Religion Folau

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Your comment is meaningless.

Implementing law means nothing unless it becomes the law of the land. They can do what they like but will still be subject to Australian law.

Should you be able to sack every Muslim who has been exposed in believing in Sharia and consequently supporting execution of homosexuals?
So if a law was brought in, saying that any religion that discriminates against homosexuals will be banned... you'd support the law, because it's now the law of the land.

So genuine religious belief only goes so far for you?
Should the Jewish community be able to pressure any and every institution to sack/shun any person they identify as supporting Palestine because they believe that Palestinians are out to drive Jews into the sea and are are deeply hurt and view them as anti-Semitic?

Thanks for not answering my question and showing you really have no idea

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Looks like the GoFundMe page has been taken down.

Thoughts and prayers to Izzy :rolleyes:
Good on 'em. Should never have permitted a bloke purported to be worth 7 million and who until recently drove a $500k Lamborghini to sucker the public like that.

Always intrigues me how the fundies cherry pick passages from the Bible for their own ends. And intriguing how they attempt to redefine Matthew 19:24:

And again I say unto you. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Oh! And.


The best definition I've encountered when it comes to a religious interpretation of the Bible was in a commentary on the Bible which said:

The Bible does not stand or fall by the accuracy of its information, because it is not a textbook of science, or history,or archaeology. It stands or falls by what it has to say about the purpose of life, the meaning of the world we live in, and the reality that lies beyond. It claims to provide the clue to the mystery that surrounds our existence, to tell us who we really are, where we should be going, what we ought to be doing, and how we can do it.

Now if the fundies took that less in-your-face, you must follow our beliefs or else attitude, we agnostics and/or atheists would look more kindly on 'em.

The good thing for those unindoctrinated types is that Folau's hostile hateful utterances and attempts to grift have done the fundies quite some damage.


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A bit of satirical fun at Izzy's expense.

So if a law was brought in, saying that any religion that discriminates against homosexuals will be banned... you'd support the law, because it's now the law of the land.

So genuine religious belief only goes so far for you?
How do you “ban” a religion?

You can probably try but good luck getting past section 116 of the Constitution.

Maybe call for a referendum first.
When did I call myself a left. I don’t understand all that garbage. I just hate bigots in general. You sound a bit broken mate. So some prayers and you will feel better

You are actively supporting the corporate thuggery and the selective denial of a persons right to lobby for a legal defence.

In every sense of the word, you are an extremist.
I think you’re looking at this with a pre conceived notion, I know your concerns re: pandering/virtue signalling but I truly believe at its core, this is not a case of attacking ones freedom of religion.

Pretty simply because he chose to express himself by condemning others (and this is the key point, condemning others) he exposed himself to action from his employer. Whether or not you agree with RA’s stance on “exclusivity” isn’t really relevant, the facts are this is a path RA want to go down and Izzy’s comments damage that strategy hence the sacking.

If he said I heart god, I think everyone should go to church or give the bible a go no one would care, might chuckle but he’d still have a job.

He chose to publicly denigrate a few groups of people surely you can see that’s over the line.

He can have religious beliefs he can voice them but when you condemn, denigrate people then that is a problem, when those comments are in conflict of that of your employer especially in such a highly publicised industry you will face consequences.

If you support the selective denial of a persons right to seek funding for a legal defence, then you are also dangerous.

I mean, seriously mate, step away from your computer and think about this. It's flat out Orwellian.
You are actively supporting the corporate thuggery and the selective denial of a persons right to lobby for a legal defence.

In every sense of the word, you are an extremist.
No Ani isn't...

He is defending homosexuals from discrimination...
Discrimination that has been deemed OK and acceptable, because it's from one of the most powerful and influential 'corporations' of our lifetime...
If you support the selective denial of a persons right to seek funding for a legal defence, then you are also dangerous.

I mean, seriously mate, step away from your computer and think about this. It's flat out dystopian.
He can still seek funding... he just can't do it through gofundme.
Same as he couldn't do it by pretending to be a charity.

Or he can rely on legal aid, like so many non-millionaires...

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Yassmin Abdel-Magied was hounded out of the country for having differing views on many sensitive topics.

Didn't read the now Folau supporters defending her religious/Anzac Day views.

Who stood in the way of her accessing a ****ing legal defence?!!!

You are bat shit crazy if you think this is comparable to her scenario. You're significantly WORSE than the people who went after her.

YOU are the danger.
He can still seek funding... he just can't do it through gofundme.
Same as he couldn't do it by pretending to be a charity.

Or he can rely on legal aid, like so many non-millionaires...

YOU are denying a person's equal right to a legal defence.
thats not the point i was making.

the point is, folau comes out and spouts his religious crap, and the right wing say he has a right to do so. Then people come out and say "thats mean you you shouldnt say things like that youre a bad person for spreading hate" and the right jump up and down about limiting folaus free speech.

Companies then use their own free 'speech' to say 'we dont want to work with or be represented by someone who shares discriminatory views, you agreed to terms which stated this and broke them' and again the right jumps up and down about free speech, conveniently forgetting the free speech of the people running the companies. At the same time they are trying to write into law allowing specific (religious) institutions to do that very thing.

The left (the sensible left, not the farm invading extreme left which i do not support) isnt trying to limit folaus free speech. noone has called for folau to be put in jail or deported. He is free to say and believe what he wants (hell, we have worse . people in parliament), but that does not mean that what he does is free from consequence. He is free to say something hateful, and everyone else is free to shun him as a result. The actual intent of the right to free speech and religion is not what the right wing want, which seems to be free reign to say and do whatever you want without any rebuke. It is a protection from actual persecution (jail, torture, murder etc) that all religions face in different parts of the world.

My comment was not aimed at the left or the right, both are desperately seeking their own view of the higher ground (look at me, PC style), its time the pro Christians & the LGBTI group both respected the other point of view, no one is right, no one is wrong, get on with it.
If you support the selective denial of a persons right to seek funding for a legal defence, then you are also dangerous.

I mean, seriously mate, step away from your computer and think about this. It's flat out dystopian.

My comments were more about the sacking

I have no issue with him seeking funding for a legal case, it’s a bit on the nose as he has more resources than they regular Fundee but again GFM felt it violated their values hence they decided to remove the page, doesn’t mean he can’t do it elsewhere. Years ago Gunns Mills were denied funding from a few banks, a business can refuse customers on many criteria, usually its a case of finding someone who will. Not to assume but perhaps GFM deleted the page because not only did they disagree with case but the fact that the guy has considerable wealth and they felt it wasn’t really what they designed the site for, it’s their choice

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