Where are the charges?

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Norm Smith Medallist
Oct 22, 2007
Punt Road
AFL Club
Other Teams
ASADA's investigation, its findings and more significantly the potential player charges are far from over according to SMH columnist Roy Masters and former ASADA chief Richard Ings.

When players are charged, will they be facing bans? And what does this spell out for the AFL and the flow-on effect to the game, it's sponsorship and TV rights deal in 2014? It's seems that the outcome still hinges on one man, Stephen Dank.

From August 1, ASADA has had enhanced powers from Federal Parliament, compelling witnesses to come forward. If ASADA has evidence against Dank that is sufficiently weighty - even without an interview - to order an infraction notice, it is likely charges against AFL players are imminent, with NRL players to follow by the end of the year.
The AFL investigation was well advanced by the time the interviews began with NRL players, principally because ASADA did not have its additional powers then and had to rely on AFL rules to compel players to come forward.
This resulted in a joint investigation between ASADA and the AFL, leading to an interim report erroneously branded an ASADA report, despite it being a narrative to satisfy the AFL's code of conduct and allowing it to charge four Essendon officials, including coach James Hird. It is almost certainly the last joint report that will be done between a sport and an anti-doping authority.
Punishment of Sharks officials under the NRL doping code is a possibility.
As for infraction notices against players, former ASADA chief Richard Ings tweeted: ''It's not a case of if, it's a question of when and how many.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/where-are-the-charges-20131013-2vgnz.html#ixzz2hd5ABJJX

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Roy has also said he thinks infractions are highly unlikely unless Dank spills his guts, which he thinks is also highly unlikely.

It's a good question though. Where are the charges? "Grand final season" is certainly over.

Hasn't anyone told Masters that ASADA work in mysterious ways and will take as long as they want and will work to their timetable not his? Methinks Roy needs to spend some educational time on BigFooty
Roy has also said he thinks infractions are highly unlikely unless Dank spills his guts, which he thinks is also highly unlikely.

Sounds like the majority of Bomber fans admit illicit drugs were taken, and like yourself they've been hopeful that Dank shuts his trap. Therefore you can't blame the "foamers" for feeling like natural justice hasn't been served. Fans like yourself would have a very different tone if the shoe was on the other foot.
Sounds like the majority of Bomber fans admit illicit drugs were taken, and like yourself they've been hopeful that Dank shuts his trap. Therefore you can't blame the "foamers" for feeling like natural justice hasn't been served. Fans like yourself would have a very different tone if the shoe was on the other foot.
Um, try reading?

I was summarising Masters' opinion?
Wow, nice bolding. I particularly like the first one, where you hold the second half of a hypothetical without acknowledging it as such
The second bold is magnificent as well. I'm pretty sure that tweet is old as the hills, if not, dickings sure started using "if" again mighty quickly:

@adrianbarich: @ringsau any chance ASADA may still hand down infraction notices? Would that change things at Ess ?

@ringsau: @adrianbarich If ASADA have sufficient evidence of a violation of anti-doping rules, then just like Sandor Earl, they can take cases forward
Until ASADA announces things are over, then who knows.

In order to issue infractions (or at least, instruct the AFL they should consider issuing infractions), they need to convene the ADRV board. Those people are professionals with careers, who will need to organise the time to get together and review the evidence. Who knows how long that could take? They might not be able to just drop everything now the grand finals are done.

The season is done, I'm content to wait until there is something concrete. I just hope there is some sort of resolution before the start of next season.
Until ASADA announces things are over, then who knows.

In order to issue infractions (or at least, instruct the AFL they should consider issuing infractions), they need to convene the ADRV board. Those people are professionals with careers, who will need to organise the time to get together and review the evidence. Who knows how long that could take? They might not be able to just drop everything now the grand finals are done.

The season is done, I'm content to wait until there is something concrete. I just hope there is some sort of resolution before the start of next season.
Are you saying the delay may be nothing more than a scheduling issue?
Are you saying the delay may be nothing more than a scheduling issue?

I'm saying that we just don't know. It could be. It could be due to the complications of the case that even if ASADA had a ton of evidence, it might take the ADRV panel a long time to review it all and decide if infractions are warranted.

Basically there could be any number of reasons for delays, or it could be that no infractions are going to be issued at all.

I was more responding to the people who seem to think that now that grand final season is over, the appearance or non-appearance of infractions has some sort of meaning. It doesn't. We don't know what is going on, and won't until ASADA tell us what's happening.

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Nothing new in the Masters article.
I note he doesn't make any reference to Magnay's claims (a good friend of his), I wonder whether he agrees with the charge of the taking of the syringe activity?

Interesting you bring that up, as deal ol' Roy basically rubbished the Magnay article during an Offsiders episode a few week back.

Who knows what goes on in these journo's heads.
Most likely the delay could be due to making sure the stack of evidence they have wont impact on other investigations going on with the NRL. My belief from what i have heard, read and been told is that once the all clear is given then ASADA will present it and charges if any will be issued

Personally it would be sweet, sweet justice if the chargers hit just before the season opener hehe.
Robbo was jabbering in his usual semi-coherent manner just now on SEN in regard to this article. His view was basically that Masters has just about the best mail in the business in regard to ASADA ( his brother works there , or something) and that players are still not in the clear by a long shot. Neither are the NRL lads.
Robbo was jabbering in his usual semi-coherent manner just now on SEN in regard to this article. His view was basically that Masters has just about the best mail in the business in regard to ASADA ( his brother works there , or something) and that players are still not in the clear by a long shot. Neither are the NRL lads.

I think it's his wife with the connection??

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