Vic Melbourne's Sudanese gangs

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I’m not sure why it’s surprising that there is a lot of antipathy between ethnic groups from the one continent. Get a Chinese person talking about any non-Han Asian and it makes Australian “racism” seem pretty minor.
The difference with the Chinese in those situations is that they don't have the MSM and social media/BF forums sprouting their discussions.

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Let's just expand this thread to include every non-white who does something wrong.
Not non-white, but first generation immigrants, including white people.

Anyone from another country who commits violent crime can ship off back home.
We take in a bunch of people from any third world environment and they are going to see whats around them and want some of the action
We take in a bunch of people from any third world environment and they are going to see whats around them and want some of the action
If you dropped me in the middle of Sudan and immediately expected me to act precisely the way the locals do, with scant guidance on adhering to local customs and negligible punishment for failing to do so, you'd be sorely disappointed. Not sure why rabid lefties expect the reverse to be any different.
If you dropped me in the middle of Sudan and immediately expected me to act precisely the way the locals do, with scant guidance on adhering to local customs and negligible punishment for failing to do so, you'd be sorely disappointed. Not sure why rabid lefties expect the reverse to be any different.

They believe in tabula rasa.

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Anyone from another country who commits violent crime can ship off back home.

But I thought those were the types of people for whom this country was first settled & occupied in the first place for?

Did we ship orf Governor Phillips & his pals for the slaughter of the indigenous population?.....I'd best go back & check the record there.
Did we ship orf Governor Phillips & his pals for the slaughter of the indigenous population?.....I'd best go back & check the record there.

So there's some black/white revenge due for something that occurred over 200 years ago? How ridiculous.

If white refugees formed violent gangs you'd demand they be deported..

Did someone say blinded by race?
So there's some black/white revenge due for something that occurred over 200 years ago? How ridiculous.

If white refugees formed violent gangs you'd demand they be deported..

Did someone say blinded by race?

But white refugees did form violent gangs & slaughter the indigenous populations.....Not great at principles, now are we.
But white refugees did form violent gangs & slaughter the indigenous populations.....Not great at principles, now are we.

So citizens of Australia in 2018 brought this on themselves due to racial retaliation for something totally unrelated that happened generations ago.. you're a lost cause...
So citizens of Australia in 2018 brought this on themselves due to racial retaliation for something totally unrelated that happened generations ago.. you're a lost cause...

Not sure where you drew that parallel from....What a very binary mind-set you operate on there.
From the Age.

police received information more than a week ago that violence could erupt at the 66 Records label launch party at the Gasometer Hotel on Smith Street.​

Did Vicpol mobilise resources? And send the organisers a hefty bill in advance of the event like they did for the Lauren Southern appearance?

No. Force command decided not to send additional resources 'so as to not cause undue angst at the event'.

The result?

chaotic scenes after a car sped towards brawling partygoers in their quiet street on Sunday morning, hitting parked cars and pinning a young man to a car, leaving him fighting for his life.

Up to 200 people flooded the street, screaming and fighting, after the record label launch.

Pyjama-clad residents were also injured in the brawl as they rushed to help injured people.
Then the usual bland statement from Denial Andrews.

This is absolutely unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our city and state.​
If someone believes in:

universal health care
a strong welfare state
a strong state-funded education sector
high taxation to support the above
strong workplace relations laws


thinks some cultures and nationalities are incompatible with democratic, secular, rule-of-law values and should therefore be proscribed when entering a country which holds those dear.

According to modern orthodoxy, the latter makes them a hateful right-wing bigot. The former are historical socialist beliefs, but no matter - think people from the third world won't fit in to modern society, you're a Nazi!

And the most hypocritical thing is, that at best, those who buy into the orthodoxy only have tangential relations with those incompatible cultures and nationalities.

It's a con. You are being conned.

Bikie gangs are very multicultural actually, particularly in NSW. Lot of Lebanese, many in leadership roles. Of course they're a problem if you get on the wrong side but generally not if you don't associate, in Vic we rarely see them riding patched unless they're on a poker run or charity drive.

Thrown out and your bikes taken if any of them were caught doing home invasions on little old ladies. Lucky to get out without a serious beating I'd say.

Lots of Islanders in bikie gangs also. Particuallry in QLD
You drew the ridiculous parallel..

How about discuss this topic with some kind of relevance to our current society..

No.....I drew a direct comparison to historical fact, prefaced upon your line of argumentation squire.

If my parallel is 'ridiculous' then so is your line of thought.....But that was the very point I was making you see....Circular reasoning.

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