Other Let's Play SMT: Strange Journey

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Jan 26, 2006
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
East Fremantle
Shin Megami Tensei is one of my favourite video game series of all time. In some ways it could be considered similar to Pokemon in that you collect monsters (demons) to fight for you and that you can 'evolve' your monsters.

The plot however goes for beyond Pokemon.

The game has different routes based on your character alignment- chaos, lawful or neutral. These alignments are decided based upon your choices in the game.

Lawful is not good. Chaos is not entirely evil. Neutral involves picking a fight with everyone.


Humanity has buggered up. The rapture approaches.
And in Antarctica a massive atomic collapse has occured and an black electromagnetic storm grows.
It devours all and is expanding at a rapid rate.

Every probe sent in has being destroyed so the UN has sent in four ships full of the best scientists and special forces the world has to offer to investigate.

Including the future messiah- a man capable of taking on both God and Lucifer.

Commander Gore is in charge of the combined operations. He has introduced himself to us and has held out his hand.

This is a character alignment choice. I'll be asking for BF to decide on these choices.
Early on it will be first choice wins, especially since there are a few choices like this at the start of the game.

Character alignment does make it easier to recruit certain types of demons, easier to use certain types of demons and effects the storyline, your goals and your enemies.

Big Footy.
Do we shake or refuse to shake Commander Gore's hand?

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We extend ourselves and Zelenin wants the D

We now attend the mission briefing.
Gore begins to explain about our new suit- an armour with a powerful OS that can allow us to survive, install apps and evolve.

We meet another one of our 'allies'

He's a douche

We need to calibrate our machine and it's evolutionary path.

So we need to answer a few questions

• Question #1
"You are the sole survivor on a battlefield. You are hidden, with no
ammunition in your pistol. You detect a single enemy approaching.
How will you deal with this enemy, equipped with only an empty gun?"
• 1: Ditch the gun and use a knife.
• 2: Search for ammunition.
• 3: Stay hidden until he passes.
• Question #2
"While infiltrating enemy territory, you spot the man who killed your
comrade and closest friend. You can kill him easily, but the gunshot will
expose you and your infiltration will be compromised.
Will you avenge your friend or focus on your objective?"
• 1: Do nothing, for the mission.
• 2: Kill him, for your friend.
• 3: Find a way to do both.
• Question #3
"You have been in a remote area on a mission and your relief has not arrived
on schedule. You can abort the mission and go home now, but you have enough
supplies to stay here longer.
What do you do?"
• 1: Wait as long as it takes.
• 2: Wait as long as you can.
• 3: Go back immediately.
• Question #4
"You are piloting a helicopter to refuel. En route, an ally under attack
requests help. You can help him, but it will take your remaining fuel, and
it will be difficult to leave afterward. Other pilots have also received the
distress signal, but you are the closest to his position.
What will you do with the fuel you have left?"
• 1: Hurry to rescue him.
• 2: Refuel and let an ally take him.
• 3: Land nearby, wait for allies.
• Question #5
"On a mission in occupied territory, you are asked whether to capture a
religious leader who may be a spy. Catching a spy may be a great achievement,
but the people may riot if this leader is captured.
How will you approach the religious leader suspect of spying?"
• 1: Keep watching him for now.
• 2: Bring him in immediately.
• 3: Put him under house arrest.
• Question #6
"You have been sent to the Schwarzwelt, where conditions are expected to be
harsh. Yet you have advanced equipment, a strong ship, the latest tech, and
dependable comrades.
Will the Schwarzwelt investigation mission succeed?"
• 1: Yes. <- The game forces you to input this answer for this question.
• 2: It's impossible.
• 3: I don't know.

So choose BF

We'll soon be able to start fighting.

I'm off for dinner (5-10 minutes) so for this choice it will be majority wins.


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Jimenez knows where things stand.

We have now met the three main crew members. Unlike Jack Watts they do not get to manipulate their alignment. Jimenez is chaos, Gore is neutral and Zelenin is lawful.


We go back up to the command deck to hit on Russian chicks.
We overhear the Monitor Crew talking.


(second last question before we can finally start exploring and fighting)

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