USA President elections 2020

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Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie became supplicants to an ignorant bully

Senators Cruz, Rubio, Graham also became sycophants to Trump

All have shown shallow political and moral conviction

And yes, follower psychology is fascinating

Edit: Sean Hannity looks genuinely aggrieved, can hear him breathing as he talks, wonder if he will be an equity holder in Trump TV

Well if Sean Hannity joins up on any business with Trump I hope he has a good lawyer.Not that Cohen guy.
We will have to agree to disagree. His premature call that he won and subsequent claims of cheating are the most simple and recent examples I will provide. He is no peacemaker.

I respect you greatly as a poster because you have resisted getting personal whilst expressing your support for Trump. You have not taken any opportunity to insult others, even when people have not been as kind to you. Thank you for that.
Thanks, mate. I appreciate that very much.

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Because of the size of the margin Trump was winning by. The Dems can only “find” as certain amount of ballots for each state and there are reports that 101% of registered voters voted in Wisconsin?
There will be an audit of the mail in ballots and voter fraud will be discovered very quickly.

I guess Republicans must be also be cheating in Arizona as Trump narrows the margin late?

People commenting when they don't understand how votes batches are added to the tally aren't helping their argument.
Does anyone know about the packing of the court? I think I heard that the Democrats can't pack the supreme court now due to the strong showing of votes for the Republicans in the election.
I believe that if Biden wins, he is getting a group of legal scholars from all sides of politics to look at not only the SC but also next level of judges.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number at six: a chief justice and five associate justices. In 1807, Congress increased the number of justices to seven; in 1837, the number was bumped up to nine; and in 1863, it rose to 10. In 1866, Congress passed the Judicial Circuits Act, which shrank the number of justices back down to seven and prevented President Andrew Johnson from appointing anyone new to the court. Three years later, in 1869, Congress raised the number of justices to nine, where it has stood ever since. In 1937, in an effort to create a court more friendly to his New Deal programs, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to convince Congress to pass legislation that would allow a new justice to be added to the court—for a total of up to 15 members—for every justice over 70 who opted not to retire. Congress didn’t go for FDR’s plan.
Sadly it’s the end of America as we know it. In a few short years, everyone who posted on this thread will look back and wonder how America became a socialist country.
Is that why the US stock market today is doing so well?
Lol now I read that Trump supporters are chanting count the votes in Arizona where they’re behind,yet in Michigan they were chanting stop counting the votes.Talk about a confused bunch of people.They rrally don’t know what they stand for apart from whatever their dear leader tell them to do.It must be nice being part of a hive mind.You don’t have to think for yourself.
Think this is far from over we all knew this was going to happen a long time ago hard to imagine trump not preparing for it.
He has always been a step ahead
It's the people who lose in the end the fraud and corruption is disgusting.
140,000 votes just turn up in a second all for Biden 0 for Trump impossible??
Poll watchers refused entry in to polling centres??
Boarding up poll counting windows?
Pennsylvania will now not match voters signatures? yes crazy
stop counting votes when trump was storming to a massive lead? all this in the dead of night.

Well Biden did say he dont need your votes and we have created the greatest voter fraud ever seen he was right.
Lol now I read that Trump supporters are chanting count the votes in Arizona where they’re behind,yet in Michigan they were chanting stop counting the votes.Talk about a confused bunch of people.They rrally don’t know what they stand for apart from whatever their dear leader tell them to do.It must be nice being part of a hive mind.You don’t have to think for yourself.

They have 3 different positions on vote counting depending on the situation.

1 stop the count
2 keep counting
3 and recount

What a farce.
Biden has dementia?

Donald Trump - "Look at the oranges of the investigation", "you get turd immunity', hurricanes are "very wet from a water standpoint", the revolutionary army "took over the airport". He was sure he would win "bigly". Have you listened to him read aloud?

A 74 yo with pronounced language difficulties ought to be careful about where he throws labels like dementia.

And good to see Trump be a moron to the end.......

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Think this is far from over we all knew this was going to happen a long time ago hard to imagine trump not preparing for it.
He has always been a step ahead
It's the people who lose in the end the fraud and corruption is disgusting.
140,000 votes just turn up in a second all for Biden 0 for Trump impossible??
Poll watchers refused entry in to polling centres??
Boarding up poll counting windows?
Pennsylvania will now not match voters signatures? yes crazy
stop counting votes when trump was storming to a massive lead? all this in the dead of night.

Well Biden did say he dont need your votes and we have created the greatest voter fraud ever seen he was right.

A data input error that briefly showed an unusually large uptick in votes for Joe Biden in Michigan prompted suspicions online and an unfounded claim of voter fraud. The error came down to a typo by a county’s reporting that was quickly corrected.

But in reality, the numbers cited were the result of a typo that was made by a Michigan county as it reported unofficial results. It was quickly corrected.

Decision Desk HQ said in a statement that the error arose because of a clerical error.

“This morning there was a clerical error in the Shiawassee, MI county presidential data,” the firm wrote on Twitter. “Once we identified the error, we cleared the erroneous data and updated it with the correct data as provided by officials. We stand by our data as reflected on”

And Abby Bowen, elections clerk in Shiawassee County, told us by phone that the error came down to a typo.
A data input error that briefly showed an unusually large uptick in votes for Joe Biden in Michigan prompted suspicions online and an unfounded claim of voter fraud. The error came down to a typo by a county’s reporting that was quickly corrected.

But in reality, the numbers cited were the result of a typo that was made by a Michigan county as it reported unofficial results. It was quickly corrected.

Decision Desk HQ said in a statement that the error arose because of a clerical error.

“This morning there was a clerical error in the Shiawassee, MI county presidential data,” the firm wrote on Twitter. “Once we identified the error, we cleared the erroneous data and updated it with the correct data as provided by officials. We stand by our data as reflected on”

And Abby Bowen, elections clerk in Shiawassee County, told us by phone that the error came down to a typo.
A lot of data input errors all going to Biden of course how many more are there
lot's of errors in Arizona
It was an error that was immediately corrected.
I thought I would explain how the error happened and was fixed.
Wasting your breath my friend.
The cult leader has spoken, and the word from on high is “fraud”.
The cultist simply don’t understand, or choose to ignore, the fact the dear leader has been laying the groundwork for these allegations for months in the realisation that the election was lost.
I never understood the baby Trump blimp, but now it’s all to clear.
Why? Trump brags about the stock market going up all the time.
Only far left thinking people could think any good will come from the Democrats. Most people have little knowledge of US politics other than the rubbish the far left media feeds them.
It’s fair to say I have some skin in the game with business interests in the US and a vested interest in a strong US economy.
This is a big set back for the US and it will be a complete disaster if the Dems have the WH, the Senate and the House.
They will pack the Supreme Court and use it as a partisan weapon, and they will tear up the constitution and rewrite it. Their entire political system will change, immigrants will flood into the US and be able to vote immediately and there will only be one political party in power from now on. The Dems will never again be voted out.
You’re entitled to your opinion Maggie as am I. My concerns will unfortunately be realised in the future. My disappointment isn’t about Trump losing, it’s about the hard left political shift the US is about to make.
Only far left thinking people could think any good will come from the Democrats. Most people have little knowledge of US politics other than the rubbish the far left media feeds them.
It’s fair to say I have some skin in the game with business interests in the US and a vested interest in a strong US economy.
This is a big set back for the US and it will be a complete disaster if the Dems have the WH, the Senate and the House.
They will pack the Supreme Court and use it as a partisan weapon, and they will tear up the constitution and rewrite it. Their entire political system will change, immigrants will flood into the US and be able to vote immediately and there will only be one political party in power from now on. The Dems will never again be voted out.
You’re entitled to your opinion Maggie as am I. My concerns will unfortunately be realised in the future. My disappointment isn’t about Trump losing, it’s about hard left political shift the US is about to make.
Goodness, this escalated quickly. I only commented on the market going up considering I think that this election still a toss up.

I don't believe they will pack the courts and so what if they do, it may become more representative of this century and there is no way the constitution will change.

What is wrong with immigration, I was originally an immigrant.
Wasting your breath my friend.
The cult leader has spoken, and the word from on high is “fraud”.
The cultist simply don’t understand, or choose to ignore, the fact the dear leader has been laying the groundwork for these allegations for months in the realisation that the election was lost.
I never understood the baby Trump blimp, but now it’s all to clear.
You put it so well.You can’t argue with people who refuse to see logic or reason.It’s pointless,like arguing with a brick wall.
Only far left thinking people could think any good will come from the Democrats. Most people have little knowledge of US politics other than the rubbish the far left media feeds them.
It’s fair to say I have some skin in the game with business interests in the US and a vested interest in a strong US economy.
This is a big set back for the US and it will be a complete disaster if the Dems have the WH, the Senate and the House.
They will pack the Supreme Court and use it as a partisan weapon, and they will tear up the constitution and rewrite it. Their entire political system will change, immigrants will flood into the US and be able to vote immediately and there will only be one political party in power from now on. The Dems will never again be voted out.
You’re entitled to your opinion Maggie as am I. My concerns will unfortunately be realised in the future. My disappointment isn’t about Trump losing, it’s about the hard left political shift the US is about to make.

I won't lie, I thought your earlier posts were extracting urine, but turns out you really do live in a world of fanciful horrors.

The definition of 'far left' you seem to be working with is --to put it politely-- rather astray. I'm pretty sure that Joe loves the mechanism of the market, isn't committed to a command economy, and is generally to be found close to the centre.

We've all got 'skin in the game' when it comes to the US. Their business is our business, and the notion that we ought to fear a far left takeover is some of the most nonsensical fearmongering I've seen or heard throughout the entire election. Quite an achievement.

How will they 'pack' the Supreme Court? When hasn't politics played a part in the selection of justices?

What the f*** makes you think that the Democrats are suddenly minded to tear up the Constitution? Even if they wanted to, how would they manage it?

Yes, you're entitled to an opinion, but opinions which have some sort of basis in reality will be preferred.
Only far left thinking people could think any good will come from the Democrats. Most people have little knowledge of US politics other than the rubbish the far left media feeds them.
It’s fair to say I have some skin in the game with business interests in the US and a vested interest in a strong US economy.
This is a big set back for the US and it will be a complete disaster if the Dems have the WH, the Senate and the House.
They will pack the Supreme Court and use it as a partisan weapon, and they will tear up the constitution and rewrite it. Their entire political system will change, immigrants will flood into the US and be able to vote immediately and there will only be one political party in power from now on. The Dems will never again be voted out.
You’re entitled to your opinion Maggie as am I. My concerns will unfortunately be realised in the future. My disappointment isn’t about Trump losing, it’s about the hard left political shift the US is about to make.

Short of killing judges how do you propose the Supreme Court can be “stacked” over the next presidential term?

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