North Robbed

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My favourite was Harvey's kick to Black that would of put us 4 goals up, yet wasn't paid cause it was "touched".

How was the angle he marched Wright around on when he marched Cox straight towards the centre from the same angle down the other end?

I can't believe they could be genuinely that bad. It's straight up cheating.
Guys just got home and saw the last few seconds of the game on replay. great mark by nic nat. Was the contentious free kick the selwood one. if so what was it for. I've had a quick look at the tape. black marks its kicks it before he needs to the ball goes over the pack the WC player braces for impact. Slowed it right down it is not in the back nor high. Did the North guy (Adams?) hold him too long. I watch it with the sound down so I am a bit unclear on what the fuss is about.

From khaleesi:


It was paid as a high.

No doubt Adam Selwood played for it - but I don't think there's any doubt that under the rules that this is a free.

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I'm just over being angry about losing by a kick / after siren. I'm not even that upset by this. WCE can have their win and whatever solace it brings other people, so be it.
It's a nothing season for both teams now. Neither club will do anything. The 4 points are almost worthless

Thinking clearly; there are a lot of stupid posts on this thread. Some really embarrassing.

Lindsay does flop around for frees, but every team has their actors. I dont like it either.
McGuire, Brereton and Maclure are currently watching the slo mo replay and have their eyes rolling around in their heads.

They can't believe what they are seeing.
I suspect the contact might be from the fact the tacklers high arm came loose as they fell and were on the floor and then he got him again once he reached for the ball whilst on the ground. It's hard to tell without another angle.
Why does the Selwood family always look like they are sitting in an armchair when they are being tackled? Is this where the phrase "armchair ride from the umps" comes from?
Umpire confirmed this was not the free kick, it was rightly called play on.

The free kick was paid for Andrew Swallows knee missing Selwoods head by a foot when he was on the ground. Wow.
From khaleesi:


It was paid as a high.

No doubt Adam Selwood played for it - but I don't think there's any doubt that under the rules that this is a free.

Your eyes can't see beneath a waist line?

He took on the tackler. It was holding the ball.

Chock up yet another West Coast umpiring disgrace.
Was going for north but that decision was worth it to see the hissy fit from Scott.

The two twins are like children, always acting like everything is against them. I like that they are outspoken but every other coach keeps their cool (relatively) when the inevitable bad calls go against them.

Its petulant, pathetic, childish and a bad image for kids.

I didn't really want to post in this thread, but then I saw your post and saw you support Hawthorn. As long as Clarkson coaches the Hawks I'd just keep my mouth shut.

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Do you feel the same way when you see Thomas milking frees?

Funny how it wasnt his opinion 2 weeks ago when his team was gifted a win with the most ridiculous free kick count of all time
One of the worst decisions was Black marking 30 metres out and it being called touched. The funny thing is the umpires had the whistle away for the first 3 quarters but had to influence the game in the last quarter. Inconsistent maggots drop them all to the vfl.
To all the North fans who rubbed our noses in it a couple of weeks ago, feel free to revisit the North v Port thread if you want to discuss the umpires. Like you said, if you are good enough, you'll win.

P.S Your coach really does worry about the umpires too much. Maybe he should concentrate on things he can control.
You all know what you saw.

It's getting beyond farcical.

If we're not careful we will lose our game.

Too late you already lost the game. Weren't you watching?

You should have seen the last bit. Naitanuiii took a mark over the pack, he was about 20 deep. 85 meters out, on a hellish angle. But he slotted it through like the superstar that he is.

Man you should have seen it.
Umpire confirmed this was not the free kick, it was rightly called play on.

The free kick was paid for Andrew Swallows knee missing Selwoods head by a foot when he was on the ground. Wow.
Could it be this?

I suspect the contact might be from the fact the tacklers high arm came loose as they fell and were on the floor and then he got him again once he reached for the ball whilst on the ground. It's hard to tell without another angle.
What was it North fans? "Im loving the tears Port".

Ditto :)

You're supposed to be a moderator aren't you?

Grow up FFS. Way to set an example.
I'm just over being angry about losing by a kick / after siren. I'm not even that upset by this. WCE can have their win and whatever solace it brings other people, so be it.
It's a nothing season for both teams now. Neither club will do anything. The 4 points are almost worthless

Thinking clearly; there are a lot of stupid posts on this thread. Some really embarrassing.

Lindsay does flop around for frees, but every team has their actors. I dont like it either.
if north wanna make the 8 then they lost a lot.
The fact is if north had won you would be all like "yeah suck it" and now that you lost your going back into your hole.
One of the worst decisions was Black marking 30 metres out and it being called touched. The funny thing is the umpires had the whistle away for the first 3 quarters but had to influence the game in the last quarter. Inconsistent maggots drop them all to the vfl.
This is the only one I'm really pissed about. The Shuey and Selwood frees were shit but get paid most weeks so you just have to take them as they come. The non-mark to Black was blatantly incorrect by every measure.

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