EFC players: Comfortable satisfaction not reached.

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'Innocent until proven guilty' implies innocence in such a case as when no guilt has been found. Therefore the title should read 'Bomber Players Innocent.' This is basic logic.
Nobody in any court case is ever proven innocent. Not sure what the wording of the tribunal should be.

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Tell that to the posters here. By their posts, they seem to think that the Essendon players have been condemned to death.

I think you using the murder of two people in your sig and comparing it with cheating in sports is a pretty low act.
youre blaming me for trolling. LOLOL

Show me a single essendon fan who has claimed they were happy with the clubs supplement program in 2012. I havent seen one. Essendon fans are celebrating a case over cheating with peds. It has nothing to do with approval of what amounted to a disgraceful program in 2012

As stated, the fact that Hird remains and Dons fans celebrate him indicates to me that they don't care all that much. If someone at Geelong did that to the players, I'd want them GONE and I'd hope others would, also. Essendon supporters have been through a horrid time for the past two years but I don't see them laying the blame where it belongs. I see excuses made for a golden boy who treated your players with contempt.
Is that what actually happened? Or what he said happened?

He did also say the players were duped... so what does that mean?
Spike being told he was injected with Vitamin C.
What a load of crap!

Possibly proven they took TB4 - just couldn't prove which ones.

If no "drugs" were taken:

Why was Robson etc sacked?
Why was Robinson paid $1million to stop his court case?
Why did Ziggy write what he did in his report?
Why is Hal suing EFC?
Why did Paddy leave?
Why all the court efforts to suppress evidence?

EFC have been found not guilty of injecting specific players with TB4.

This does not make them "innocent".

The players association have made it clear that EFC actions were unacceptable.

It took years to get Lance Armstrong.

This may not be the end of this.

My understanding is ASADA/WADA have 8 years if they want to keep pursuing this - and they may.

Until all the evidence is made public most non-EFC supporters will think EFC did cheat but got away with it by burying the evidence and buying off witnesses - Robinson, Charters, Alavi etc.
Here ladies and gentlemen is what we have been dealing with for years. The punter's understanding.

Robson stood down after the Ziggy report amidst screams for someone at essendon to be sacked. The Ziggy report for those of you that read beyond the introduction and THAT famous quote, was in fact examining governance and found the biggest lapse to be that the CEO was not across everything.

Robinson was paid out for unfair dismissal. If his High Performance Team was providing PEDs to the players, he would not win any unfair dismissal claims - does no-one actually understand this?

Again, Ziggy, did you actually read the report? It was prefaced with an admission that he knows nothing and was not investigating if any ADRV occurred. His report was on governance and the failure to control the high performance unit. Once more, pay attention, there was no accusation of illegal or prohibited drugs.

I could go on, but I suggest you do your reading.
Been explained many times.

It was horseshit, it was going nowhere, the players were stressed, it was a shot at getting it knocked on the head immediately rather than dragging it out to this delayed, obvious, inevitable conclusion.

So instead of going to the tribunal knowing ASADA had nothing and getting it done and dusted there and then they decided to take it to court twice.

yep makes sense
My biggest worry is this finding will favour Hird, I've no problems with the players getting off if Danky went rogue.

Dank's fate remains to be seen, but if Hird remains the head coach after overseeing the drug programme I will be very disappointed.

I think ASADA will be crazy to appeal after spending 2 years chasing what appears to be shadows. Yet if the rumblings are true that the case couldn't fall over the line because Alavi and Charter refused to give evidence, then I can see the appeal in WADA coming OTT.
Nice av
Nobody in any court case is ever proven innocent. Not sure what the wording of the tribunal should be.

I cannot believe the outrage from the Essendon faithful over the wording of a thread, especially on this historic day where you would imagine them celebrating.

They are a weird mob
Yep, and also I would assume of anything Dank may have tried to or succeeded in giving to our players.
Amen. Don't think I have forgotten about this bizzo for a moment.

Anyhoo - we know the dees can beat the EFC best 22. The pesky topups not yet proven. Bring on 2015

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I think you using the murder of two people in your sig and comparing it with cheating in sports is a pretty low act.

I think you're taking a poster's signature on a Vietnamese Ping Pong Imageboard a bit too seriously, my friend. :)
It wasn't banned. Christ AOD again! Let it go people, you were wrong.
Sorry Bunk but you are wrong it was banned, I have no interest in whether they ever follow up on it is an old argument, but the simple indisputable fact is AOD was banned when it was used on Jobe, yes he had no way of knowing it was banned as someone at ASADA screwed up, but it was confirmed by WADA that at the time it was banned under S0.

I'm not on a witch hunt to bring it up again, Jobe was honest enough to admit it's use, but to say it wasn't banned is incorrect that's all.

The Therapeutic Drugs Administration this week confirmed it had not given approval for AOD-9604, but said "several other exemptions exist that could allow legal supply of AOD-9604".

But both ASADA and WADA revealed there were no loopholes, justifications or ways around the use of AOD-9604, officially banned in January 2011.

Although ACC chief John Lawler defended this line in a statement released on Tuesday on the basis the advice came from the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, he also acknowledged the substance was banned by all doping bodies under the S0 clause.
he didnt oversee it, he was involved in the original planning. He is a wanted coach by the club fans and players. Nothing more needs to be said


I don't believe Hird (or even Dank) set out to cheat and I don't believe Hird deliberately had the players subjected to trial drugs (Not so sure on Dank here). But Hird was the one who pushed the barrow on getting high tech drugs into the players. He was the one who brought Robinson and Dank into the club. He was also warned by your own beloved doctor. He was aware of the injection programs.

This wouldn't have happened without Hird - it would have happened without Evans, Thompson et al

Claiming Hird as the naive white knight is what gets most people's backs up

From a moral standpoint - most people I know are happy the players are clear - as Andrew Welsh said - they are the victims here.
If people are looking for a smoking - or even a loaded - gun, I think they'll be disappointed.

ASADA and the AFL leaked everything. They made one charge on TB4 and couldn't even get to "comfortable satisfaction".

They have nothing. They never have.
Don't necessarily mean that - maybe just something which might explain why ASADA pursued this. Nothing is a strong word. They didn't have enough is better. Anyway - my wife is hanging so much sh&t on me now and seeing my in laws is going to be super painful(!!)
I think you're taking a poster's signature on a Vietnamese Ping Pong Imageboard a bit too seriously, my friend. :)

I have my standards.
As stated, the fact that Hird remains and Dons fans celebrate him indicates to me that they don't care all that much. If someone at Geelong did that to the players, I'd want them GONE and I'd hope others would, also. Essendon supporters have been through a horrid time for the past two years but I don't see them laying the blame where it belongs. I see excuses made for a golden boy who treated your players with contempt.
the fans dont blame Hird so by supporting him they are not supporting the program. Sure Hird and others deserve some blame for what happened but not enough to see him gone because quite frankly his part in the program was small

Ron Evans didn't say "guilty". So does that mean Carlton have never been found guilty of breaching the salary cap?
Your logic is that there are only two options. Guilty or not guilty. The tribunal doesn't use either term.

Amazing the amount of discussion turns on the title of the thread. Why is that? Because there is a desire by some people to attach a big Not Guilty to the verdict, thus sweeping away any worries about the saga. You want a black and white answer when the case has more subtleties than that.

The description in the thread title now more accurately reflects the tribunal's decision. Why do you hate the truth?
Thanks m8 do you mind if I keep it a while longer, until the appeals process is exhausted and Albert is officially in the clear.

Would make me feel heaps better
No need to change it as it's correct, Hird was found guilty of a number of charges, this case had nothing to do with him it was the players that were found not guilty.
the fans dont blame Hird so by supporting him they are not supporting the program. Sure Hird and others deserve some blame for what happened but not enough to see him gone because quite frankly his part in the program was small
What do you think about Hird overriding Reid's concerns? the "UN skills" Hird pleaded be used to make Reid give the program his blessing? How is that a small part?
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