My psychological study. I'd love your help.

The first set of questions were back to front (ie. the wording for the 'general' and 'workplace' questions were in the wrong order).

Knowing how psychologists work, I thought this may have had something to do with the 'real' purpose of the questionnaire. But no.
The first set of questions were back to front (ie. the wording for the 'general' and 'workplace' questions were in the wrong order).

Knowing how psychologists work, I thought this may have had something to do with the 'real' purpose of the questionnaire. But no.

You're right, I did have them around the other way prior to activation. I forgot to slightly change the wording in the 'general' description. Because the items are identical for both sections it hasn't affected anything. The idea is to create that differential so that I can partial out that less than genuine 'work' personality if there is any significant difference. I suspect there is nothing too huge, though.

Thanks for picking up on it Grim. Fixed it now.
I did it. Thanks Haso for the opportunity. I've got an interesting work environment at the moment where I don't really enjoy spending time with others in my team....but I've always been an extrovert by nature. I am finding that I don't really crave company at all - quite happy to sit in my office for the work day and not engage with others. I am starting to think that age/fatherhood has mellowed my extrovert tendencies to the point where I don't need that contact with people as much.
Many thanks to everybody who has participated so far. I've now sent all personalty profiles to those who requested them.

I'll continue collecting data for a number of weeks, so if you haven't checked it out yet I'd be forever grateful if you gave it a go. It's not very scary and you get a nifty profile of your personality out of it.
Thought I'd help you out seeing as I'm just about to embark on a course in psychology, although I'm not sure how normalised my answers would be given I work at a small business with only about 10 people, most of them brethren members. The fact I'm just about to leave probably changed a few answers from what they would've been six months ago too.

That's great, though. I do need that full spread of scores in all factors. The stats don't work without variation and covariability.

Thanks for your help.
Did mine when this was first posted, found it, not difficult, but sort of strange trying to answer some of the questions as I'm self employed and lately only employ one bloke at a time, but when the reply came back it made me happy.:)
Did mine when this was first posted, found it, not difficult, but sort of strange trying to answer some of the questions as I'm self employed and lately only employ one bloke at a time, but when the reply came back it made me happy.:)

Thank you very much for taking the time out to participate. I'm looking for the full spectrum of employment, so the data that i get from you is definitely useful.

I don't expect people to complete the questionnaire for free, so I am very happy to send personality profiles in return for the time taken out. I'm glad you were happy with yours :thumbsu:
Hi Everybody,

I thought I might bump this thread again seeing as the season proper is starting now and a few more of us are back again.

If you haven't participated I would be forever grateful if you did. It is an online questionnaire that only takes around 15 minutes to do, and you get a nifty personality profile out of it if you choose to have me create one.

The formal explanation and details are in the OP here.
Thinking about all those double negatives just did my head in. :)

Thanks very much for taking the time out joshhem. You could be forgiven for thinking that there was an ulterior motive behind all those double negatives, but really psychologists as a collective just like to bamboozle. :)
Hey guys. I will be collecting data on this study for just another week or so. Bumping now to try to squeeze few more people in. I would like your help in filling in a brief online questionnaire for my thesis if you haven't participated already. You get a totally awesome personality profile out of it if you choose. Full description and link is in the OP.

Cheers, y'all.
Data collection for this study has now been completed, so I have taken the link down. Many thanks to everybody who took the time to participate. Everybody's data was extremely valuable, and you have all helped me a lot.

I am now commencing data screening (will take a little while), and from then preliminary analyses. The analyses will be long and drawn out, but when I get a clear picture of what the data is telling me I will keep you all abreast (for those who are interested).