Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics Thread Part 4

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It just continues and continues, no problem for Dictator Dan finding the big money to sponsor AUSTRALIAN netballers but no extra dollars for his failing Viktoriastan ambulance and health systems....meanwhile Viktoriastan citizens lose their life.

Call for an additional healthcare tier between presenting to a general practitioner and the emergency department​

There are calls for Victoria’s urgent care system to be overhauled amid concerns paramedics are unavailable to respond to genuine life-threatening emergencies.Victoria’s Ambulance union has reignited calls to overhaul the state’s urgent care system after another code orange was issued on Saturday night following a surge in triple-0 calls.
An Ambulance Victoria spokesman confirmed it experienced an increase in demand overnight, which was managed through its “standard and well-established escalation process”.

More than 50 orange escalations have already been issued this year.

A code orange is declared to alert the health system of increased demand for ambulance services or reduced ambulance fleet ability.
Saturday night’s code orange comes after a patient was forced to wait 14 hours on an ambulance stretcher at Maroondah Hospital’s emergency department on Friday.

The patient waited for so long the paramedic crew changed over several times.

Mr Hill said the code orange was being declared “every couple of days” because of overwhelming demand on the ambulance system.

“This has been happening so often it’s almost become normalised … there’s been over 50 this year”, he said.

“The other issue that happened last night was a big shortage of our MICA (Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance) paramedics right across Melbourne – there were 13 dropped MICA shifts that we’re aware of and the MICA crews are the ones that respond to the highest acuity emergencies.”
All the democrat criminals have tried to get rid of trump for 6 years..one fabricated event after the other. They get found out eventually but instead of being contrite, they just move on to the next. That is why people just shrug and say get stuffed when the next hoax is unleashed
So you actually believe that all the stuff against Trump is fabricated?
That the grand juries and judges who have been presented with the evidence and have reviewed it and considered it, and much more than we hear about, are all corrupt or stupid, that you know more than them?
All of his hundreds of crimes, his court cases, his impeachment trials, the grand juries, all just fabricated?
Oh come on man, you are even more of a fool than I thought you were.
We get it that you love Trump, we get it ok.
We get it that he could shoot someone in front of you on 5th avenue and you would deny it but geez there is absolutely zero balance in your posts. ZERO.
Read the latest indictment. Read what JSmith released, page by page.
I can’t believe anyone would read it in full and think that Trump has done nothing wrong.
And guess what, all of the witnesses who have testified were REPUBLICANS, Trump’s people, not Democrats, not Biden.
And please don’t go on about Biden, the laptop and all the other shit.
Address the accusations against Trump one by one and show the evidence where it has been fabricated.
Go on.
Why would i stop to think the russia hoax, the zelensky phone call, the bragg hit job etc etc etc are not fabricated when they have been proven to be hit political jobs. I mean its not like its a secret the fbi framed him and spied on him and the doj have targeted him.

If they really had something that trump had done to prove he was a criminal, lets have it. Not doctored evidence, lying to FISA courts, making up fake dossiers, changing laws to go beyond statute of limitations etc etc etc to try and frame him.
There’s the problem, they have not been ‘proven’
Trump and his cronies stating it does not make them ‘proven’
I would LOVE to read your ‘sources’

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Did you ever stop to think that they're not "fabricated", and that the orange one is actually a criminal?

Happy for Biden to be investigated, and charged if evidence (as distinct from rumours & conspiracy theories) exists to prove that he too is a criminal. Noting that the investigations can happen now, but he can't be charged while he remains President (same law which prevented Trump from being charged over the Stormy Daniels affair, until he was out of office).

Criminals should be charged, and imprisoned if found guilty, regardless of which party they represent.
No, CTID only wants Dems charged and punished, not Trump, not the GOP.
And that is where he and his ilk differ from the left.
I too have no issue with Biden being investigated, and IF a Grand Jury finds enough evidence to indict him, then do it.
He never mentions how Trump weaponised the DOJ by the way, totally disregards that fact.

My only real take away was that in his opinion there was too much evidence for them not to proceed. And that Presidents and ex-Presidents are and should be bound by the same laws as everyone else

It’s an interesting view because there is a seperate act that covers presidents and records. So, by definition, whichever way you look at it, they’re not the same. Either the same law applies, in which case, why is there a separate act? Or there is a law specifically for presidents that the presidential records act attempts to redress. Again, either way, I doubt there’s any intent for presidents to be treated similarly to the general public at large.
Mate why are you making this personal?
Read the indictments, they were enough to force Trump to go to court, and it was a grand jury that made that decision, not me. A grand Jury based in a strong Republican State as well, a point a few have missed.

Also, read from page 28 onwards it lays out the indictments, they themselves are troubling. and if found guilty will cause a huge problem for Trump

And Your Post is and good example of why I have not and will not record my opinions and analysis of the indictment,
Even when I just asked for some to read and understand the indictments and make up their own minds. not let some Twitter post rule their world.

Just admit you have no specific knowledge of the legal argument, just like the rest of us. It’s ok, nobody here thinks you’re a US criminal and constitutional law expert or have enough detail to form a reasonable view.
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Under-fire senator Katy Gallagher has admitted she was tipped off in advance of Brittany Higgins rape allegations becoming public but has denied she misled parliament and rejected claims Labor “weaponised” the claim against the Morrison government. In a brief and defiant press conference in Perth on Saturday the Finance Minister said she had been “clear” and “honest”. Labor figures continued to stand by the besieged senator, who has been under growing pressure after text messages emerged showing Ms Higgins and her partner David Sharaz discussed telling her about the allegations four days before they became public in February 2021. Senator Gallagher’s failure to front the media in recent days had led to speculation in Canberra about her future. Labor sources close to the PM’s office were making clear that they were steadfastly behind Senator Gallagher and were well-prepared for a Coalition onslaught when parliament resumes on Monday. Since the text messages were revealed last week Senator Gallagher has been under pressure to explain why she told a senate estimates hearing in June 2021 “no-one had any knowledge” about the allegations until they became public. “I was aware of some allegations in the days leading up to the choice of Miss Brittany Higgins to make those allegations public,” she said in Perth. “Mr Sharaz provided me with information. I think we’ve seen that in the paper in the last couple of days. I did nothing with that information. And I was clear about that at the time.” She denied however that her comment “no one had any knowledge” of the allegations was misleading. “(T)he answer to the question about the allegation of mislead is no, I did not mislead the parliament,” she said. Her statement, she said, had been “responding to an assertion that was being made by then minister (Linda) Reynolds at the time, that we had known about this for weeks and had made a decision to weaponise it. That is not true.” She said that she had told this to Senator Reynolds at the time and that the then defence minister had accepted her explanation. “In terms of what I knew, I was aware of some allegations in the days leading up to the choice of Miss Brittany Higgins to make those allegations public and I think that was information that I shared with Senator Reynolds two years ago, which she also accepted at the time,” she said. Senator Gallagher’s denials are unlikely to see the end of the matter, with Deputy Liberal Leader Sussan Ley saying her statements raised more questions than they answer. “We now know, years on from these developments, that senior Labor figures were tipped off about this serious allegation,” she said. “Anthony Albanese, Penny Wong, Katy Gallagher and Tanya Plibersek all have serious questions to answer about what they knew, when they knew it and what they did about it.

She accepts that she originally lied, but not as much as evidence suggests. This is Albo’s sports rorts moment, but like ScoMo, would be up to his eyeballs in it. Politicians are hopelessly compromised these days, near none have any integrity whatsoever.
It’s an interesting view because there is a seperate act that covers presidents and records. So, by definition, whichever way you look at it, they’re not the same. Either the same law applies, in which case, why is there a separate act? Or there is a law specifically for presidents that the presidential records act attempts to redress. Again, either way, I doubt there’s any intent for presidents to be treated similarly to the general public at large.
I'm not going to do bother doing any research.

But from what I've read to date it shouldn't matter as he's no longer the president. His obstruction, for example, relates to attempting to hide/conceal documents last year. Not just from the FBI, but also his own lawyers who were engaged to search and report.

Everyone else to date has invited relevant law enforcement in to do their searches. Pence and Biden both self reported.

Also, it's important to remember that trump was the president to sign the bill to change some of the offences he's been charged with from a misdemeanour to a felony. At the time most believed it was in order to 'lock her up'.

But yes, as a former President, I doubt he'll be treated in the same manner as others who've committed similar offences.

But let's face it, J6 hasn't even been addressed yet.

And as someone else pointed out, his biggest obstacle may yet come from the state charges for electoral interference in Georgia. An article the other I read suggested this is likely to come to a head in August.
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I'm not going to do bother doing any research.

But from what I've read to date it shouldn't matter as he's no longer the president. His obstruction, for example, relates to attempting to hide/conceal documents last year. Not just from the FBI, but also his own lawyers who were engaged to search and report.

Everyone else to date has invited relevant law enforcement in to do their searches. Pence and Biden both self reported.

Also, it's important to remember that trump was the president to sign the bill to change some of the offences he's been charged with from a misdemeanour to a felony. At the time most believed it was in order to 'lock her up'.

But yes, as a former President, I doubt he'll be treated in the same manner as others who've committed similar offences.

And let's face it, J6 hasn't even been addressed yet.

And as someone else pointed out, his biggest obstacle may yet come from the state charges for electoral interference in Georgia.

I was only suggesting the very simplistic statement that ‘presidents be treated like everyone else’ when it comes to classified records seems a little absurd. The rest of your post I don’t really know anything about. Which, is no different to the trump/docs issue, I’m just interested in the matters of law and learning from others. But think there’s a lot of partisan copy/paste going on.
So you actually believe that all the stuff against Trump is fabricated?
That the grand juries and judges who have been presented with the evidence and have reviewed it and considered it, and much more than we hear about, are all corrupt or stupid, that you know more than them?
All of his hundreds of crimes, his court cases, his impeachment trials, the grand juries, all just fabricated?
Oh come on man, you are even more of a fool than I thought you were.
We get it that you love Trump, we get it ok.
We get it that he could shoot someone in front of you on 5th avenue and you would deny it but geez there is absolutely zero balance in your posts. ZERO.
Read the latest indictment. Read what JSmith released, page by page.
I can’t believe anyone would read it in full and think that Trump has done nothing wrong.
And guess what, all of the witnesses who have testified were REPUBLICANS, Trump’s people, not Democrats, not Biden.
And please don’t go on about Biden, the laptop and all the other s**t.
Address the accusations against Trump one by one and show the evidence where it has been fabricated.
Go on.
Thats a lot of rubbish you just wrote to articulate you have no idea. Every single time they have tried to frame him its come apart because the facts blow the dems away. Russia hoax- crossfire hurricane, false impeachments based on fabrications, bragg sham, and the list goes on.

You gaslighting it changes nothing
Just admit you have no specific knowledge of the legal argument, just like the rest of us. It’s ok, nobody here thinks you’re a US criminal and constitutional law expert or has enough detail to form a reasonable view.

I have at least read the Indictment, and from that, I understand the ramification those indictments will have if Trump is found Guilty. As clearly stated in the Indictment paperwork.
I even understand the ramification those documents will have in the future re Miltary Intelligence and the changes they will be forced to make along with several other countries that have been affected. Including Australia.

My Knowledge of US criminal Law and constitutional law has nothing to do with requesting people to read the indictment before commenting and expressing their opinions.

Curious are you asking the same question to those who have actually mentioned their views and opinions, easy to answer NO you have not.
But I guess that expected from you, As there is one thing I have learnt from You today, is You have limited knowledge of the Indictments and the potential ramifications because a simple quick read would answer some of your questions.

SO will you at least attempt to read the document before you comment again it will save a lot of time. in the future.
Failing that there are a couple of independent articles from reliable independent sources out now that explain the issues and problems for Trump.

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MTG is not quite as stupid as we think.
She knows the MAGA won’t read the legal document outlining the charges, the whats, the hows, the why it is serious and who it affects, including the safety of their country’s military.

They’d just rather accept what she, Tucker, Trump, McCarthy etc TELL them to believe.
I believe they are actually too afraid to read it and to have to face it.
Rather cowardly actually.
Serious question. Are you on drugs when you post? Asking for a friend.

stan marsh drugs GIF by South Park
I was only suggesting the very simplistic statement that ‘presidents be treated like everyone else’ when it comes to classified records seems a little absurd. The rest of your post I don’t really know anything about. Which, is no different to the trump/docs issue, I’m just interested in the matters of law and learning from others. But think there’s a lot of partisan copy/paste going on.
Shouldn't they be? Are you suggesting the president should be above the law?

Based on what's been released in regard to the content of the records, what business and what need did trump have to retain them?

Reading between the lines, it appears there are protocols and procedures are in place. In regard to the highest officials it seems to be largely treated like an honour system.

Edit: he's been charged under the Espionage Act. He's not the first, though he is the first former president. Clearly DoJ thinks the law does apply to him, like everyone else.
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Say no more 🤣🤣🤣

Jack Posobiec

Jack Michael Posobiec III is an American alt-right political activist, television correspondent and presenter, conspiracy theorist, former United States Navy intelligence officer, and provocateur.
Wikipedia is your friend. Straight cut and paste. Why don't you quote the little red book. Just as accurate.

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