Werewolf Tarks and Boncer Vampire - A better love story than twilight.

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Lol FP is often up until the early hours of the morning and doesn't come back on until around lunchtime.

Morning all. Hope you're well.

Dingster seems a popular choice. Let's lynch him.

boncer34 Tarkyn_24
I'm passing the amulet to Tenz as the only somewhat outed good role.

Not sure how we still haven't had a Flog claim for amulet but there you go.

Maybe let Tenz confirm he's got it before all you start voting for me and we waste another lynch on a villager.
Tenz could already be recruited.

Claiming a vague role doesn't fill me with confidence either.

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Morning all. Hope you're well.

Dingster seems a popular choice. Let's lynch him.

boncer34 Tarkyn_24
Animated GIF
Phase 2 lynch
In the heart of Fork, where fear reigned supreme and shadows whispered of unspeakable horrors, Dingster stood accused, his fate sealed by the unforgiving judgment of the villagers. With torches held high and voices raised in a chorus of condemnation, they dragged him through the narrow streets, their minds clouded by hysteria.

Bound and battered, Dingster was brought before the town square, where the gallows loomed like a specter of death. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the clamor of the mob thirsting for retribution.

With trembling hands, they fastened the noose around his neck, the weight of their collective fear bearing down upon him like a suffocating shroud. In the final moments before the lever was pulled, Dingster's gaze met the eyes of his accusers, searching for a glimmer of humanity amidst the sea of hostility.

But there was no mercy to be found in their eyes, only the cold, unyielding grip of vengeance. With a sickening thud, the trapdoor gave way, and Dingster plummeted into the abyss below, his life snuffed out in an instant.

As the villagers watched in grim satisfaction, a pall of darkness descended upon Fork, shrouding the once peaceful town in a cloak of remorse and regret. For in their blind pursuit of justice, they had become the very monsters they feared.

And as Dingster's lifeless body swung silently in the breeze, a chilling reminder of the price paid for their folly, the villagers of Fork were left to grapple with the haunting truth that some shadows can never be vanquished, no matter how fiercely the light may shine.

Dingster (Villager) lynched

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In the heart of Fork, where fear reigned supreme and shadows whispered of unspeakable horrors, Dingster stood accused, his fate sealed by the unforgiving judgment of the villagers. With torches held high and voices raised in a chorus of condemnation, they dragged him through the narrow streets, their minds clouded by hysteria.

Bound and battered, Dingster was brought before the town square, where the gallows loomed like a specter of death. His pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the clamor of the mob thirsting for retribution.

With trembling hands, they fastened the noose around his neck, the weight of their collective fear bearing down upon him like a suffocating shroud. In the final moments before the lever was pulled, Dingster's gaze met the eyes of his accusers, searching for a glimmer of humanity amidst the sea of hostility.

But there was no mercy to be found in their eyes, only the cold, unyielding grip of vengeance. With a sickening thud, the trapdoor gave way, and Dingster plummeted into the abyss below, his life snuffed out in an instant.

As the villagers watched in grim satisfaction, a pall of darkness descended upon Fork, shrouding the once peaceful town in a cloak of remorse and regret. For in their blind pursuit of justice, they had become the very monsters they feared.

And as Dingster's lifeless body swung silently in the breeze, a chilling reminder of the price paid for their folly, the villagers of Fork were left to grapple with the haunting truth that some shadows can never be vanquished, no matter how fiercely the light may shine.

Dingster (Villager) lynched
oh for Fork’s sake - not another villager
Phase 3 - Romani kill and start
In the quiet town of Forks, where the mist clung to the earth like a lover's embrace, there existed a place shrouded in darkness and desire. It was known simply as "Dank420_," a strip club that thrived in the shadows, where the music pulsed with a primal rhythm and the scent of sin hung heavy in the air.

Amidst the neon glow and the sultry whispers of temptation, two figures moved with purpose through the throng of revelers. Stefan and Vladimir, brothers bound by blood and centuries-old secrets, were no strangers to the shadows that lurked within the human heart. As members of the Romani clan of vampires, they walked the fine line between predator and prey, their thirst for blood tempered by an insatiable hunger for power.

Tonight, however, their hunger took a different form as they set their sights on the owner of Dank420_, a man known only by his online moniker, dank420_. Rumors whispered of his connections to the underworld, his dealings steeped in darkness and deceit. But it was his affront to the Romani clan, a slight that could not be ignored, that had drawn Stefan and Vladimir to this den of iniquity.

As they slipped through the crowd like wraiths in the night, Stefan's keen eyes scanned the room, his senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of life and death. Vladimir, ever the strategist, followed close behind, his mind calculating the best course of action to achieve their goal.

At last, they found their quarry, dank420_ himself, seated at a secluded table in the back corner of the club, surrounded by his cronies and sycophants. With a nod of silent understanding, Stefan and Vladimir moved in for the kill, their movements swift and silent as they closed the distance between them and their target.

Sensing danger, dank420_ looked up from his drink, his eyes widening in recognition as he caught sight of the two vampires advancing towards him. Panic flickered across his face, quickly masked by a veneer of false bravado as he rose to his feet, his hand instinctively reaching for the weapon concealed beneath his jacket.

But before he could make a move, Stefan was upon him, his grip like iron as he seized dank420_ by the throat, lifting him effortlessly off his feet. Vladimir moved to block any attempts at escape, his gaze cold and unforgiving as he stared down their prey.

"You have meddled in affairs that do not concern you, mortal," Stefan hissed, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down dank420_'s spine. "Now, you will pay the price for your arrogance."

Dank420_ struggled against Stefan's vice-like grip, his face contorted in a desperate plea for mercy. But mercy was a luxury afforded only to the innocent, and dank420_ had long since forfeited his claim to such kindness.

With a flick of his wrist, Stefan silenced dank420_'s protests, his claws sinking deep into the flesh of his neck, drawing forth the crimson tide that flowed beneath the surface. Vladimir watched with impassive eyes, his expression betraying none of the turmoil that raged within his soul.

As dank420_ gasped for breath, his lifeblood draining away with each passing moment, Stefan and Vladimir exchanged a silent nod of satisfaction. Their mission was complete, their vengeance exacted upon the one who had dared to challenge their authority.

With dank420_'s lifeless body crumpled at their feet, Stefan and Vladimir melted back into the shadows from whence they came, leaving behind a trail of death and destruction in their wake. For in the world of the Romani clan, justice was swift and merciless, and those who dared to defy its laws did so at their own peril.

And as the echoes of their footsteps faded into the night, the denizens of Dank420_ were left to ponder the fleeting nature of power and the darkness that lurked within us all. For in the end, it was not the light that illuminated the path to salvation, but the shadows that whispered of the night's eternal embrace.

dank420_ (Villager) killed by Romani

It's Phase 3.
He literally told us he was a villager. No one ever listens in this game
no! the point of my post was to say “for Fork’s sake” because this role play fantasy game is based in Fork and Boncer and Tarkington have gone to a lot of trouble to create this scenario and i want to enjoy the immersion
Sorry for my inactivity everyone. This game is just moving at a rapid pace. 18 pages before it even really started. Then next time I checked in we're at 30 pages. Really hard to catch up on all of that and makes it hard to get involved.

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