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  1. C

    Oppo Camp Dangerfield's Gone (Zero tolerance to trolling) - READ THREAD LINKED IN OP BEFORE POSTING

    No one should be wishing this flog any good luck! He doesn't deserve any! No respect for the AFC or it's fans/members/sponsors! All year he was saying "I don't know yet" "I haven't made up my mind yet" "I love this football club" BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! Even last night at the AA awards he...
  2. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    pftt respect, he has no respect for us! If he did, then he wouldn't be playing with our emotions!
  3. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    It sickens me that they're still mates with Gunston who abandoned the club on Club Champion night, the night where he was going to ****ing win the award and they had to change the winner because he ****ed back off to Victoria! Absolutely ****ing sickens me! People will say "What's players...
  4. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    It's just ridiculous! A majority of his followers are AFC fans/members/sponsors yet he post that?? GTFO with that shit! This is probably one of the biggest moments in the clubs history outside of our 2 premierships and they go on about it like it's some sort of Joke! Losing arguably the best...
  5. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    I'm actually really getting pissed off at how our players are reacting to this! Stop making a ****ing joke about it! I don't pay about $400 a year on membership for the club to be making a joke about this issue! If they want to make inside jokes about it, then they should have a private account...
  6. C

    Finals Ticketing - Hawthorn edition

    M4! :) Can't ****ing wait!! :)
  7. C

    Finals ticketing

    So will the majority of Crows supporters be between M1-M5 again for the Hawks game?? :)
  8. C

    Riley Knight - What the hell??

    I think I have a new favourite player!!! I love his passion for the club! He truly loves this club! He'll be a 1 club player for sure! I'll never forget his reaction when the siren went at the Showdown! 2:00
  9. C

    Game Day Adelaide Crows v Western Bulldogs - 2nd Elimination Final

    He's looking down and smiling at what his boys have achieved!! :thumbsu: GO YOU CROWS!!! Do it for Walshy!! :cry::cry:
  10. C

    Unofficial Preview We are in the finals- Crows v Bulldogs Sat Night at the G

    I really thought that the healing process for the tragic passing of our coach Phil Walsh had already started but I just thought to myself about this Saturday night and how he won't be there and the emotions are all of a sudden just coming back! :( Do it for Phil! :D 'As we walk out..without...
  11. C

    Game Day v The Full Strength Cats

    LOL the Geelong fans clapping with their childish Dangerfield stickers as he would actually go to that dump of a club! HAHA Enjoy September you FLOGS!!!
  12. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    HAHA this is probably the funniest thing that I've seen all year! The crows players were asked whether they liked 'cats or dogs' better and check out Danger's response! Start from 0:57! I think we all would have crucified him if he said cats hahaaha! ;)
  13. C

    Prediction Finals watch

    Best to wait till after the Lions v Dogs match! I have a feeling the Lions might pull off an upset, giving us a home final! :)
  14. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    Haha it's going to be so cringeworthy tomorrow when the Geelong fans cheer every touch that Danger has! :p:p:p
  15. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    Nah back in 2012! :)
  16. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    If Dangerfield even thinks about leaving us......Fitzy will have a little chat with his parents! ;)
  17. C

    The Story of the Wounded Crow - Video Tribute

    Brilliant video mate! Our footy club has a heart of gold! No other club and I truly mean no other club in the AFL would have bounced back after such tragic circumstances as we have! I'm talking from the staff, players, fans and everyone involved with the Adelaide Football Club! No words can...
  18. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    Haha yeah I should of checked the date first! I noticed it was a Port supporter that liked it, so I liked a Port Adelaide post from back in 2013 when Schulz re-signed and so many Port supporters liked it haha, funniest thing lol! :D:D
  19. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    I actually just made a complete fool of myself lol! I was on Facebook and I read a AFL post stating "Dangerfield re-signs with the Crows", screamed so loud that the whole neighbourhood would have heard me...turns out people are trolling and the post is from 2012! :(
  20. C

    No Oppo Supporters Re-signing Tex, Danger and Sloane *** Crows Only ***

    It would be hilarious if they announce Dangerfield's re-signing in Geelong on Saturday morning hahaha!
  21. C

    Prediction Finals watch

    What do you guys think of the idea of playing Birds of Tokyo - Lanterns in the finals, as we come out, just before the Crows song?? IMO it would be a great tribute to Phil Walsh as that song has become somewhat attached to the club after the tragic passing of PW! It's a way of showing that he's...
  22. C

    Strategy Should we trade Dangerfield?

    WOW....I can't believe people are even thinking about trading Dangerfield, one of the best players in the AFL for WHAT?? a #1 draft pick?? A draft pick that could turn out to be shit?? YEAH, NO THANKS!
  23. C

    AFL @ Adelaide's Oval - That time is now.

    I'd like to see the buses drop fans off fans at War Memorial Dr. It's blocked off on matchday anyway, so why not?
  24. C

    Preview FACE-OFF - Crows V Hawks - Adelaide Oval, 7.20pm, Friday 11th July

    Hawks have a lot of big outs...Possibly the biggest ever attendance at Adelaide Oval....We are in form and need the win to have any chance of playing finals this year! Prediction: Crows by 4 goals! :D
  25. C

    Game Day Crows vs. GWS

    Crows by 10 goals +! No excuses! Also we have scored 150+ points at our previous encounters in Sydney. even last year when we weren't playing the best! So I'm going to say....HELLLOOOO ARE YOU READY TO GOOOOOOOOOOO :P
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    AFL @ Adelaide's Oval - That time is now.

    Wow that's breathtaking!!
  27. C

    AFL @ Adelaide's Oval - That time is now.

    Interesting, I didn't know that!
  28. C

    AFL @ Adelaide's Oval - That time is now.

    Good business men they are! The father (Who is deceased) was a very smart man! Not sure if they are still, but at one point the father was the richest man in South Australia and one of the richest in Australia.
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    AFL @ Adelaide's Oval - That time is now.

    Incorrect. OTR is run by the Shahin family, also I'm pretty sure they own smokemart, Wok In A Box and fairly recently BP petrol stations as well!
  30. C

    AFL @ Adelaide's Oval - That time is now.

    I actually don't mind the Ripper Roast Man of the moment pop up! It gives that player some cheers and it tells us some stats!