Game Day Port v Essendon

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There's a part of me I can't shake, built in years and years of part performances, that says we shit the bed today. We don't perform well with the world in our hands. There are mental demons for the team and for me, as a supporter.

But we really haven't done that so far this year. We've lost 3 games, 1 against a genuine premiership chance at their home ground who haven't traveled all year, 1 against a genuine premiership chance at the back of an incredible slog of games, and while the other 1 was disappointing, we came up against a team in pretty good form who somehow managed to kick the straightest any team has kicked in nineteendicketytwo years. Every other game, the ones we would normally bottle, we haven't.

I'm quietly confident. A 4 quarter performance as a bit of a tune up would be fantastic. But I'll take a win in any form.

Port by 5 goals in sloppy conditions. Wines BOG.
When we played North last week I posted in the game day thread that I would be slightly worried if the match was at Docklands, luckily today’s game isn’t. Ill agree with some of our fellow posters - Port by 37 points.
Go the Power!
We live in the best of times. We live in the worst of times.

Never before in known history has a generation had so much insight into the deeds of the past. In a quick google we can discover facts about our ancestors (as far back as the 1600's in my case). The urge to discover these things grows stronger as you get older, and our birds eye view on history has never been clearer.

But in looking back on history, we discover that 1000 small decisions shape our paths, those split second decisions that can decide your career, your spouse, your children, your life and your success. The paths we take are for the most part a series of these small decisions, the consequences of which only become truly clear over time.

Back in February, a world away, this was never more obvious than at the 150 year dinner. While I watched it from afar online, there was no doubting its tone. That dinner was a strong reminder of what Port Adelaide means to many of us, the confidence, the success, the never say die attitude, and how that success brings with it opportunities.

A glance at the 2004 premiership photo highlights that opportunity. So many of the players in that photo have had great success either within coaching, or in media, or other endeavours. How much of that was enabled by winning that premiership is unknown, but it certainly helped.

Today the 22 that take the field in our colours are in an unique position. In a year that prevents many from playing at home, a win today guarantees us two home finals. With the exception of Brisbane, no one else can do that. And no other side has as much control of its fate as we do today. A win today doesn't give you a premiership, but a win today allows for decisions to be made to maximise the chance of that happening.

When the final siren goes, I'll be thinking of two people in particular, Travis Boak and Robbie Gray. A win today will give them the greatest possible opportunity to be known to their children as AFL premiership players. Of course it will do the same for others, but others will get more chances. These two in particular have made decisions to remain at the club when others may have found the lure away too attractive. Nothing would make me happier than for them to get a win today.

And so here we are, in the best of times, the worst of times, waiting to observe the split second decisions that can have ramifications for generations to come. We are fortunate to support a club that has given opportunity to so many, but like a parent observing the decisions made by their children, you can only do so much. At some point you need to take a step back and hope that those making the effort appreciate the opportunity in front of them.

Go Ports.

Feel like running through a brick wall after reading that. Carn ports!

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Smart lad....use your umbrella as a social distancing tool, particularly at the urinal.
Modestly, this is difficult for me, as I need both hands for that task.

Do you have Parkinsons?
Smart lad....use your umbrella as a social distancing tool, particularly at the urinal.
Modestly, this is difficult for me, as I need both hands for that task.

there’s an old joke here involving tweezers and a magnifying glass...
Fking De Boy umpiring again

Fk that useless parasite
Rain 80-90% chance between 12.30 and 9.30.

This sunshiney stuff doesn't fool me.

Port weather, we should be used to it.

Win and lock in top 2. You know you want it.

Port by 29. Robbie Gray bog, Rozee 3 goals.

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