Who is our most important player in the....midfield?

Who is our most important player in the midfield?

  • Nank

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • Dusty

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Taranto

    Votes: 5 7.4%
  • Hopper

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • Prestia

    Votes: 39 57.4%
  • Bolton

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cotchin

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Miller

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Soldo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Graham

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pickett

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McIntosh

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ross

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sonsie

    Votes: 5 7.4%

  • Total voters

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Nov 11, 2010
Punt Rd End
AFL Club
So who do you think is our most important player in the midfield and why?

They may not be our best player but in terms of what they bring to the team, we can't do without them if we want to win an important game.

Is it Dusty with his X-Factor? Cotchin with his desperation and leadership? Nank giving us first use of the ball and his link up play? Or is Prestia our most important ball winner and therefore the most crucial? Taranto and Hopper have only joined the squad but there impact could be massive? Then there's the players like Graham who make others look better around him through his hard work and Sonsie who if he steps up could turn us into the best midfield in the league?

Who is your choice?
For me, I think its still Cotchin. I can't tell you the amount of time he dragged us across the line in massive games and his desperation to win the ball is inspirational. He may not be the ball winner he once was but in terms of importance, he is still our greatest leader and the one to turn games around single handedly when things get tough.

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It is hard to separate our mids as they are so even.

If he got back to his best Dusty a class above.
Hopper the clearance specialist will be crucial.
Prestia reigning most important, could be again.
Cotch probably passed it now with his smaller frame.
Taranto is a utility mid that can plug many holes.

I will go with Hopper for his clearance work, could go to a level above meatball with his massive frame.
Measured response.
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Prestia, because he is so good at turning our midfield from mediocre to dangerous. With him we are top notch, without him pretty poor.

Nank is great because he is so competitive. But he simply isn't that good a tap ruck. great ruck rover and intercept mark.

Hopefully Hopper and TT will step up as core players of top quality and they take the reins.

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Hopper, he will be the extractor. Takes the pressure off Prestia. Tarranto & Cotchin are the cream on the top.

Dusty is now a forward who will pinch hit in the guts

So you think Hopper will have more of an impact to the side than Prestia? Prestia is a proven ball winner and two way runner. If Hopper can take that mantle away from him I'll be wrapped. Taranto has played in the forwardline and midfield for GWS but may not have the same spread of positions for us. He is a ball winning machine too.
So you think Hopper will have more of an impact to the side than Prestia? Prestia is a proven ball winner and two way runner. If Hopper can take that mantle away from him I'll be wrapped. Taranto has played in the forwardline and midfield for GWS but may not have the same spread of positions for us. He is a ball winning machine too.

Yep I do. Come at me.
I'm going with Sonsie, for the simple reason that we need to start having our younger midfielders stepping up and becoming regulars if we want to maintain long term success
Maybe not our most important week to week but I'm betting if Dusty returns to anywhere near his best next year we are going deep into September. Peak Dusty last year would have had us top 4 and in it up to our eyeballs.
Hopefully give Cotchin a new lease of life not having to carry the grunt work. A bit like relinquishing the captaincy, he played with a lot more flair but still had to do the in and under stuff. With more class and grunt around him it should free him up to play more outside, he is still a very good user of the ball and decision maker when he has time.

Prestia is a gun and hopefully Martin has his enthusiasm back.
I love the X factor Shai brings to the midfield but Prestia is our most important. Will be very interesting to see how Hopper and Taranto fit in

You would have to think Hopper and Prestia play basically all their time on ground as inside mids. Taranto, Martin, Bolton, Sonsie you would think spend at least some time as inside mids, with possible cameos from Short, Graham, Baker, Maurice Jnr. I am most interested to see how Trent is deployed in all of this. I am gathering he may spend some time in alternative roles as required, especially high half forward and wing, maybe even some half back. Whether those type of roles will suit him I am not sure, but it is hard to see us having 3 players playing all their time on ground as inside mids, given that leaves Martin, Taranto, Bolton and Sonsie plus others to wax a single inside mid berth.