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I love how Sam Newman just says how it is :D and not afraid of going against the masses!

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He's saying Saad is absoutley screwed

It's a shit situation for him.

Seriously, make is ****en simple and have standards and approved products.

Jesus, I have to jump threw hoops if I want to import a tap from China and legally sell it, and yet they can't incorporate a standards system for supplements etc. Mind boggling.
Why has anyone asked if ASADA knew AOD was banned by s0 of the WADA code, why the ACC report only said AOD was not prohibited by s2. Either the ACC forgot, thought that information wasn't relevant...or Fahey is full of shit and ASADA thought AOD was legal. So much of Journalism in this Country.

Amazing how that fits perfectly with what Gary was asking about yet Captain Goggles sat there with his mouth shut. Pathetic.
He's saying Saad is absoutley screwed
F**king pathetic.
Poor bloke has a protein shake which contains one ingredient amongst many others that is on the banned list. Seriously.:(

How the AFL ever found themselves caught up in this WADA crap is unbelievable. Did they not do any research?
Did they not ask themselves why every major team sport in the world refuses to sign up?

Demetriou and co should hang their heads in shame.
I feel for Dean. He was really embraced at Essendon and built up to feel so important. His program failed and he probably should have been let go anyway but rightly or wrongly, he is a shattered man who may now deal with depression for a long, long time. He can absolutely get stuffed if it's true that he's Caro's source but I still sympathise with him. I hope he can rebuild his self esteem etc. i don't know about you guys but it doesn't feel right to me to bag him out. It's a real conflict of opinion for me.
I really like the reaction on 360. Kind of, what the ****?

It was a character assassination, facilitated by Ch7, and nothing more than that. Apparently, says Whately, in this environment you can say whatever you like with no consequences.
Farking oath, I kept waiting and waiting for a serious question about the players to be asked, all we got was hate mongering, Darcy trying out his serious face and cheesy background music, ****ing pathetic Ch 7.

PS Just downloaded series 1 of Mr Selfridge so I don't watch one more second of their station.

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Who would have thought Frontline was a prediction of the future.
F**king pathetic.
Poor bloke has a protein shake which contains one ingredient amongst many others that is on the banned list. Seriously.:(

How the AFL ever found themselves caught up in this WADA crap is unbelievable. Did they not do any research?
Did they not ask themselves why every major team sport in the world refuses to sign up?

Demetriou and co should hang their heads in shame.

Begs the question...does WADA want to actually catch drug cheats or are they just after convictions? Basically if you are a player you need to check the ingredients of EVERY product that they put into their system. It is no longer about stop cheats but creating a large net that players will fall into without actually wanted to cheat.
Got a mate that reckons regarding Hird:

"don't know where you get your mail but i don't think he was following asada as you say...aod has been covered by the s0 banned list since 2011 and that is from asada..essendon claim to have an email saying it was legal but that is crap as the email was from calzada (the people who supply aod) and not asada..

he should of been stood down as he endangered the health of his players by injecting them with a drug that is untested on humans, simple as that."

I know I've read articles saying that it has been tested for human use and ASADA had given us the all clear, but rather than re-reading 484 pages to find the links if anyone can either PM them to me or post on here that would be ace.

Also, thought it might be good to have a thread that just has evidence in our favour that we can quickly look up links/facts etc to throw back at people without having to search through the pages or inter-webs. Understand if theres enoug threads regrading the subject
Begs the question...does WADA want to actually catch drug cheats or are they just after convictions? Basically if you are a player you need to check the ingredients of EVERY product that they put into their system. It is no longer about stop cheats but creating a large net that players will fall into without actually wanted to cheat.

Yep. Convictions equal funding.
Got a mate that reckons regarding Hird:

"don't know where you get your mail but i don't think he was following asada as you say...aod has been covered by the s0 banned list since 2011 and that is from asada..essendon claim to have an email saying it was legal but that is crap as the email was from calzada (the people who supply aod) and not asada..

he should of been stood down as he endangered the health of his players by injecting them with a drug that is untested on humans, simple as that."

I know I've read articles saying that it has been tested for human use and ASADA had given us the all clear, but rather than re-reading 484 pages to find the links if anyone can either PM them to me or post on here that would be ace.

Also, thought it might be good to have a thread that just has evidence in our favour that we can quickly look up links/facts etc to throw back at people without having to search through the pages or inter-webs. Understand if theres enoug threads regrading the subject

Calzada has never commented on the drug in relation to the WADA code. The only addressed questions about the theraputic approval of the drug.
Got a mate that reckons regarding Hird:

"don't know where you get your mail but i don't think he was following asada as you say...aod has been covered by the s0 banned list since 2011 and that is from asada..essendon claim to have an email saying it was legal but that is crap as the email was from calzada (the people who supply aod) and not asada..

he should of been stood down as he endangered the health of his players by injecting them with a drug that is untested on humans, simple as that."

I know I've read articles saying that it has been tested for human use and ASADA had given us the all clear, but rather than re-reading 484 pages to find the links if anyone can either PM them to me or post on here that would be ace.

Also, thought it might be good to have a thread that just has evidence in our favour that we can quickly look up links/facts etc to throw back at people without having to search through the pages or inter-webs. Understand if theres enoug threads regrading the subject
your mate is an idiot.
Feel sorry for Saad, but this is ****ing borderline insanity from WADA. If Saad is gone for that, WADA is a complete joke. I get the principle of strict liability, and the need to stamp out doping, but this has crossed the line. Disgraceful, ending people's sporting careers because of minuscule shit like this, give me a ****ing break
Got a mate that reckons regarding Hird:

"don't know where you get your mail but i don't think he was following asada as you say...aod has been covered by the s0 banned list since 2011 and that is from asada..essendon claim to have an email saying it was legal but that is crap as the email was from calzada (the people who supply aod) and not asada..

he should of been stood down as he endangered the health of his players by injecting them with a drug that is untested on humans, simple as that."

I know I've read articles saying that it has been tested for human use and ASADA had given us the all clear, but rather than re-reading 484 pages to find the links if anyone can either PM them to me or post on here that would be ace.

Also, thought it might be good to have a thread that just has evidence in our favour that we can quickly look up links/facts etc to throw back at people without having to search through the pages or inter-webs. Understand if theres enoug threads regrading the subject

Tell him you stopped reading at "I don't think that..."
Feel sorry for Saad, but this is ******* borderline insanity from WADA. If Saad is gone for that, WADA is a complete joke. I get the principle of strict liability, and the need to stamp out doping, but this has crossed the line. Disgraceful, ending people's sporting careers because of minuscule shit like this, give me a ******* break

Have you ever had that pre work out suff like hemo or jak3d, dmaa...?
Can the AFL walk away from WADA? (I doubt they will) but if enough players start kicking up a stink and want to get rid of it then they would have to consider it.

There is a reason all the team sports in the USA don't follow the WADA.

They can, yes, but it would be one hell of a price to pay.
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