Religion The Bible: Literal, figurative, bulldust?

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Vdubs why is the preaching from the SAME ONE God, irrelevant to you? why pick and choose his messages
Not at all, I am just saying what you bring up about Islam is irrelevant to practicing believing Christians. The God of Islam is God, no matter what other names you dredge up, but the important issue is, who beleves Jesus is God?
I do.
Christians do.
Islam doesn't.
You- who would know?
Not at all, I am just saying what you bring up about Islam is irrelevant to practicing believing Christians
Why? it's a message from the same creator you worship. Unedited too, unlike Christianity and much more modern than the Bible. Why not pay attention then?

. The God of Islam is God, no matter what other names you dredge up, but the important issue is, who beleves Jesus is God?

Only Christians do, but that's not the point, according to Christianity, Trinity means one god. You are engaging in Modalism.


I do.
Christians do.
Islam doesn't.
You- who would know?
Yes Jesus is a prophet in Judaism and also Islam. This is why Muslims don't agree it's the same god, but you are claiming it's the same god. On what basis?
You do not believe in the doctrine of Trinity? there's no "son" of god, there's ONE GOD.

You are engaging in modalism, this isn't christianity.
I know what I believe in thank you. You don't know what to believe. We are not helping you, but just for the record, again,
GOD is was and always will be GOD.
God sent us HIMSELF as Jesus, His son on earth. You know why, to show us THE WAY TO GOD. Because only God could.
God gives all believers in Jesus His Holy Spirit to keep us patient and motivated and fit to be called His followers.
Whatever semantics you want to bring up, here it is, the Triune God reality and concept.

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the Triune God reality and concept.
Judging by your knowledge you believe Modalism is Trinity.

This isn't Christianity - it's modalism.

Educate yourself about your own beliefs atleast.

Apparently it's a reality but you don't know what it is.

A made up concept 400 years after Jesus!

yeah reality.

Why? it's a message from the same creator you worship. Unedited too, unlike Christianity and much more modern than the Bible. Why not pay attention then?

Only Christians do, but that's not the point, according to Christianity, Trinity means one god. You are engaging in Modalism.

Yes Jesus is a prophet in Judaism and also Islam. This is why Muslims don't agree it's the same god, but you are claiming it's the same god. On what basis?
Big clue.
What do we celebrate with reverence on Good Friday, and with joy on Easter Sunday?
That explains the message of God, His Son, his gift to all who believe.
All roman holidays so what? as if like holidays are now an evidence of something?

You are getting desperate aren't you
Hey TP, I’m worried about you mate, please take a break from this thread. You’ve been going for 83 pages non stop and you seem to be getting too worked up and obsessed with it. It’s not good for your health.
Hey TP, I’m worried about you mate, please take a break from this thread. You’ve been going for 83 pages non stop and you seem to be getting too worked up and obsessed with it. It’s not good for your health.
I will post where i want to mate, i like theology hence i post here, not getting worked up at all. I am enjoying it.
Psalm 82:6-7
I said, “You are gods,
And all of you are children of the Most High.
But you shall die like men,
And fall like one of the princes.”

Does that passage explain 'g' to your satisfaction?

What about the last part. Who do you think that is talking about?

Psalm82:8 Arise, O God, ajudge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.
All roman holidays so what? as if like holidays are now an evidence of something?

You are getting desperate aren't you
No, exactly what we expect from a non-believer.
What goes on during Good Friday and Easter Sunday celebrations is profound and critical, as it is the basis of what we believe and the point of difference to all other belief systems.
No, exactly what we expect from a non-believer.
What goes on during Good Friday and Easter Sunday celebrations is profound and critical, as it is the basis of what we believe and the point of difference to all other belief systems.
What goes on during Eid? diwali? billions celebrate it too.

Doesn't mean it's real.

You are a non-believer for those. I am a non-believer for all.
What goes on during Eid? diwali? billions celebrate it too.

Doesn't mean it's real.

You are a non-believer for those. I am a non-believer for all.
Have you been deeply involved personally in any such celebrations?

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I celebrate socially. All of them. Why not? i like the human spirit but i don't see Eid as a day where Allah flew on a winged horse to the moon, just like you believe Jesus was a zombie on easter.

Completely different
To those who have experienced the Good News, we certainly believe Jesus was who He said He was and is, that He died for us, and that on the third day, rose from death, and appeared to many.
His impact on the world is ongoing, even if you disagree, and it is very real
To those who have experienced the Good News, we certainly believe Jesus was who He said He was and is, that He died for us, and that on the third day, rose from death, and appeared to many.

Rubbish, Roylion has posted extensively on this.

His impact on the world is ongoing, even if you disagree, and it is very real
Yeah i have seen, 1500 years of imperialism , slavery , raping and pillaging other cultures, mysogny etc. The impact is very real, Paul would be proud.
You should take his advice. Take a break TP; you are up all hours of the night sometime. It’s ok, we will still be here to talk too.
Says the bloke who complains about me playing the man all the time, yet cannot defend his position. Keep having a go at me, you ain't fooling anyone. I am 8 hours behind you, i never post at night-time.
Says the guy who posted quora as a proof ? please! why do you care if these points are mine or not? if i can back the opinion up the point is MINE. The point being you listened to Bart for 30 minutes and thought you knew better. I have read Bart, i have copy pasted Bart and i have people who have summarised his opinions nicely cause i endorse these opinions.

Is that you just want me to type than take the easier route? will that make you feel better? vast majority of the posts i do type, sometimes it's easier to copy paste than type. You seem to dislike this. But i am not telling you how to post, you are telling me how to pot.

I will post how i see fit, period.

You are willing to play the man and not the subject, time and time again you do this. READ BART first, Jesus is not God as in "G-od". There are hebrew translations of god and God, means smaller gods and THE GOD ,which is why it was very polytheistic back then including Christianity, hence Trinity.

What i detest is Vdubs copy pasting or you copy pasting stuff WITHOUT knowledge , like VD did with Quran and you did with evolution. If you are willing to back your opinion up, copy paste all you want make sure you can defend whatever you just pasted.

Like I said take a break bro. Comeback refreshed; it seems like this thread consumes you.

You are on here 24/7.
Says the bloke who complains about me playing the man all the time, yet cannot defend his position. Keep having a go at me, you ain't fooling anyone. I am 8 hours behind you, i never post at night-time.
Whatever, you do come across as very angry and heated. I know you are a really decent bloke, and I believe without having met you, that we do do care about you as much as is possible on a thread like this.
You have certainly idirectly helped my one finger typing skills, and make us appreciate our faith by having to explain it.
Whatever, you do come across as very angry and heated. I know you are a really decent bloke, and I believe without having met you, that we do do care about you as much as is possible on a thread like this.
Angry no - frustrated maybe cause i do not get replies to my questions.

the only people who were able to reply me were 2 guys that went by the name of eastfreo and indorisku.

The rest are all hopeless campaigners.
Angry no - frustrated maybe cause i do not get replies to my questions.

the only people who were able to reply me were 2 guys that went by the name of eastfreo and indorisku.

The rest are all hopeless campaigners.
Thankyou for persevering with us; it seems as if the other 2 are taking a long period of absence.
It was not me that suggested it.
Yeah you didn't suggest it but you jumped on it immediately as an opportunity to deflect more after getting owned again.A new account that was registered a few weeks ago posted this, surprise surprise and you picked up on it cause you wanna deflect.

If you wish to make this thread about me either PM me or i will tag one of the moderators as it goes against Bigfooty rules. You do not know me, so don't assume. I will post where i see fit and when i see it and how i see fit and stop assuming stuff about me, you have NFI who i am. I don't live in Australia either, i am either 8 or 10 hours behind you (depending on my travels), so i never post at night.

You can take some of my advice and read (like Bart) before you open your gob. evolved2 is right, you have no self awareness. I keep replying for an honest discussion and you guys keep answering in adhoms. You can't even debate us let alone Bart. That will be like Mike Tyson taking on ScoMo in a match.

Are you going to discuss the topic in hand or just deflect more? READ the pinned post above. This post isn't me about me this is about the Bible, if you are not interested to talk, then LEAVE.

Atheists are the only one in this thread who wants to be on subject it seems, but understandable why you guys keep deflecting.
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Thankyou for persevering with us; it seems as if the other 2 are taking a long period of absence.
Thank you, you are kind :)

Yes this is what frustrates me, if i post a theological, scientific, logical question i expect a similar answer. Not "our lord is great" answer. This annoys me i admit.
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