Random Random Thoughts MMXV

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This came to mind a couple of weeks ago.

Why thank you very much. :) I like this friendly vonn . Anyone would think you were angling for POTY or mod duties. :D

You're welcome!

'Friendly Vonn' seems to be a by-product of 'In love Vonn.' Don't blame me, blame the endorphins. (Also I gymmed today so that's DOUBLE the feel good vibes.)

If ever you all wanted a super positive and happy mod look no further #makevonnmod

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Apparently, ironing your linen is out! Which is something of relief because I never knew I had to iron it to begin with. It's bed linen ffs, pillow cases are as far as I go.

These are the things one learns when trolling the multitude of interior decorating sites and pouring through the houses in Domain for ideas. And yes I get it, white looks great in the photos, well done you, but it is my kryptonite and I learnt long ago that we shall never be friends. Unfortunately, that was after I bought a house with an all white bathroom, and we never ever discuss the white t-shirt v choc top battle of '93:(

White sofas, white bed covers (artfully draped with a colourful throw) in photo after photo and once you notice it? you can't un-notice it. Sweet lord. Give me colour please!

<also BF what the heck!? You don't recognise kryptonite as real word? Shame!>
Security threat at UTAS too

Hope we have one at USYD on Friday.

GUYS MY DUBAI VISA GOT APPROVED! 40 days woohoo. I was so stressed because they don't often approve females under 25 going themselves.
Just spent $100AUD on flowers and delivery... was 70USD. **** the low exchange rate.


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Australian citizenship approved!
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