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  1. branedotorg

    Bruce Francis has replied.

    AD with dirty hands from crown, aquire learning and pretty much every role he's had gets a really smooth ride in the media. Must know where some bodies are buried.
  2. branedotorg

    Bruce Francis has replied.

    I'm sure Tracey Holmes and Warwick Hadfield are drooling over getting it too
  3. branedotorg

    Bruce Francis has replied.

    How dare you suggest Bruce's star witness won't provide substantive evidence! Allan Hird must be a game changer and this guy:
  4. branedotorg

    Bruce Francis has replied.

    health records act may mean we never get to read Danksie's submission but it's the christmas in february we all deserve
  5. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    Been buried but Evans and hird were going to buy into the manufacturer of aod potentially using the Essendon players as examples of success outside traditional medical trials. There's a bit of background in here...
  6. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    as i posted earlier 10 year old are taught about personal responsibility when they do gymnastics and other international rep sports. no matter how dumb the players are some of them must have suspected* they were breaking the codes. * i assume most of them knew but didn't care because they...
  7. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    How could they have know better, it's not like 10 years olds get taught this stuff. No wait they do.
  8. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    This is spectacular. Can we get a flat earther in for next months crazy corner?
  9. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    even if it was banned by wada because it worked they'd have still cashed in, the supplement market would have been lucrative. either the players knew and didn't mind or they didn't know, the fact senior officers of the club were planning to make a private profit is appalling. ... on the other...
  10. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    Learning more about how they planned on making a mint on the aod after using the players as apparently unknowing test subjects IS the biggest and most hidden secret.
  11. branedotorg

    The possibility of Essendon innocence: a travesty of justice or conspiracy theory for the ages?

    Which is in itself a breach of multiple laws including the health records Act in Victoria. Along with the club's contractors breaching various federal Medicare related laws and ama rules If you read the Middleton judgement* the whole argument Essendon put forward wasn't reasonable doubt but...
  12. branedotorg

    Gil and Fitzpatrick Named in Writ -- the saga

    for some reason i'm reminded of this bit from the simpsons
  13. branedotorg

    Medicare Fraud: Charters Business Partner/GP in Court

    i thought it was scans and blood tests used in the saga
  14. branedotorg

    Moved Thread The Saga Lives

    they did find that stuff* but it was being injected into hird & goodwin - it may have been in the players too but there was no proof either way. It was also proved to be used by dank at cronulla.
  15. branedotorg

    Moved Thread The Saga Lives

    IMO Worse off in outcome but would have been back playing sooner without the long drawn out bullshit.
  16. branedotorg

    Moved Thread Jobe watson - just a good player, never elite

    nah, took what ever it did
  17. branedotorg

    Dank appeal postponed to December 1

    that latest one is the failed wood pulp plantation i think. don't forget he did also win the previous news ltd defamation settlement of 80k after they alleged he consorted with bikies
  18. branedotorg

    Jobe Watson's 2012 AA selection

    should have been removed on principle but, like the players admitting fault, the afl has no appetite to be 'controversial' and it wont happen. time for some realism, unless dank drops a bombshell, someone writes a (real) book or a player has serious health complications this is over.
  19. branedotorg

    Play Nice Jobe Watson hands back Brownlow Medal

    Although ASADA are a federal body, because of the AFL and Essendon release may also be subject to specific Vic acts, Information Privacy Act 2014, Health Record Act 2001, Mental Health Act 2014.
  20. branedotorg

    Is anybody else bothered by the AFL now cashing in on and glorifying the returning Dons?

    this would all be over if: -the afl media called it what it WAS a sanctioned drug program -the players apologised, even if the can't / won't admit guilt i think that would give the whole thing a natural end. the whole still in denial/boys club/heroes thing rankles a lot of people.
  21. branedotorg

    Will Essendon FC now be punished by AFL

    Agreed. Luke Darcy to host.
  22. branedotorg

    Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

    People on here probably would because message boards bring out the worst in people. Personally I thought then and continue to think it now that paying them and supporting the final procedural appeal looked far worse. Agree to disagree.
  23. branedotorg

    Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

    Leaving aside the emotion of it all, it is not undeniable. They were only paid 'because of the optics', normally a suspension would be without pay. If i was suspended from work for violating my terms of employment I'd not expect to be paid for that period. There is a murkiness around...
  24. branedotorg

    Play Nice The CAS Appeal thread - update: appeal fails (11/10/16)

    the age now running with jobe to be given hearing to explain why he should keep the brownlow. pathetic
  25. branedotorg

    Play Nice Is Gil really this much of a fool? Jobe's Brownlow and the commission's "hard" decision.

    or they're trying to shame him into returning it so they don't look like the bad guys
  26. branedotorg

    Bruce Francis has replied.

    They only just banned him? Worksafe should launch inquiry into how this harassment was able to go on so long
  27. branedotorg

    WADA publishes 2017 Prohibited List

    nice to see they host the docs on S3 with Cloudfront for protection. see why the hacking was soft target, human intervention type.