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  1. baldandbroke

    Happy Australia Day 2024!!

    Most people just want the public holiday … and never think what the day means to other people. It’s why it will move away from the date with an awful history attached. The middle of the curve aren’t bolted on to Jan 26th.
  2. baldandbroke

    Happy Australia Day 2024!!

    Cmon Bicks. I think you know it was more than just a “feel good” project. A rushed over-reach? Sure. But the intentions behind the voice were pretty solid. Unless you feel the campaign by the NO side didn’t attempt to muddy the waters with patently false narratives AND the YES campaign...
  3. baldandbroke

    Happy Australia Day 2024!!

    The good ‘ol “Everyone is stupid and easily misled … except me.” Instead of understanding that your position might be in the minority for another reason. I voted YES, but completely understand why most voted NO. The result will just move the conversation to another solution that suits us as a...
  4. baldandbroke

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics/COVID Thread Part 3

    Not quite. Gender is about identfying - that can change - there is no such thing as a "true" gender for an individual, just the gender you identify as right now.
  5. baldandbroke

    Opinion The Adelaide Board Politics/COVID Thread Part 3

    People can choose their gender. Are you confusing sex with gender?
  6. baldandbroke

    Cricket Thread: Twenty20 World Cup

    Might get even tougher tonight ... Going to be an interesting test I reckon. The weather might change the second innings massively. Expect the pitch to lose its nip in days 3 and 4.
  7. baldandbroke

    Cricket Thread: Twenty20 World Cup

    You cannot rate a performance like this until both teams have batted.
  8. baldandbroke

    Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

    Look mate, you asked for a link … I gave it to you. Read the table, it has it all broken down for you. I can’t help you more than that. Don’t just get angry because it doesn’t support your position. I didn’t realise the lack of discussion in here, it’s really just people screaming their...
  9. baldandbroke

    Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)
  10. baldandbroke

    Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

    The stats show about the same number of people are dying (raw number) that are vaccinated and unvaccinated once you get over that 90%. Comorbidities is a furphy, if anything vaccinated people should have higher comorbidities because the high risk groups were the ones targeted for early...
  11. baldandbroke

    Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

    FROGGY and 1970crow ... I agree about the use of the check-in data. It needs to be much more liveable than forcing anyone within a bulls-roar to isolate and test. We need to move to a better set of science based guides on what pushes people down these two paths.
  12. baldandbroke

    Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

    I’m a manager at a building that was one of the first to shutdown in March 2020, now has Vaccine mandate in place for staff and visitors. We have lost staff to the mandate. We have had every type of abuse from customers on both sides. As a double vaxxed person, I’ve been testing my rule...
  13. baldandbroke

    Cricket Thread: Twenty20 World Cup

    It’s worth it just to hear the crying from Warne. Me me me me. Awesome we get an Ashes test. It will probably be a dead rubber and a half, but I would love it to be a classic match just too annoy the naysayers.
  14. baldandbroke

    Cricket Thread: Twenty20 World Cup

    Why is the woman involved “gutter trash”, looking through your post it seems you are forming a pretty strong opinion of this woman based on orchestrated media releases? How would you describe TP in all this? Unlucky? Silly? What type of trash is he?
  15. baldandbroke

    Covid thread, no other politics

    Remember when this started? We all looked at China with their tracking, qr-codes, face mask requirements etc… and thought, we would never do that! Right now, to go anywhere, do anything, buy anything in China you need your personalised real-time colour coded Qr-code. Anyone who thinks we will...
  16. baldandbroke

    Covid thread, no other politics

    The government modelling released yesterday suggests over 200 deaths once we open up. Our older generation is very susceptible. Smoking rates for older Tasmanians are very high. We have a strong anti-establishment vibe down here. I could see Covid smashing us once it gets into the community.
  17. baldandbroke

    Covid thread, no other politics

    Down here in Tassie, our second lock down lasted all of 3 days with masks for 7 days … just shows how lucky we have been. People here are as bad as any when it comes to looking at bigger picture. Today in the city I’ve seen at least 3 altercations between people refusing to wear a mask and...
  18. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    Not to me. A cringey un-funny poorly written attempt full of obvious and uninteresting plot directions.
  19. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    Really ... I was sure it disappointed me. Thanks for the correction :drunk:
  20. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    I loved the Karate kid. Cobra Kai is so bad. So bad. So very bad. I'm glad you enjoy it ... But I cannot think of a show that disappointed me more.
  21. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    The man with two brains.
  22. baldandbroke

    Adelaide Giants Discussion Thread

    Love my Baseball ... the old man was a pretty good player in his day for the Angels, and he introduced me to it very early. That's him front left after hitting a couple of 3-baggers to help the team to it's first premiership. I played for the Kensington Cardinals in the SA for a few years...
  23. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    Why "thankfully" ? Do you like being in the majority that much? Does it make you feel warm and fuzzy that you are not alone?? You do know that "good taste" isn't a popularity thing, right ? Also, agreeing with someone else's idea of a good movie adds nothing to it's "standing" with anyone else...
  24. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    Peeeerrrrrrlllleese. Get Out was the biggest disappointment of those three. Had potential, poorly delivered. Blade Runner should have been left alone. Wonder Woman was a bloated abomination. Compare it to a decent super hero movie like say, Unbreakable. Surely you see it's a weak script...
  25. baldandbroke

    News Poster's Favorite Movies - Latest Movie Seen

    IT - yes 3 Billboards - yes Hacksaw Ridge - yes Baby Driver - ok The Foreigner - ok Gifted - ok Blade Runner 2049 - no Get Out - no Wonder Woman - no Bright - no Hell or High Water - no
  26. baldandbroke

    Political Discussion

    So, calling the NBN a white elephant is completely wrong ... you mean your experience of the current Government's version of the NBN has been below your expectations. The NBN in it's original form was the type of visionary public infrastructure that only Governments can and should take on.
  27. baldandbroke

    Political Discussion

    Lol ... why is the NBN a white elephant?
  28. baldandbroke

    Political Discussion

    She's already married, and isn't she? Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  29. baldandbroke

    Political Discussion

    Politicians ... politics ... it's such a childish sport. WIIFM through and through. Surely we can all agree that the biggest rip offs on the public purse are by politicians. By a long long way. Talk about the age of entitlement. More than the evil single mums that get $150 a week to help with...
  30. baldandbroke

    Sam_Malone / Alex_Is_On_Fire / crows98 / Smithtastic33 is OK

    RIP Alex. :'(