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  1. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    Exactly. Why change Div 1 to accomodate for ordinary Div 3 standard clubs?
  2. pushtothecone

    Play Nice The (kind of) Off-topic thread

    Wouldn’t happen in the WRFL. EDFL continuing to slide.
  3. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    Lots of WRFL bashers on here, and unfortunately all you EDFL devotees can't see past the fact that aside from Keilor, the rest of the comp is pedestrian, and not much better than the WRFL. How else do you explain the floggings handed out by Keilor to the other so called challengers? Yes, in the...
  4. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    If EK are unable to pay players, then their contracts don’t mean anything. And DP will be ready to pounce.
  5. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    Pat unbackable to be gone by R6 if not sooner. I can see some forfeits coming from East Keillor from then on. No Pat = no match payments = no players. There will then be an exodus of EK players to Deer Park.
  6. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 2 Discussion 2024

    Seriously, if you can't compete then just field a clubbies team. These clubs are serial complainers who just clog up the league. Either get better, or keep the club going by playing in the clubbies comp.
  7. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 2 Discussion 2024

    Some of them should go if they can't improve.
  8. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2024

    He’s a plodder. Okay player, but not a world beater at this level.
  9. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 1 Discussion 2024

    Word is $50k package just like the senior coach.
  10. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2023

    Norf not the Tigers
  11. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2023

    Can confirm AFL assistant not AFLW. Asst coach to step up in the interim with possibility of taking over at Abers.
  12. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2023

    Hansen will be the best recruit of the year hands down. Class above and perfect for local footy.
  13. pushtothecone

    EDFL Premier Discussion 2023

    Scotland coaching Bundoora. Take it to the bank.
  14. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 1 Discussion 2023

    1 more and it’s ByeByeBrian
  15. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 1 Discussion 2023

    Reported again MW. This time for a bump to the head I believe. Time to get rid of this grub once and for all.
  16. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 1 Discussion 2023

    Heard Big Brian from Caro Springs could be in trouble again. Wait for the poor me campaign to start.
  17. pushtothecone

    EDFL Div 1 Discussion 2023

    Who is the DP captain? Is it Spiros? If so he is in no way tough.
  18. pushtothecone

    WRFL Div 2 Discussion 2023

    Must’ve been a real cliffhanger
  19. pushtothecone

    WRFL Division 3 2021

    Div 1 Reserves I believe
  20. pushtothecone

    WRFL Division 3 2021

    Great stuff Turbo. Who is it giving the speech?
  21. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    Turbo he was asked to take a 50% cut like the rest of the players, and refused to do so. To think he is going there because he has a passion for developing young footballers is a bridge too far.
  22. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    The guy is a 🤡. High risk move by Caro. He is one of the most selfish footballers I have seen. Will take strong coaching to keep his teammates from wanting to kill him after he sprays them for not kicking it to him U13’s style.
  23. pushtothecone

    WRFL Division 2 - 2021

    Come on Jerry you guys appointed your president who hasn’t coached for 20 years 🤣
  24. pushtothecone

    WRFL Division 3 2020

    Who is Braybrook favourite son? If he’s from Braybrook he’s probably got 2 dads.
  25. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    Doesn’t matter who they get unless they get a few back they will have zero points to play with !!
  26. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    You’re probably right. He’d fit in down there. Probably one of the smartest in the room for a change.
  27. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    Rumour has it SuperCoach Vinnie Turcinovich has applied for the job.
  28. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    Season over.
  29. pushtothecone

    Western Region FL - Divy 1 2020

    Package it up any way you like Jerry, it’s obvious what’s happening at your joint.
  30. pushtothecone

    WRFL Division 3 2020

    :straining: Brookers still living in the past. Are and will never be more than a Div 3 club celebrating mediocrity.