Blue disabled's that are floating around?

I know someone who got rid off about 100; all reports were that they were fantastic.

Your EZ test kit will read PMA as if you have MDMA.

So then;

How do you test for PMA?

I've had it in pills before. Didn't end well, but could have ended up a hell of a lot worse.
So then;

How do you test for PMA?

I've had it in pills before. Didn't end well, but could have ended up a hell of a lot worse.

A person would need to have access to expensive analytical equipment, and have the technical expertise to operate that equipment, in order to have the capability to differentiate the contents of any unknown tablet.

My very strongest advice to you is to desist from ever ingesting any unknown form of recreational drug in the first place. You are literally playing Russian roulette with your health.

If you feel strongly about this matter and the potential health risks it can cause yourself and others then I would suggest you contact your local state member of parliament and voice your concerns.
A person would need to have access to expensive analytical equipment, and have the technical expertise to operate that equipment, in order to have the capability to differentiate the contents of any unknown tablet.

My very strongest advice to you is to desist from ever ingesting any unknown form of recreational drug in the first place. You are literally playing Russian roulette with your health.

If you feel strongly about this matter and the potential health risks it can cause yourself and others then I would suggest you contact your local state member of parliament and voice your concerns.

Haven't had a pill in years, just wish I could gemme hands on decent trips :mad:

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A person would need to have access to expensive analytical equipment, and have the technical expertise to operate that equipment, in order to have the capability to differentiate the contents of any unknown tablet.

My very strongest advice to you is to desist from ever ingesting any unknown form of recreational drug in the first place. You are literally playing Russian roulette with your health.

If you feel strongly about this matter and the potential health risks it can cause yourself and others then I would suggest you contact your local state member of parliament and voice your concerns.

Or I could just buy from a reliable source. Or buy a testing kit online. Thanks for your advice though.

As for trips: That shit is everywhere man. Get on it.
How much is too much pot for an 18-year old?

I guess too much would be not going a day without it.

Recreational use shouldn't do you any harm. Well that's from personal experience.

Never rated Weed, nor been a fan of Illicit Drug use.
I dont think there is too much pot for an 18 year old, but there can be too frequent.

Dont become an every day smoker at that age. Go out and live a little.

Only older people that are stuck in a boring life smoke it every day. Most people are stuck in boring lives eventually, but not at 18. Not until about 25 maybe?

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Or have you seen damaged people do a fair bit of marijuana, to deal with the damage?

Ive seen people do more damage on alcohol than sitting on their couch watching movies.

I've seen plenty of outgoing people become "damaged" from marijuana. I fell into the lazy, pathetic life of a stoner but luckily got myself out of it.

It IS a depressant, and anyone denying it is addicted and in denial.
Ive seen people do more damage on alcohol than sitting on their couch watching movies.

Obviously drinking alcohol is worse for you than sitting on a couch watching movies. What part of this has anything to do with Marijuana? You seem to be going off-topic.
I've seen plenty of outgoing people become "damaged" from marijuana. I fell into the lazy, pathetic life of a stoner but luckily got myself out of it.

It IS a depressant, and anyone denying it is addicted and in denial.
I mean, I'm not in the "man, weed is so cool, there's nothing wrong with it" camp, but it's just not that destructive. It's addictive qualities are negligible, borderline non-existant. Falling into laziness is basically doable through plenty of things, just as being active is irrespective of the amount of marijuana you smoke. I know some douchebags who sit around all day and pull cones, but I know some people who are good footballers, a laugh to be around, and always up for going to the footy or the soccer or something – they lead a physically and mentally active life. But then there are dudes who are fat slobs, such as my old housemates, who have never smoked weed, but consider walking to uni (fifteen minutes) too much of an effort, and as a result, miss classes to play Nintendo and eat home brand dim sims instead.

Like, plenty of people can have a few beers and be normal, sociable people. They can talk shit in a bar, try to get with some girl, then walk home empty handed. Then there are people who drink the same amount, go to the same bar, but start fights, act like arseholes around women, and flog someone on the way home. Unless it's meth or something, it's all about the personality.

All about the personality, dude.

Drugs can **** people up, obviously, but pot doesn't have that socially cancerous element that something like meth does.
Obviously drinking alcohol is worse for you than sitting on a couch watching movies. What part of this has anything to do with Marijuana? You seem to be going off-topic.

The topic is DRUGS.

Alcohol is a drug and it causes far more "damage" than pot. If you disagree with this, you are a child or brainwashed. The only people Ive met that disagree with what I just said are usually alcoholics, religious zealots or incredibly naive. Which are you?

The worst thing about pot is it leads to cravings and over consumption of unhealthy food. Poor diet is more of a cause of laziness than pot.

I used to lead a lazy lifestyle before I smoked pot. I obtained a daily pot habit BECAUSE I was lazy. I am now getting fit and active and have given up just about every vice known to man, but I would still prefer to have some pot for when Im finished for the day and just want to chill out watching Community re-runs.

Pot doesn't "damage" everyone. "Damaged" people are just more likely to self medicate with something they feel helps them.
I've seen plenty of outgoing people become "damaged" from marijuana. I fell into the lazy, pathetic life of a stoner but luckily got myself out of it.

It IS a depressant, and anyone denying it is addicted and in denial.

- Addiction is bullshit and usually related to tobacco mixed in the stuff.
- It IS a depressant. Correct.
- I tend to think it's biggest downside is that some long term users tend to become psychologically stunted.
Anyone had the apple-mac disco biscuits that are floating around? Fantastic apparently ;)
I guess too much would be not going a day without it.

Recreational use shouldn't do you any harm. Well that's from personal experience.

Never rated Weed, nor been a fan of Illicit Drug use.

Tell that to the many drug support people out there who have went to uni to get a degree to help teenagers on this shit.
If its illegal in this country regardless of your personal expirences, its still illegal in this country.

Anyone who says ANY drug is not addictive is dead set off their nut.

If a person can get addicted to having a choclate bar after dinner im sure they can to drugs.
You can get addicted to millions of things in life.

I think that plant would be in the top 10.
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