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  • Hey mate sorry I never got back to you, I did do the cuzzy sig for you, just wasn't a big fan of it lol thought it looked like shit... Could always send it to you if you really like
    Sorry im not familiar with those players as the are ******* shit. Wooden spoooon. I can not name one player that will be there for over 5 years.
    Your club is ******* shit. tambling doesn't even deserve to have a capital letter. Deledio was ******* useless as always and yet these players are your future. Jumping Jack is ******* stupid cant kick, cant mark and can't put on any weight to become a 'average' forward. You guys were missing know one today that would have made remotely any difference to your shit teams performance. Wooden spooooon!!!
    I have been following Hawthorn my whole life, im surprised that you haven't changed clubs. Fail on your behalf. You will soon taste success? what makes you say that the next couple of years are going to be different from the last 20 years? Name 10 players that are going to be in your next premiership?

    The ultimate success is winning a premiership right, so what's it like never seeing your team be successful since you have been alive. Must be hard?
    Ohh know you caught me out. whattt. Do you understand that your club has made the finals twice in the last 17 years and yet your still talking them up still. Your club is failing its simple there's no future for poormond supporters. Just go finish 9th again you joke. The best player for poormond wouldn't even start in the Hawks 18.

    I don't understand you had 6k more members in 2009 then 2008 but yet your average attendance was down by 3k. I guess poormond fans just didn't want to see there team lose which is understandable, your use to it.
    The fact that you think you have won and last of all you go for poormond, do i need to say any more really.
    You fail. Port Adelaide drafted him at pick 11, then in the 2008 NAB AFL Draft traded by Port Adelaide for No. 42 (Mitchell Banner) to the Richmond Tigers. Yes i know, it's a bit worrying that you can't edit your own visitor messages.
    You call Deledio and Tambling excellent players? ohh wait you don't know what an excellent player is because your club has never had a player worth of being called that. And in the next three years we would have won another premiership and when those players are gone we start the rebuilding process something that poormond have been doing for the last 2 decades and failing at it. And proven talent when have you guys even done anything of recognition. Just keep jack jumping in the forward line. There's not much point jumping when you can't mark the ball. poormond is second favourite for the spoon next year. Gl in the next 5 years.

    I couldn't give a stuff about your other account you still go for poormond so your a joke everyone knows it. Open up your brain tank bra, cos I'm about to drop some premium octane knowledge. 2004 draft poormond got Brett Deledio at number 1, Richard Tambling at number 4 and Adam Thomson at number 11. Hawks got Jarryd Roughead at number 2, Lance Franklin at number 5 and Jordan Lewis at number 7. So you should be able to work it out, that we are better than you off the field and on.

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