The Law Ferguson

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Michael Brown Senior's mother-in-law. That's Mike Brown's, father's mother-in-law. As they didn't describe her as his mother's mother or his grandmother, obviously Mike Brown Sr had remarried. This woman was his mother-in-law from that 2nd marriage, so no actual relation to Mike Brown.

Now imagine your kid has just been killed and you've expressed a desire for no-one to use his death to sell merchandise and then you find out that a woman that barely knew your kid is pretending that she is family and doing exactly what you asked people not to do. And when you confront her, she tells you that you don't own the copyright on your dead child's name. I don't blame the real family for beating them down.

In any case, none of that has anything to do with the murder of Mike Brown. That douchebag brings it up in an attempt to further paint Mike Brown as someone worthless from a worthless family whose death doesn't matter.
You're right. She is Brown's grandmother-in-law. Which in no way makes her beating appear worse....

Molyneux raised this incident to highlight the culture and environment Mike grew up in. An environment where a disagreement over some shirts and petty cash between family members (which they are, even if only by-law) results in a mob attacking an old woman and a pipe assault that put one person (Mike's second cousin) in emergency.

It's not about discrediting the worth of Mike or his family. It's about illuminating the quick-to-violence culture he almost certainly was exposed to.
You're right. She is Brown's grandmother-in-law. Which in no way makes her beating appear worse....

Molyneux raised this incident to highlight the culture and environment Mike grew up in. An environment where a disagreement over some shirts and petty cash between family members (which they are, even if only by-law) results in a mob attacking an old woman and a pipe assault that put one person (Mike's second cousin) in emergency.

It's not about discrediting the worth of Mike or his family. It's about illuminating the quick-to-violence culture he almost certainly was exposed to.
So why was the cop so quick to resort to violence then?

Oh it's only violence if it's a black person or "self defence"

Got ya continue your justification

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You're right. She is Brown's grandmother-in-law. Which in no way makes her beating appear worse....

Molyneux raised this incident to highlight the culture and environment Mike grew up in. An environment where a disagreement over some shirts and petty cash between family members (which they are, even if only by-law) results in a mob attacking an old woman and a pipe assault that put one person (Mike's second cousin) in emergency.

It's not about discrediting the worth of Mike or his family. It's about illuminating the quick-to-violence culture he almost certainly was exposed to.

See, now you're doing it. You're trivializing what they argued about to make it seem like they are animals. One party was clearly in the wrong, attempting to profit from another person's death. Just try to put yourself in the shoes of the people who were actually close to Mike Brown. The people who loved him. And you see some bitch whose daughter married your ex making money off of your dead child's name, pretending that they are his kin. When you have made it clear that you don't want people to do that. My blood would be boiling like crazy in that situation. Then to be told that I don't have the copyright on my kid's name? Where's the lead pipe?
Would an Australian cop been acting as per their training if they set off after him once the altercation at the car had happened?

By Wilson's own admission he wasn't strong enough to bring him down on his own, he had already resisted him, he was already wounded, hasn't shown he's armed . . . so wouldn't it make sense to wait for backup?

Seems to me he was shit scared & wanted retribution for having been smacked in the head.
See, now you're doing it. You're trivializing what they argued about to make it seem like they are animals. One party was clearly in the wrong, attempting to profit from another person's death. Just try to put yourself in the shoes of the people who were actually close to Mike Brown. The people who loved him. And you see some bitch whose daughter married your ex making money off of your dead child's name, pretending that they are his kin. When you have made it clear that you don't want people to do that. My blood would be boiling like crazy in that situation. Then to be told that I don't have the copyright on my kid's name? Where's the lead pipe?
Yeah but they are clearly animals and quick to violence so they deserve to be racial profiles and shot unarmed.

Can't take any chances with the blacks can you @risngphoenix ? After all they must be gangbangers and thugs
It's pretty hard to believe Brown was actually charging at Wilson. The only support for that version of events is some anonymous witnesses that didn't say anything until there had been plenty of time for them to be bribed/coerced and to get their stories straight.
As long as you ignore the physical evidence. Like the blood splatter trail 22 feet behind Brown.
It makes no sense. Why would someone who had already been shot decide to turn around and charge at the cop who was shooting him??
Why would someone attack a cop?
He wasn't out of his mind on drugs.
According to the toxicology report he was super duper high at the time (not that I really care, tbh. I'll be that high later tonight).
He wasn't known for erratic violent behaviour.
He was literally on his way from a strong arm robbery.
It makes no sense. The initial reactions from all witnesses were that he was trying to surrender. Holding your hands up in surrender and charging like a bull at someone are not actions that you would easily confuse.
None of the physical evidence supports these witnesses claims.
See, now you're doing it. You're trivializing what they argued about to make it seem like they are animals. One party was clearly in the wrong, attempting to profit from another person's death. Just try to put yourself in the shoes of the people who were actually close to Mike Brown. The people who loved him. And you see some bitch whose daughter married your ex making money off of your dead child's name, pretending that they are his kin. When you have made it clear that you don't want people to do that. My blood would be boiling like crazy in that situation. Then to be told that I don't have the copyright on my kid's name? Where's the lead pipe?
Why make excuses for violence?

Sure, what they were doing was crass as ****. But descending on them with a mob and beating the shit out of them, that's acceptable?
So why was the cop so quick to resort to violence then?

Oh it's only violence if it's a black person or "self defence"

Got ya continue your justification
So quick, wtf are you talking about? Brown initiated a violent struggle.
So quick, wtf are you talking about? Brown initiated a violent struggle.
Still don't know what caused that , what was said prior, who initiated what

Nothing has been tested

Hence the ongoing investigation into both Wilson and the department .

But don't worry Wilson gets a nice pay day and it wouldn't shock me if he ends up getting a promotion.
As long as you ignore the physical evidence. Like the blood splatter trail 22 feet behind Brown.

I haven't yet come across that evidence. Source? And I mean a source saying that it's 22 feet, not just that there was a blood trail behind him.

Why would someone attack a cop?

Maybe Wilson's account of how it started isn't accurate? Brown probably acted stupidly, but the narrative of "he was just coming from saving a sick baby and politely asked the young gentlemen to move off the road and they swore at him and attacked him" seems a bit sus to me.

According to the toxicology report he was super duper high at the time (not that I really care, tbh. I'll be that high later tonight).

I don't think they were able to say that. He had traces of weed in his system and some in his pocket. I've never been so high that I became basically suicidally violent. And also, could you please PM the name of your dealer. I'm new to this neighbourhood and don't know who to talk to. Oh you're in WA. nvm

He was literally on his way from a strong arm robbery.

To my knowledge, he didn't actually steal anything. He shoved the guy in the store after that guy came from behind the counter to challenge him. AFAIK, the full story of what happened there hasn't come out, but it was hardly a strong arm robbery.

None of the physical evidence supports these witnesses claims.

Debatable. Should have gone to trial with a prosecutor who actually wanted to do his job.

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By Wilson's own admission he wasn't strong enough to bring him down on his own, he had already resisted him, he was already wounded, hasn't shown he's armed . . . so wouldn't it make sense to wait for backup?

I'd be interested to here about his home life, maybe his colleagues bullied him for being fat and unfit? Maybe he was gay and kept it quiet? Maybe his wifes left him for a slimmer and fitter man.

His story has more holes in than brown. One minute he's saying he's panicking, shocked and the next sentence hes describing rational thought around events seconds later.Its his little story about life in between these explanations, reeks of trying to convince us.
Because this is a world where gangbangers and thug life merchants and guns abound.

Unbelievable wilful ignorance everywhere.
Was your exit from the force voluntary? You present as the very type of person police forces across the country are trying to purge from their ranks.
Was your exit from the force voluntary? You present as the very type of person police forces across the country are trying to purge from their ranks.

Entirely voluntary.

And yeah, respectfully, you don't know what the hell your talking about.

I ask again, what course of action do you suggest against a violent, physically superior opponent intent on potentially killing you?
Entirely voluntary.

And yeah, respectfully, you don't know what the hell your talking about.

I ask again, what course of action do you suggest against a violent, physically superior opponent intent on potentially killing you?
And again you don't give any content to the situation, much like the lack of content in Wilson's story.

Very happy there one less of you in the police force.
So I get the feeling a lot of people believe this is some grand white conspiracy to protect a white police officer.

I think the complete opposite, it's either a bad decision by the grand jury or the correct decision. But there is no upper class/white/authority conspiracy.

Just ask yourself this.

By not indicting him they KNOW there will be riots and looting and possible death. Would any - any sane person, make the decision not to indict the officer lightly if it is certain that death and violence will occur because of it.

The jury would have had serious public policy considerations to take into account - justice or to appease popular opinion.

If they believe that an individual's justice is worth the public outcry, violence and hate that has occurred. Then justice must have required that decision
Yes Wilson has gone from being scared for his life and defending himself, to thinking rationally and questioning what actions to take.

This is of course after he pulled over and politely asked the men to stand on the side of the road, which resulted in Brown becoming violent and aggressive to the point of attacking him for no reason and over powering the officer.

Which a rational descion would be in this case is to wait for back up, cause clearly the kid has over powered him previously.

No I'll just go shoot him 6-12 times

Smells of so much bullshit
So I get the feeling a lot of people believe this is some grand white conspiracy to protect a white police officer.

I think the complete opposite, it's either a bad decision by the grand jury or the correct decision. But there is no upper class/white/authority conspiracy.

Just ask yourself this.

By not indicting him they KNOW there will be riots and looting and possible death. Would any - any sane person, make the decision not to indict the officer if it is certain that death and violence will occur because of it.

The jury would have had serious policy considerations, justice or to appease popular opinion.

If they believe that an individual's justice is worth the public outcry, violence and hate that has occurred. Then justice must have required that decision

The jury should have been making the decision to indict or not based on the prosecutor's efforts to establish that there was a case to answer. The prosecutor did not attempt to do that, allowing Wilson to give his side of the story as he was on the stand for 4 hours. That is not normal. A lot of the anger is because there was no attempt to even make it seem like justice was being served.
Law fail.

The fleeing felon rule was limited in the US in 1985 to non-lethal force in most cases by Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S.1. The justices held that deadly force "may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others."

What significant threat of death does an unarmed teenager present to others?

He wasn't running away , he was running at. big difference
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