Usage for hash tag: JusticeForBradyRowles

  1. caesar88

    VFL 2024 Swans Reserves

    And Brady Rowles would've... oh forget it. It's too painful to talk about. #JusticeForBradyRowles
  2. caesar88

    Player Watch #12 Angus Sheldrick

    ...doesn't have much to do with speed. It's more to do with endurance. Plenty of players are lethal off their first few steps or a sprint but can't sustain it long-distance, and vice versa. Time trials are for the guys who can run all day. Ps. You would've loved Brady Rowles #JusticeForBradyRowles
  3. caesar88

    Player Watch #41 Patrick Snell

    To be fair I reckon Foot easily would've gotten another contract end of 2020 if not for the COVID list cuts. Who knows what could've followed. Same for Brady Rowles. #JusticeForBradyRowles
  4. caesar88

    List Mgmt. 2022 Draft and Trade Hypotheticals: Kinnear & Dalrymple - we march to no drum but our own!

    Some were good though. #JusticeForBradyRowles