Exclusive: Carey on more charges in Miami for allegedly assaulting police officers

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If there was coke there, how do we know it wasnt hers and Carey was trying to stop the cops from busting her??
yea it could have been any of the people that were there. apparently there was a party there earlier, i think i read or heard that???? :confused:

Proberley trying to 'clean' up before the cops arrived!
Then fended them off for trying to enter, so charged with assault!
Who knows??
Yes confirmed on Melbournes Today Tonight that traces of cocaine were found in Carey's apartment. Apparently may not be enough left to lay charges as only a small amount left. Reporter claimed the rest had obviously been used. I would like to no by whom Carey or the girls.
yea it could have been any of the people that were there. apparently there was a party there earlier, i think i read or heard that???? :confused:

Apparently there was a party earlier. A channel 7 actress was there with her boyfriend. They named her but I had never heard of her. On one of those crappy shows I never watch.
He's has to surely go to jail for this one. I haven't heard many stories of people getting out of this. I think the reason the media didn't find out about this is the fact they didn't know he was a celebrity. They said he thought he was a thug. Although that was probably mentioned earlier in this thread.

On those police shows, you see people punching officers and they get 5-10 years.

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anyone who has seen cops knows how quickly they will charge someone with "assulting a police officer"

did I hear Carey wanking on about his private life being private?
The thing that upsets me the most about the AFL is how seriously it takes itself. You run a football competition. Yes a very big one in Australia but please don't try and impart morals and standards on other people’s lives.

Absolute morons who need to get some perspective. Why don’t they worry about running a competition that is there for entertainment for people, not as an example of how to live your life?

Ablett and Carey are the games two greatest entertainers, not role models. They have ruined their own lives and only enhanced ours.

More poor them, I say.
Is it just me or is she one of the most stupidest bitches in the world? Im by no means condoning Waynes alleged activities but if this happened last year and she is still going out with him then i think she might need some serious help.

Agreed. Dumb just dumb.

He's a despicable human being and why any woman would want to be seen with this scumbag just astounds me.
No excuses. Physically attacking a woman is a dog act. A coward. If she's pissing him off that much why be with her?
You make it sound so simplistic. If only everything were like that.
Sometimes it's not that easy. Abusive relationships are more psychological than they are physical. As I've said here, it's often easier to put up with what's going on in the relationship than having to put up with even more abuse when trying to leave.
The other thing that people haven't considered, is the fact that she may actually love him...unconditionally. Why we don't know. And that opens up a whole new can of worms that can be manipulated by the abuser.
Why can't an alcoholic just snap his fingers and stop drinking? Why can't a drug addict just stop doing lines? Sometimes the answers are not as simple as we'd like them to be.
Why would an otherwise intelligent attractive woman stay with an abusive man who manipulates her in every way? It's not as easy as just saying "I'm leaving' as difficult as it is for us to comprehend.
My two cents...again. I'll leave it be now or I'll sound like a broken record.
Sounds to me like a series of relatively minor incidents being coupled together and then blown out of proporsion. Assault on police officers is often an exaggerated load of garbage. Can you imagine being woken, possibly quite quickly by a bunch of strangers. My GF has woken me on the couch at times and I have jumped in fright. I could have easily flinched and accidentally bumped her. This could easily be all this American incident is.

I really despise the way the police and press go after successful people. I am not saying he is a saint or anything but it smells bad to me. I haven't read a single thing that didn't sound minor and unexplainable to me when talking about a fairly strong willed and loud party boy like Carey.

Even the Stevens incident is a joke. So Stevens wife gave him a BF, and Carey is the bad one. Yeah sure it was his mates girl, but the fact that Stevens took her back and kisses her on the lips every night to me, shows what a loser Stevens is. How could Carey respect him anyway and if drunk you could easily see how this happened.

Again I am not saying Carey is a model citizen or even anyone I would associate with, but I don't believe much of this frogshit and if he ends up doing time, it would be a disgrace.
You make it sound so simplistic. If only everything were like that.
Sometimes it's not that easy. Abusive relationships are more psychological than they are physical. As I've said here, it's often easier to put up with what's going on in the relationship than having to put up with even more abuse when trying to leave.
The other thing that people haven't considered, is the fact that she may actually love him...unconditionally. Why we don't know. And that opens up a whole new can of worms that can be manipulated by the abuser.
Why can't an alcoholic just snap his fingers and stop drinking? Why can't a drug addict just stop doing lines? Sometimes the answers are not as simple as we'd like them to be.
Why would an otherwise intelligent attractive woman stay with an abusive man who manipulates her in every way? It's not as easy as just saying "I'm leaving' as difficult as it is for us to comprehend.
My two cents...again. I'll leave it be now or I'll sound like a broken record.

Thank christ there are some intelligent people in this forum, i was beginning to lose hope.

If I hear one more person take pot shots at the "stup1d b1tch" i may be inclined to Carey them in the head, especially hate hearing women say it from the comfort of their obviously rosey relationship. Such a backward perspective on the whole thing.
Sounds to me like a series of relatively minor incidents being coupled together and then blown out of proporsion. Assault on police officers is often an exaggerated load of garbage. Can you imagine being woken, possibly quite quickly by a bunch of strangers. My GF has woken me on the couch at times and I have jumped in fright. I could have easily flinched and accidentally bumped her. This could easily be all this American incident is.

I really despise the way the police and press go after successful people. I am not saying he is a saint or anything but it smells bad to me. I haven't read a single thing that didn't sound minor and unexplainable to me when talking about a fairly strong willed and loud party boy like Carey.

Even the Stevens incident is a joke. So Stevens wife gave him a BF, and Carey is the bad one. Yeah sure it was his mates girl, but the fact that Stevens took her back and kisses her on the lips every night to me, shows what a loser Stevens is. How could Carey respect him anyway and if drunk you could easily see how this happened.

Again I am not saying Carey is a model citizen or even anyone I would associate with, but I don't believe much of this frogshit and if he ends up doing time, it would be a disgrace.

I hope none of your mates read this forum H2F, for a bloke who can often sound educated, your view on the Stevens saga is a low point.
Sounds to me like a series of relatively minor incidents being coupled together and then blown out of proporsion. Assault on police officers is often an exaggerated load of garbage. Can you imagine being woken, possibly quite quickly by a bunch of strangers. My GF has woken me on the couch at times and I have jumped in fright. I could have easily flinched and accidentally bumped her. This could easily be all this American incident is.

I really despise the way the police and press go after successful people. I am not saying he is a saint or anything but it smells bad to me. I haven't read a single thing that didn't sound minor and unexplainable to me when talking about a fairly strong willed and loud party boy like Carey.

Even the Stevens incident is a joke. So Stevens wife gave him a BF, and Carey is the bad one. Yeah sure it was his mates girl, but the fact that Stevens took her back and kisses her on the lips every night to me, shows what a loser Stevens is. How could Carey respect him anyway and if drunk you could easily see how this happened.

Again I am not saying Carey is a model citizen or even anyone I would associate with, but I don't believe much of this frogshit and if he ends up doing time, it would be a disgrace.

Haha H2F, your BF's version of Dermie running through an opposition huddle!....:thumbsu:

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