Usage for hash tag: freesantoz


    Official Match Thread Season 31 - Round 11: Baghdad Bombers vs Fighting Furies at Abdu Prison

    Hello Furies and welcome to Baghdad you will all be staying in the least rubbled section of my bunker and serviced by some of my spare harem, enjoy my hospitality I do it for all away teams so don't feel special.To my teammates CARNA ******* BAGHDAD! #freesantoz

    Media VeinMedia Presents: 151 Of The Best

    I might add he is a humble man and hardly ever talks up his on field achievements, preferring to let others do the talking. Will go down as one of the greatest to have ever played Qooty. Respected and Admired:thumbsu: #freesantoz
  3. Metalcrusher

    Official Match Thread Season 31 - Round 10: Las Vegas Bears vs Baghdad Bombers at The Stadium in the Sky

    #freesantoz Looks like the man has not been fed enough taco's .......