Painting miniatures, terrain and scenery.

My sort of first attempt at painting. I am doing another figure at the same time but that's not done yet.


Rough as guts, but it is a start. Might need a bit of a wash then a clear coating.

Suggestions? Mess with it or leave it alone and move on to another figure?

This guy has done the Drizzt figures while experimenting and learning via YouTube so I might follow some of his ideas -
I had a 6mm Napoleonic game at my house over the weekend using the Grande Armee rule sets.

we replayed the historical peninsular battle of Fuentes De Onoro fought between Wellington and Massena. The Battle ended up a draw historically as did our battle.

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Is this the board for those who build and paint Gundam kits? Or just 40k and fantasy models? Is there another hobby kit board? Thanks, would like to know.
Any modeling really.
Any modeling really.

Ok great. Cos I looked around for a hobbies board and this was pretty much the only one I found.

Anyway I recently rediscovered building Gundam kits, haven't started painting them yet, but am doing panel lining. I will post some pics after I finish assembling my new batch.
Ok great. Cos I looked around for a hobbies board and this was pretty much the only one I found.

Anyway I recently rediscovered building Gundam kits, haven't started painting them yet, but am doing panel lining. I will post some pics after I finish assembling my new batch.
This thread inspired me to dig out some of my old miniatures. These were all painted circa 1988 and on closer inspection they were much more impressive in my memory than real life! Wish I could find the standard I painted up for my space orcs. It was quite impressive from memory. Actually maybe it's better off lost.





This thread inspired me to dig out some of my old miniatures. These were all painted circa 1988 and on closer inspection they were much more impressive in my memory than real life! Wish I could find the standard I painted up for my space orcs. It was quite impressive from memory. Actually maybe it's better off lost.





Wow, look at some of those old designs o_o
My most recent mini, The Helfather mercenary from Deadzone


and everything I painted from May 2014 - April 2015, all in one photo for the fun painting comp I'm in



175 minis and 6 terrain/objecctive pieces!

Deadzone by Mantic
2 Marauder Ripper Suits
2 Marauder Goblin Guntracks w/ dual weapons
2 Marauder Goblin Ammo Carriers
1 Marauder Hulk
4 Marauder Commando
1 Marauder Commando Sergeant
1 Marauder Commando Captain
2 Marauder Commando w/ Claws
2 Marauder Commando w/ Ripper Talons
1 Marauder Commando w/ HMG
3 Marauder Goblin Sniper
2 Marauder Mawbeast Bomber
2 Marauder Pyro
2 Marauder Mawbeasts
1 Marauder Stuntbot
1 Plague Stage 1A
1 Plague Teraton
3 Plague Stage 2A
1 Plague Stage 3A "General"
1 Plague Swarm
2 Plague Hounds
1 Plague Stage 3A 'Boomstick'
1 Plague Mortar team (two crew plus mortar)
1 Plague Enforcer w/ Experimental Weapon
1 Plague Strider
1 Rebs Commander
2 Rebs Humans
2 Rebs Survey Drones
1 Rebs Grogan w/ Onslaught Cannon
1 Rebs Grogan w/ Desolator
1 Rebs Kraaw Warrior
1 Rebs TK Zero Weapons team
2 Rebs Sorak
1 Rebs Sorak Swordspawn
2 Rebs Yndij
1 Rebs Yndij Sergeant
2 Rebs Zees
1 Rebs Teraton
1 Rebs Judwan Medic
1 Rebs Strider
1 Project Oberon
1 Helfather

Dystopian Wars by Spartan
4 Arbalete class medium land carriers
15 Marteau 'ACA-8' class bombards
11 Focault 'R-6' class medium tanks
12 L'Arman 'Char 1C' class heavy tanks
12 R-4 class medium mortars
6 Grele class flak tanks
1 N-3 Liege land ship
1 Bastille 'N-5' class land ship
1 Magenta Mk I class battleship
2 Magenta Mk II class battleship
1 La Rochelle class battleship
2 Cherbourg class battlecruisers
3 Marseille class light Cruisers
4 Alma class frigates
4 Lyon class frigates
4 Requin class corvettes

Warhammer 40k by GW & FW
1 Wave Serpent
5 Striking Scorpions
1 Striking Scorpion Exarch
3 Eldar Support Weapon w/ 2x Guardian crew
2 Eldar "Guardian crew chief"
4 Warp Spiders
1 Warp Spider Exarch
4 Dire Avengers
1 Dire Avenger Exarch
1 Eldar Firestorm
1 Void Dragon Phoenix
1 Wraithseer

Mars Attacks! by Mantic
1 Giant Stompy Robot
1 Flying Saucer

Mecha Front by Paulson Games
1 Lynx medium mech with 1 each of the A, B and C weapon packs
2 Raptor light mechs with 1 each of the A, B and C weapon packs

Terrain by Underground Lasers
1 Tesla Cannon
4 objective markers
1 Shipping Container
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I have individual photos of all of that if anyone wants them!

Next up, some Deadzone Forge Fathers, then after that I can pick from more 40k Eldar, more Mars Attacks, some 15mm Macedonians and Indians, another two Deadzone factions, or some Dreadball teams. I'll also be taking up the next 12 months painting two Firestorm Armada fleets as a long term, in the gaps project.
I have individual photos of all of that if anyone wants them!

Next up, some Deadzone Forge Fathers, then after that I can pick from more 40k Eldar, more Mars Attacks, some 15mm Macedonians and Indians, another two Deadzone factions, or some Dreadball teams. I'll also be taking up the next 12 months painting two Firestorm Armada fleets as a long term, in the gaps project.
That's very impressive mate. Do you paint them as a hobby, or paint them for use or do you sell them?
Just finished another figure and 3 spider swarms after not getting the gear out for a while.

I won't post them, they are a bit muddy and rough. Or maybe I will to document my progress.

Next I am doing the feral trolls and drakes from the Legends of Drizzt boardgame. See how much better I get.

Still interested in messing around with terrain a lot more. The boy has no interest in doing more so I will jump ahead a bit and work on skills to do more detailed stuff. Just have to go from watching YouTube vids to actually building something of my own :)
This is my troll so far. He's a large figure, which I thought would be a bit easier to mess with. Plus he doesn't have much by way of complicated clothing or weapons.

God they look terrible when you take photos up close! I was too heavy on the paint I think.

Plus I started with a very dark green then painted over with normal green, which might not be the way to go?

The waist band/top of the skull need work, his veins and warts need to be highlighted. Teeth and mouth need cleaning up - I am going to get a magnifying lamp tomorrow as my eyes just cannot focus that well any more.

Still need silver on the wrist band studs.

Fingernails need a good vile poo-yellow colour.

His eyes need to be finished. Any tips on how to get that looking good? They are deep-set and stuffed if I know how to get some white in there. I tried it with my 0 brush but stuffed it, then put a too-dark black over the white but actually the eye sockets look better almost black - I will just tidy them up a bit with green at the lower edge toward the nose.

Wrists where they meet the wrist band needs tidying.

I need to work out how to do a good wash and get the muscles accentuated a bit more. I just watered down some green and black mix and painted around his abs which came out OK.

Not all of those bright spots are reflected light, some are where I have completely missed covering the primer - that hair line in particular is a bit of a mess.


I am reasonably happy with how the pelt and skull, and forearm guards have come along. I am just going to leave the pelt alone lest I stuff it up. Part of me wants to dry brush an even lighter brown but I think I will stop there.

Yes I didn't get rid of the mold lines - I had a go at them but didn't want to gouge holes in the piece so I left them.

Dem abs! (No homo.)


Any suggestions from our experienced painters?

I have a second one of these to apply lessons learned on the first one.
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This is my troll so far. He's a large figure, which I thought would be a bit easier to mess with. Plus he doesn't have much by way of complicated clothing or weapons.

No trolls!

I am going to get a magnifying lamp tomorrow as my eyes just cannot focus that well any more.

I've thought that too when I've been thinking about having another go. Haven't painted one for a couple of decades.

His eyes need to be finished. Any tips on how to get that looking good? They are deep-set and stuffed if I know how to get some white in there. I tried it with my 0 brush but stuffed it, then put a too-dark black over the white but actually the eye sockets look better almost black - I will just tidy them up a bit with green at the lower edge toward the nose.

I used to use a pin with the tiniest blip of paint I could manage on the end, put the surface facing up and just try to transfer it from the pin to the surface by touch. Varying degrees of success.

Looks good though. Should look better after you've done the things you mentioned. I think you're right not to go any further with the loinfur. Looks good as is.
The only GW product I really recommend and buy is the wash called Nuln Oil. It's super easy to put on, just brush and go and it pools in all the right places. Secret Weapon has a cool range of coloured washes as an alternative.

Painting eyes is bitching hard, I have a couple 5/0 brushes and I still muck it up often. I use a Gundam Marker, a kind of micron pen, to dot in the pupils.