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  1. whelan=legend

    Your favourite gym exercise

    Fellas ive just started hitting the gym, what type of protein do you reccomend i use to bulk up? Whey protein, Soy protein etc. I'm thinking about getting 'musashi bulk', is that any good?
  2. whelan=legend

    Being told you have cancer ..

    And that's the way you should look at it....
  3. whelan=legend

    Being told you have cancer ..

    Mate, get the **** over yourself. One of my good mates right now is having a long battle with life-threatening cancer, just be thankful he doesn't have it, it is good news. And you want to sue them... some people i tell ya :rolleyes:
  4. whelan=legend

    Gym advice.

    I THINK im an ectomorph, well i thought, but size has been coming in pretty quick since i started (up to 65kg), so i guess its going good:thumbsu: Thanks for the advice though mate i will use that:thumbsu::thumbsu:
  5. whelan=legend

    Gym advice.

    Wow, nice work. what weight did you start at and what weight are you now? 150 on tricep push down is massive!
  6. whelan=legend

    Gym advice.

    So cut down on reps and max weights? What are the max reps i should be doing? Ill start doing squats and deadlifts...
  7. whelan=legend

    Gym advice.

    Hey all Im 18 at the moment (19 in october) and have recently started going to the gym. Im naturaly skinny, about 179 cm and 63kg. About two weeks ago (when i just started gym) i was 60 so i have gained muscle pretty fast i reckon. Am looking to pretty much get as big as my body will allow...