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  1. goodie23

    News Melbourne's Next Coach - Roos for 2-3 years with a succession plan

    I camped out overnight for the drawn Grand Final, that disappointment was compounded by sleep deprivation caused by a pack of Collingwood ferals talking about people they'd bashed until about 3am. Left a bit of an impression...
  2. goodie23

    News Melbourne's Next Coach - Roos for 2-3 years with a succession plan

    While Roos would be a great coach, if he doesn't have the desire, Melbourne shouldn't chase him. St Kilda learned that the hard way with Blight. Williams is probably the best candidate but the Collingwood-hating part of me hopes you take Eade from them.
  3. goodie23

    Post Dreamteam/Supercoach questions here

    Played junior cricket with Danny Hughes many moons ago, was rapt to see he's going to make his debut this weekend. With Petterd's shoulder, is he a potential money maker?
  4. goodie23

    Danny Hughes

    Best of luck to him, I played junior cricket with him so I've been keeping an eye on him. Was happy to hear he's got another shot
  5. goodie23

    More Melbourne Trades???

    Long answer: Nope Short answer: No Sorry to disappoint. With the Johnstone trade going through there's really not much point trading Johnson to us, you won't get our first round pick, our second round pick's gone and why would you want anything beyond that? It's a weak draft and you've got...