Drugs II

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Not sure how killing off your customers is good for business.

Honestly it's getting worse and worse. It won't be long until we start seeing just straight poisons in pills. A bunch of people will die and what will the government say? Uhh now you see why drugs are bad mmmkoi. Pathetic.

Someone's going to quote me and say "well they just shouldn't do it". The facts are people are going to do it no matter what so why not make it as safe as possible?

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Word of advice, if your getting on gear this weekend don't head to Tramp or Revolver this weekend.
People that just shove whatever their maggot dealer is selling down their throats dont deserve the spiritually enriching highs of mdma.

The neighborhood pill popper has a gas chromatography/mass spectrometer in their garage?

PMA gives identical readings to MD analogs in over the counter pill testing kits.
Word of advice, if your getting on gear this weekend don't head to Tramp or Revolver this weekend.
I've heard they'll be locking down the clubs and police walking through with sniffer dogs.
The neighborhood pill popper has a gas chromatography/mass spectrometer in their garage?

PMA gives identical readings to MD analogs in over the counter pill testing kits.


You get someone else to try it before you buy it.
You give stuff to other people to see if it will kill them before you try it?

Or you a King or a just a sociopath? :p


Im a drug user, not a junkie that will pop whatever i can get my hands on.

If the drugs available are shit, then i dont take them.
really disturbing news about PMA. that stuff is not good at all. it just strengthens my line of thought, these drugs have the potential to be dangerous. and people can easily sell something pretending that it is something else.... so why do we allow such dangerous things to be put into the hands of outright criminals ??

how was the vic police crackdown, any one got any stories or was it just all talk up ?

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What is PMA?


This stuff is incredibly dangerous even in small doses.

It seriously elevates blood pressure and body temperature, but the real whammy with PMA is that it causes potentially lethal contraindications with other drugs. Basically, you can fall ill from a dose of PMA and then be killed from the drugs that are administered by an ambulance officer if they do not know what you have taken.

PMA produces identical readings to MDMA in basic home pill test kits. Your EZ test kit will read PMA as if you have MDMA.

This substance is a toxic stealth bomber.

Stay away from pills and lobby your parliamentarians to protect our citizens from poisoning by ending the prohibition on MDMA.

“Comparison of Cardiovascular, Hyperthermic, and Toxic Effects of Para-Methoxyamphetamine (PMA) and 3, 4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA)”.

Arch Int de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie. 1975 March;214(1):133-140.

Abstract--Para-methoxyamphetamine (PMA) and 3, 4-methylene-dioxyamphetamine (MDA) both had potent stimulatory effects on mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate in the cat. These effects were antagonized by bretylium, a compound which blocks release of nore-pinephrine. The increases in heart rate were also antagonized by pro-pranolol and the blood pressure increases by phenoxybenzamine. PMA and MDA were nearly equipotent. In male albino mice, determination of 6 hr LDs0's indicated PMA to be most toxic although 24 hr LDs0's showed nearly equal toxicity. MDA had a potent hyperthermic effect in mice which was partially antagonized by bretylium and was blocked by haloperidol. The hyperthermic effect of PMA was not as pronounced and was followed by hypothermia.

Poisoning with the recreational drug paramethoxyamphetamine ("death")
by Ling LH, Marchant C, Buckley NA, Prior M, Irvine RJ.

Department of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Adelaide, SA.
Med J Aust 2001 May 7 174(9):453-5


OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical features of paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA; "death") poisoning and to compare these with those of people with self-reported "ecstasy" poisoning. DESIGN: Retrospective casenote review. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: 22 patients who presented to the Emergency Department of the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH), a major metropolitan teaching hospital, between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 1998 with PMA poisoning identified through urine drug screens; and 61 patients with self-reported ecstasy poisoning between 1 September 1997 and 31 December 1998 found through the hospital databases. RESULTS: Patients with PMA poisoning presented with tachycardia (64%), hyperthermia (temperature > 37.5 degrees C; 36%), coma (41%), seizures (32%), arrhythmias (23%), and QRS intervals > or = 100 ms (50%) with greater frequency and often greater severity than those with self-reported ecstasy poisoning. Two patients with PMA poisoning presented with severe hypoglycaemia (blood glucose level, < 1.5 mmol/L) accompanied by hyperkalaemia (K+ concentration, > 7.5 mmol/L). CONCLUSIONS: At our hospital, PMA poisonings accounted for most of the severe reactions among people who believed they had taken ecstasy. Hypoglycaemia and hyperkalaemia may be specific to PMA poisoning. PMA toxicity should be suspected with severe or atypical reactions to "ecstasy", and confirmed by chromatographic urine drug screens​


Context. Paramethoxymethamphetamine (PMMA) is a hallucinogenic synthetic substituted amphetamine that was not included in the Israeli Controlled Substance Act (CSA).

OBJECTIVE: To report a severe PMMA and paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA) outbreak.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Israeli national forensic toxicology laboratory analyzes the body fluids of unnatural deaths by means of screening immunoassays and chromatographic confirmation and quantification. Samples are referred to this laboratory by the Israeli Forensic Medicine Institute and by hospitals following consultation with the Israel Poison Information Center. The forensic toxicology laboratory began determining PMMA and PMA in February 2007. In all fatal cases with a positive immunoassay screen for amphetamines, a chromatographic analysis of PMA and PMMA was performed. The laboratory and demographic data of consecutive patients in whom PMMA or PMA were detected, were collected during 1 year and subjected to descriptive analysis.

RESULTS: Of 108 fatal cases with a positive screen for amphetamines, 32 were confirmed. Twenty-four of the 32 cases tested positive for PMMA and PMA – age 27±5 years, 79.2% males, post mortem whole blood PMMA and PMA concentrations 0.35±0.24 and 2.72±1.67 mcg/mL, respectively. Co-exposures were detected in 17 (70.8%) fatalities; including methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methylenedioxyamphetamine, cocaine, cannabinoids, cathinone derivatives, ephedrine/pseudoephedrine, opiates, and ethanol. In addition, five non-fatal male cases were identifi ed; age 32±5 years, four had co-exposures to cocaine, cathinone derivatives, and cannabinoids. These findings led to the inclusion of PMMA in the CSA in July 2007, resulting in only three more fatalities in the following year. Discussion: We report an outbreak of PMMA and PMA poisoning resulting in 24 fatalities, and the post mortem whole blood and urine concentrations of these two compounds. PMA was probably the result of PMMA metabolism. Stimulant co-exposures may have contributed to the severity of the poisoning.

CONCLUSIONS: Forensic laboratory and poison center co-operation is important in identifying a new drug of abuse.
really disturbing news about PMA. that stuff is not good at all. it just strengthens my line of thought, these drugs have the potential to be dangerous. and people can easily sell something pretending that it is something else.... so why do we allow such dangerous things to be put into the hands of outright criminals ??

how was the vic police crackdown, any one got any stories or was it just all talk up ?

They were doing pat downs at Tramp and Survivor. Doubt anything useful was done apart from confiscating some pills, I think the cops are trying to discover if the bad pills (the Louis Vutton's) have reached Melbourne.

The nickname for PMA is "Dr. Death", I think that's all one need to know to realise its lethal stuff. Does anyone know how and why the cooks would use PMA? Can't be good for business, is it cheaper to synthesize that MDMA perhaps, or is possible the cooks ###### it up by accident?
They where doing pat downs at Tramp and Survivor. Doubt anything useful was done apart from confiscating some pills, I think the cops are trying to discover if the bad pills (the Louis Vutton's) have reached Melbourne.

The nickname for PMA is "Dr. Death", I think that's all one need to know to realise its lethal stuff. Does anyone know how and why the cooks would use PMA? Can't be good for business, is it cheaper to synthesize that MDMA perhaps, or is possible the cooks ###### it up by accident?

Did you go to Survivor/get patted down? I went to Survivor around 11:15pm I think and after 5-10 minutes in line was all sweet to get in. Didn't get patted down nor did I see anyone get patted down. Must have been later in the night.
Did you go to Survivor/get patted down? I went to Survivor around 11:15pm I think and after 5-10 minutes in line was all sweet to get in. Didn't get patted down nor did I see anyone get patted down. Must have been later in the night.

I heard they did later in the night, I got patted down at Tramp.
The nickname for PMA is "Dr. Death", I think that's all one need to know to realise its lethal stuff. Does anyone know how and why the cooks would use PMA? Can't be good for business, is it cheaper to synthesize that MDMA perhaps, or is possible the cooks ###### it up by accident?

it is a strange one. it can't be that much cheaper than mdma as mdma is pretty cheap to make really. and PMA doesn't give you any sort of high so the end user is clearly going to know it's shit stuff. it's not like if you cut it with speed or some other amphetamine that gives you a high and the end user (especially if inexperienced) could easily think what they are getting is legit.

It could definately be a **** up by the cooks. From what i've read PMA has similar pharmacology to MDMA so it's quite possible.
i need to meet some of you blokes! i cant get a hold of anything! compared to my glory days in edinburgh like 4 years ago when mephedrone was ordered online and delivered to your door by the posty
could be worth checking out silk road, fart cummings? never used it myself as i've never had trouble feeding my crack addiction, but it seems like a bit of a wave of the future.
Anybody ever tried making 'firecrackers'?

Just google 'weed firecrackers' if you are unfamiliar.

I've made a batch or two sporadically over the past three years and they rarely fail to deliver in my experience.

Got a batch in the oven as we speak, will test it tonight to make sure we are all set to go for tomorrow.

If you have never watched a good game of footy after eating THC you have never lived, imo.

I've had some people try to tell me that eating it is less effective/efficient than smoking but I reckon they are tripping.

In my opinion, not only is the high a much much better one (hits the body more than the mind, and the affect on the mind is more... pronounced? Hard to describe) but it lasts longer, and the green seems to go further.

Only downsides are a) extra effort required to actually make them, and b) occasional (rare ime) dud batch.

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