Movie Interstellar

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Well…he doesn't stand anywhere close to them, so that discussion is finished.

I mean, **** me, seriously. The notion that Nolan is anywhere near the league of Kubrick, Bergman, Welles, Renoir, Huston, Ford, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Kurosawa, Ozu, Herzog, Wenders, Hitchcock, Keaton, Chaplin, Murnau, Lang, Wilder, Lean, Kazan, Scorsese, The Coens, Dreyer, Einstein, Mizoguchi, and a bunch of others is just laughable.

He's nowhere near the discussion of all time great filmmakers.
It's okay, old man. The scary new filmmakers won't hurt you.

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Did anyone else have issues hearing dialogue over the score at times? Might have been my cinema but my friend also said the same thing when we walked out.
Thought the same thing when I saw it at Hoyts on Friday. Was better at Imax, but there were still a couple of times where it was an issue.
Did anyone else have issues hearing dialogue over the score at times? Might have been my cinema but my friend also said the same thing when we walked out.

Yeah, it was a bugger during some scenes. I was at Hoyts Norwood.
+1 dialogue issues.

Thought it was good, but could have been executed better in parts, and with my expectation going in, have a harsher view than most here.

Hovers between being technical and spiritual then full blown spiritual at the end, I didn't mind the concept what happens when he goes through the black hole, but fell out of place considering how much 'science' went into 3/4 of the film, and the lack of Murph's 'ghost' at the start. Think with more re-watches i'll appreciate it more.

Very 2001 Space Odyssey. Which isn't a bad thing.

I love the cosmology docos they have on Discovery Channel, so it was good to see some Hollywood SFX that covered some of the material. 7.5/10 for me.
Did anyone else have issues hearing dialogue over the score at times? Might have been my cinema but my friend also said the same thing when we walked out.
I had similar issues with the opening backstory of Gone Girl at Hoyts. Thought it might just be an overly intrusive score, but maybe it was the cinema.
It's okay, old man. The scary new filmmakers won't hurt you.

Nice try. It has nothing to do with him being 'new'. There's many great new filmmakers. But if you're going to make silly statements about greatest filmmakers of all time well…then, of course I'm going to mention filmmakers from all time. He isn't in the leagues of those I mentioned, and something tells me you don't have the frames of reference to be able to make such a statement anyway.
I had similar issues with the opening backstory of Gone Girl at Hoyts. Thought it might just be an overly intrusive score, but maybe it was the cinema.

Yeah I had the same thing in Gone Girl, but didn't notice it during Interstellar.
You have to laugh at the people claiming scientific inaccuracies. Even if these armchair wannabe theoretical physicists are correct, does that mean movies like Star Wars, Back to the Future and Indiana Jones are also bad movies because they have scientific inaccuracies? I have no issue with people disliking the movie, it just seems like people are marking it more harshly than other movies because it's Christopher Nolan.
If they were attempting to be scientifically accurate sci-fi films then you may have had a point.
If they were attempting to be scientifically accurate sci-fi films then you may have had a point.

It's still a science fiction film. Christopher Nolan collaborated with physicist Kip Thorne but of course it's going to take liberties and speculate on what could be possible. There's so much about space we don't know so of course Christopher Nolan is going to speculate in order to tell the story he wants. If people don't like it, then maybe they're better off watching a space documentary or a drama/comedy that doesn't deal with this stuff.

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Insomnia might even be my 3rd favourite actually, after The Prestige and Memento.

Fair enough. Personally I rate Insomnia as my least favourite but I like all Nolan Films (except for The Following which I haven't seen).

In general (not aimed at anyone in this thread), I'm fine with people hating the movie but I don't get why there are people criticising the movie because it's Christopher Nolan and people expect his movies to be "realistic". Inception and to a lesser degree The Prestige (those who've seen the movie will know what I'm talking about) were hardly realistic films. Even The Dark Knight Rises got that criticism yet people can accept The Avengers having an aircraft that can turn invisible and a man who turns into the Hulk because of gamma radiation. I realise that a fair chunk of people who disliked the movie wasn't because of the science, just wanted to rant a bit.
Fair enough. Personally I rate Insomnia as my least favourite but I like all Nolan Films (except for The Following which I haven't seen).

In general (not aimed at anyone in this thread), I'm fine with people hating the movie but I don't get why there are people criticising the movie because it's Christopher Nolan and people expect his movies to be "realistic". Inception and to a lesser degree The Prestige (those who've seen the movie will know what I'm talking about) were hardly realistic films. Even The Dark Knight Rises got that criticism yet people can accept The Avengers having an aircraft that can turn invisible and a man who turns into the Hulk because of gamma radiation. I realise that a fair chunk of people who disliked the movie wasn't because of the science, just wanted to rant a bit.
I think people heard "realistic take on Batman", which it certainly was, and extrapolated that to "Nolan does everything 100% realistic". He's a movie maker. He's all about the magic and the power of cinema. He makes entertaining movies not documentaries.

Re Batman v Avengers, the best way I heard it summed up was "Christopher Nolan brought life to comic books, Joss Whedon brought comic books to life".
Yeah, hating on those aspects is a bit unfair, completely agreed. I really couldn't care less about the science aspect, but I was shocked at how disagreeable some of the film craft was here. I sense that hate towards this film will only accelerate in coming years. Personally, I'm just really disappointed, I'm not someone that wastes too much breath on films I had significant issues with. There are some great visuals and ideas in this film, but it's all just so wasted among the glaringly poor narrative construction. It's one of those films that makes you never want to ever see another film about saving Earth/the human race.
I liked it. Long but pretty easy to watch I thought,.

Couple of quick thoughts:

That robot was quite sensible looking. Pretty jarring when you're used to seeing robot spacemen in these kinds of films that look mostly human shaped. I didn't realise he had knees at first and I couldn't figure out how he walked and I kept paying him more attention than I probably should have. He was often obscured or half out of frame for the first half of the movie, and you don't really get to see him scooting around until much later. Was worried he had a touch of the Skippy's about him, getting dragged around on a cart off camera, which was a stupid thing to think in hindsight given that he was a cumpter graphics thing anyway.

As with all time bending movies I got massively distracted when actors are supposed to look older, with their grey balding hair and guts etc. I mean what else are you supposed to do to make people look old so you can tell at a glace what's going on, but still. Also, it was hard to tell how old some characters were supposed to be relative to each other as the movie went on, given I wasn't sure how old McConnehey was supposed to be, since he as usual looks like a 60 year old playing a 35 year old. Nothing against the great man of course.

I have a hard time with exciting action sequences towards the end of big movies, no matter how clever or intense since you know things will turn out. Just feels like a couple of minutes of nothing. Brain turns off, you know the one in a million shot is going to pay off. Seen it too often and can't get invested. HERE IS MY IDEA ON HOW TO FIX IT: I read on Cracked that movie people are trying to make a trip to the movies more social media centric (...), so this is making the best of a bad situation - a couple of weeks before a big exciting film is released, put out a video game app for the smartphones where YOU have to act out the big climactic action scene. Show how ****ing hard it is to fly your spaceship though a minefield or some shit. make the game damn near impossible. all the fanboys will play it regardless. and then I might pay attention to see how the hero gets it done.

I liked in the Red Letter Media review how the mentioned they dressed up Casey Afflek like Ben Afflek, and that you can't take John Lithgow seriously in a spaceman film.

Gee like I said I really enjoyed the movie so not sure why I just spent 500 words ripping into it over inconsequental shit. it's the internet i guess.



By far the worst film Nolan has ever made. The screenplay is a joke, I cringed several times during the film and even contemplated walking out at one point.

You thought about leaving. But the power of love made you stay.
Saw it twice last week. Had hear mixed reviews so came in with my expectations lowered.

Was blown away...

What an immense cinematic experience that was, had me close to tears in some parts and on the edge of my seat in others. Zimmers score was perfect, the acting was great and Nolan's direction was good as always. It was paced really well so the 3 hours flew by. I'd have it close to my favourite Nolan film, although I can acknowledge why some people really wouldn't like it, I think this is the type of picture that will age well. Congratulations Christopher Nolan, you have done it again.
Just got back from watching this.

I really loved this movie about 2/3 of the way in. The emotional story between Cooper and his daughter was powerful and the real the highlight of this movie for me.

But that last hour though- Sheesh, It really lost me a few times there.

Nolan really tried to be too clever and do too much in that last third of the movie imo. Still a pretty good movie, but nowhere near as good as some of his other works- The Prestige, Memento and TDK.


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