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  1. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    Seriously? That's it? Well that argument fell about as short as Hawthorn. Yes, because I was waiting with baited breathe for Geelong to get good so I could join an Internet football forum. :rolleyes:
  2. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    That would be a good start. Maybe then you'll start delivering on some of this promise you all keep telling us about.
  3. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    Jealous of what? Another desperado Hawks fan trying to cling to this old chestnut, in an attempt to drown out their own club's epic failures. We've won 3 flags in 6 years, blooded 20 new players and lost 6 premiership players the past two seasons yet remained a finals team and Hawthorn still...
  4. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    Yeah, maybe. Maybe next year, or the year after, but after that? You guys would want to hope you win a flag in the next two years, because the failure that will follow is going to hurt for a while I'd say. :rolleyes:
  5. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    Firstly, Sydney don't tend to recycle 30 year old has been's. They recycle players struggling for opportunities and and with their best football ahead of them. Secondly, one posotive example doesn't make an argument considering you'll find 5 negative examples per one postive.
  6. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    100% based on the stone cold evidence provided by the plethora of clubs in the history of this game who have attempted to consistently top up and recycle players to fill bit roles for short term gains, failed, and been left in the duldrums for years after.
  7. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    No offence, but I would expect such a narrow minded view from a supporter of a club so desperate for a flag. Consistently just recruiting for a short term gain as Hawthorn have in an effort to back up from 2008 more often than not fails and even when it doesn't and you do get lucky it leaves you...
  8. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    Who cares? They'll be even stronger for what? 1-2 years? Then, unless they drastically alter their recruiting philosophy and/or get lucky with horrible picks, will fall off the radar very quickly.
  9. Last Line Hero

    Bigger impact - Lake to Hawthorn or Tippett to Swans

    Define "impact". Tippett is a 200cm & 100kg key forward yet to hit his peak. He's 25 and will play for the best part of the next decade. Lake is a 31 year old has been defender, who's body and mind have failed the past two years. Lake may, and I emphasise may, be the one ingredient...
  10. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    Ever think Collingwood fans were jeering him because he hadn't signed yet? I am curious as to this long period of "terrible" form. Unbelieveable effort to put up the numbers he did if he was terrible" for the vast majority of the year as you are suggesting. Comfortably a top 50 player, simple as...
  11. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    So you're going to try and argue that a player who puts up those figures didn't have a good year? What a genius.
  12. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    mmm... no. Glass over Lonergan or Taylor? :p Yeah, I think I'll stick with Harry and Lonergan thanks. You see, Lonergan is the same as Glass. Just defends, doesn't really get the ball and when he does doesn't really know what to do with it. Difference is, Lonergan actually plays on the...
  13. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    No need to cry champ. Unfortunately there's plenty to piss and moan about. If he wasn't so plain average and overrated I'd have nothing to say about him.
  14. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    I'd say the fact he kicked 59 goals, was 4th in the league for marks, 1st for contested marks and 3rd for marks inside 50 is clearly indicative he had a very good year and was clearly a top 50 player. Credit to how good he is that he can put up numbers like that and be considered to have...
  15. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    Fully expect Glass to be Top 10 again. :rolleyes: Sheahan would gargle his balls as much as Healy.
  16. Last Line Hero

    Mike Sheahans - Top 50 players of 2012

    Ask your full- back how good Cloke is.
  17. Last Line Hero

    Is it too bold to say Hawthorn are mentally fragile?

    Better to go in the underdog and be beaten by a genuinely better side than choke as the favourite.
  18. Last Line Hero

    Is it too bold to say Hawthorn are mentally fragile?

    Sydeny gave you a quarter head start, had their 3 most important players (Goodes, Richards & Mumford) go in half fit and play poor games, and the umpires did everything they could to get you over the line (21-10 free kicks) and you still choked... again. It's hard not to laugh, and to be honest...
  19. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    Because it's a fact. Any average defender can maintain control of their position in matches that their side dominates or is in control defensively, as Hawthorn often are. Zac Dawson did it for 3 years at St. Kilda. Look at how he fares under pressure in big games, against big opponents and/or...
  20. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    No, not really. Hawthorn as a team have. The best team in the league at denying opposition entries into forward 50 and the most efficient at taking the away from defence. Makes life very easy for a backmen, and that goes without saying they have designed a defensive structure to prevent Stratton...
  21. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    No, not really. Noone, including me, has ever said or expected that Shoenmakers should be some dominating defender given he is playing in a great side. In saying that, he should be better than what he is and developing significantly faster given how strong Hawthorn are and the support he has...
  22. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    What's your point? Shoenmakers should fare well against him. He's a year older and playing in a better side. Doesn't change the fact that Reid is rediculously more talented than Shoenamakers and has been able to demonstrate that talent at the top level (unlike Shoenmakers), playing a...
  23. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    Reid? As in Sam Reid? No he's not. :eek: What a rediculous comment. Ried established himself as one of, if not, the best young key forward in the game last season. Had an unbeliveable year as a 2nd year power forward, given how notoriously difficult it is for young key forwards to develop...
  24. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    Oh :p My bad. Shoey's beatings just tend to all roll into one thesedays, hard to tell one apart from the other. Worth posting anyway.
  25. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    Few frustrated lawyer types amongst these Hawks fans I think. Will argue whatever rediculous angle they can to make shit look like shoe polish.
  26. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    Sick burn. I didn't know broken records could type. You're so boring. Entertain me please. You can keep sprouting this "haven't seen poor Shoey play" line to deflect as much as you like, it's not really working however. You're right, he is lethal. Albeit to Hawthorn chances of victory, but...
  27. Last Line Hero

    Schoenmakers gets to have the final say

    Definitive evidence Nancy Drew. :rolleyes: That 'like' was actually for the "there's defending your players, and then there's covering your ears screaming la la la la I can't hear you" coment. Found that quite amusing. :D Thought it summed up the thread nicely. And I am refreshed to hear a...